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张利杰  行龙 《史学集刊》2021,(2):106-117
解放太原战役期间战争双方均需在当地动用大量民力、物资,民众动员起着至关重要的作用。中国共产党与阎锡山集团往复争斗近十五年,彼此已相当熟悉,二者的动员模式、技术极其相似,但实践效果却判若两途。通过比较双方在政治宣传、民众保障、组织发动、思想教育等方面的动员活动,可见中国共产党的民众动员更贴合人们的需求,能够获得民众的自觉支持;反观阎锡山方面却是官民区隔、上下离心,浩大的动员声势常流于表面。二者迥异的组织能力和政党文化影响了实际动员效果。太原战役期间双方在动员中呈现的差异不啻是当时国共之别的重要缩影,也折射出左右两党最终胜败的内在原因。  相似文献   
电力照明是近代太原早期城市基础设施建设富有成效的事业之一,其在经历太原电灯公司到新记电灯公司改组重建之后稳步发展起来。重组之后的新记公司由地方大员接办,在借鉴现代企业股份制基础上完成企业股本融资,壮大了公司实力。与之结合,建立了完善的管理制度,涉及业务经营、红利分配、运维章程等内容,有效维系了企业的良性运行及盈利收益;又通过持续购进生产设备提高企业产能,满足了太原城市建设和市民基本需求。基于在此过程中所呈现的具体特征,公司可分创立运营、业务拓展和繁荣鼎盛三个阶段。在其照明事业扩展之时,亦促进了太原城市空间向外围拓展并突破城墙的物理阻隔,实现了"南延北扩"的格局,提升了市政基础设施建设的整体质量和服务水平。特别在其照明事业发展中,个人用户不断攀升,更体现了市政基础设施的本义。  相似文献   
城市书院是城市文化发展的重要组成部分,清代城市书院在全国得到了普遍的发展。本文通过对清代西安、兰州和太原三个省会城市书院的时空分布及其选址特征的研究,以揭示三个城市之间书院文化差异的一个方面。清代三个省会城市书院的建立和发展有时段的差异,也有重心的变化。书院的选址和分布格局在观念、发展道路以及格局模式等方面有同有异。  相似文献   
本首先对太(原)-中(卫)铁路项目的提出、工程线路方案及其替代方案的设计和多方案比选进行了分析探讨,然后从宏观与中观等角度简要阐述其战略意义,最后从资金、技术、认识、决策和协调等方面探讨其可行性。  相似文献   
The Guanlong Bloc has been widely believed to have enjoyed significant advantages in the dynasties founded between the Western Wei and the Tang. Based on an analysis of the sociopolitical framework and geo-strategic factor before the Taiyuan Uprising, this article aims to explain how in order to strike a severe blow against the Sui. Li Yuan, a core member of the Guanlong Bloc, made use of forces alienated by, or simply unrelated to, the establishment. In addition to showing their considerable resentment against the establishment, a substantial number of meritorious officials collaborating with Li Yuan during the Sui were not directly affiliated with the Guanlong Bloc in terms of family and regional backgrounds; some of them were from humble origin or even desperados not tolerated by the establishment. Amongst the desperados, some were originally members of the Guanlong Bloc but committed crimes while the others were local bandits and chivalrous swordsmen. During his time governing Taiyuan and leading the troop to march towards Chang’an, Li Yuan had managed to recruit local bandits and chivalrous swordsmen. During the medieval era, aristocratic elites played a dominant role in shaping both politics and society; class differentiation was considered a major feature characterized by aristocratic preference. This prevailing mindset, however, did not seem to place any restrictions on Li Yuan in his efforts to recruit locals from humble origin. This practice was instrumental in drawing local supports, thus tremendously strengthening his military force to overthrow the establishment. The method adopted by Li Yuan highlights the point that despite his deep connection with the Guanlong Bloc, he adopted a policy of drawing on local human resources rather than relying on the military strength of the Guanlong region in the process of establishing his own authority. Another major point of discussion is the weakening of the Guanlong Bloc during the Sui. Yang Jian and his sons had counted heavily on those who were not the Guanlong Bloc members; some members of the Bloc had even become the target of purges during the reign of Yang Guang. In this sense, the strategy of using forces outside the establishment to overthrow it was not Li Yuan’s creation; instead, Li simply followed what Yang Jian and his sons had been doing in their endeavors to overthrow the existing order. The above historical facts are sufficient to cast doubt on the advantageous position that the Guanlong Bloc was supposed to be enjoying during medieval China. As a whole, similar to all other military and political blocs in history, the Guanlong Bloc passed through the stages of both establishment and transformation before stepping out of the historical arena.  相似文献   
2009年底~2010年初,太原市文物考古研究所在山西省太原市晋源区青阳河村抢救性考古发掘了一座墓葬,墓葬墓室绘有壁画,并出土墓志一合,经确认为北汉太惠妃王氏之墓。该墓葬纪年明确,是目前唯一一座经过科学发掘并公布资料的北汉墓葬,为近代墓葬研究提供了重要的实物资料。  相似文献   
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