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本文是在杨明照《(抱朴子外篇)校笺下》基础上遵循杨先生的校勘原则与方法,从中国文化诸方面,就残误、形误、脱误、衍误、异文、词序或语序颠倒、句型不一、典故与知识缺陷等,所作的校补,凡120余条。  相似文献   
2011年以来对柬埔寨吴哥古迹茶胶寺开展了多次考古调查和发掘工作,本文主要对2013年7月底前所取得的阶段性考古成果择其要记述,期待对茶胶寺的研究和保护工作逐步走向深入。  相似文献   
2002年春,香港古物古迹办事处与广州市文物考古研究所在香港西贡沙下遗址DI区进行考古发掘,面积1000平方米。发掘新石器时代晚期、商周时期和宋代文化层,清理了石器制作场、墓葬、灰坑及柱洞等遗迹,出土大量石制品和陶器,还有少量汉、宋、明、清时期的遗迹和遗物,为研究香港及珠江三角洲地区考古学文化的序列提供了宝贵的资料。  相似文献   
吕红亮 《华夏考古》2007,10(4):46-55
本文以近年发现的香港西贡沙下遗址出土物为例,借助于新几内亚民族志中有关石斧锛制造的记录,运用"操作链"的分析路径对沙下遗址新石器时代石斧锛作坊的生产系统进行了初步重建。将石斧锛的制造过程分为原料采备与毛坯预制、粗坯整形、研磨成器三个阶段,对各生产阶段产品的变化以及香港新石器时代石器专业作坊的兴衰做了讨论,认为在香港新石器时代晚期,石斧锛生产已趋于专业化。  相似文献   

This paper unearths the friendship between Samoan nationalist leader Ta‘isi Olaf Frederick Nelson and Māori politician Sir Maui Pomare during the early period of New Zealand's administration of Samoa. It examines the role this friendship played – especially as a line of communication between the Samoan protest movement or Mau, of which Nelson was a leader, and the highest echelons of the New Zealand government – in those years of fraught relations between Samoa and New Zealand. It also explores the significant historical connections that were made, or remade, through this friendship. The relationship between these two men brought Polynesian peoples together in new ways and also directly linked Parihaka, a 19th-century Māori community known for its non-violent resistance against European colonialism, with the later Samoan Mau.  相似文献   
甲午战争后,清政府遭遇了自太平天国运动以来最为严重的一场国家信任危机。为了重塑其政治权威,清政府采取了比以往更为积极的举措,围绕"苏报案"与列强的"争锋相对"正是这一心态的典型体现。本文通过对法国外交部馆藏《1903-1904年"苏报事件"》档案的解读,借助跨文化视角实现对"苏报案"的历史重构,以期对清政府希图通过融入当时国际体系以重建国家认同这一设想的审视,从中可以得出一个结论,即国家独立是重建国家认同的首要条件。  相似文献   
论文依据国民政府应对“美洲《十报宣言》事件”的往来函电,结合美国联邦调查局对该事件的调查报告,探讨抗战后期美洲洪门致公堂作为华侨社团的政治参与及国共两党的回应,说明以美洲洪门致公堂为代表的美洲华侨对中国共产党民主理念的认同。“美洲《十报宣言》事件”,是抗战胜利前夕美洲洪门致公堂办的报纸与中国共产党党员所实际负责的报纸联合发表宣言,号召中国国民党结束一党专政,成立民主政府的事件。该事件涉及抗战后期美洲华侨中的三股主要力量——中国共产党、中国国民党以及以美洲洪门致公堂为代表的美洲华侨主体,引起蒋介石与国民政府的高度关注和直接干预。在美洲洪门致公堂以社团形式还是政党形式存在的问题上,中国国民党与美洲洪门致公堂出现了无法调和的矛盾。相较于中国国民党不愿承认致公堂作为独立政治团体的身份,中国共产党联合政府口号则使致公堂看到回国参政的可能性,由此获得了致公堂的政治认同。  相似文献   
新中国成立后,《大公报》之所以能够成为新中国财经战线的机关报,与它作为民办报纸的影响力有关,与它政治立场的适时转变有关,与它对于资本主义的了解、对于国际问题报道的熟捻有关。《大公报》的成功改组和转型,反映了中共对于优秀文化资产改造和利用的有效性,有成功的经验和可资吸取的教训。  相似文献   
In this article I deal with the compositional history, geographical background and possible historical setting of Judges 4-5. I propose that the original heroic, oral material behind these chapters represents two different traditions: One (embedded in Chapter 4) originated in the area of Mount Tabor and the hills to its east and northeast and had the city of Anaharath (the name behind the pun or polemic twist of “Harosheth-ha-goiim”) at its core. The other (part of Chapter 5, 19-22) came from the southwestern Jezreel Valley. These traditions represent memories of turbulent 10th century BCE events—the fall of the last of the late-Canaanite city-states and the take-over of the region by highlanders (Israelites) just before, or in very early days of, the rise of the Northern Kingdom. They were put in writing for the first time by a North Israelite author in the first half of the 8th century. This author had only vague knowledge of the western valley tradition (Chapter 5); hence while composing the early song, he “imported” details from Chapter 4, merged the two tales into one account, and “expanded” both to portray a broad (North) Israelite scene. A Deuteronomistic author of the late 7th century BCE inserted the frames characteristic of the Book of Judges, harmonized Chapter 4 with the Jabin story in Joshua 11, included other “explanatory” notes and entered the divine intervention in Chapter 4. A Deuteronomistic author also introduced the adoration of YHWH segments in Chapter 5.  相似文献   
以《中兴日报》观点为例,阐述了辛亥革命前革命派“反满”民族主义的主要内容;分析了“反满”民族主义的作用及影响;认为革命派对南洋华侨进行“反满”民族主义宣传,有效地激发了广大南洋华侨的爱国热情,推动了革命的发展,但其中包含的狭隘民族意识,是不足取的。  相似文献   
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