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Between 1934 and 1939, over 5000 people, mainly ex-miners and their families, were settled in government-owned land settlements in England and Wales. This policy emerged as a response to mass unemployment, and complemented other schemes for the unemployed developed by the inter-war National Government. This paper will consider the geographical conditions that were imagined, realized and contested in these settlements. Acknowledging the hybrid and liminal nature of these spaces, the paper mobilizes new work in cultural and historical geography and draws out the heterotopic potential of the settlement programme.  相似文献   
以深汕特别合作区为例,借鉴依赖空间和交互空间分析思路,对基于共同利益而非对抗性的尺度政治过程进行分析。其中,深圳市对连续依赖空间的建构、汕尾市对依赖空间交互功能的挖掘、广东省在交互空间中的管制试验等分别定义了它们各自的依赖空间和交互空间,这些空间在多个尺度上相互重叠,并集中体现在深汕特别合作区这一新的尺度和制度空间中。在这种情况下,各行动者依赖和交互空间的性质、行动者间的相对权力关系以及各自掌握的不同资源等因素共同塑造了合作区的组织架构、管理权限和利益分配等制度形态。  相似文献   
杨启楚 《神州》2011,(4X):7-9,12
特殊教育是对残疾人的一种教育,是社会的人本、民主、公平的反映,是国家及其文明程度的一个窗口。通过对浙江省金华市七所特殊教育学校现状的调查与研究,了解到近几年金华市的特殊教育有很大的发展,但是在办学规模、地理位置、师资力量、硬件设施等方面还存在不足,影响了学龄残疾儿童的入学率与特殊教育的发展速度。故立足于金华市特教的现实问题,提出具有可行性的方法与对策,促进金华市特殊教育事业更好更快的发展。  相似文献   
North Korea’s participation in the UNHRC’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR)—a peer review in which states make recommendations to one another for improving human rights implementation—is a notable exception to its rejection of other human rights mechanisms. What explains North Korea’s willing participation in the UPR? This essay analyses North Korea’s participation in the first (2008–11) and second (2012–15) UPR cycles through its written submissions, responses to recommendations, and recommendations to other states. It finds that North Korea has consistently accepted weak recommendations, rejected more specific policy changes, and implemented accepted recommendations on a limited basis, allowing it to claim compliance with human rights at minimal cost. The UPR’s reliance on states’ self-reports and its inability to adjudicate competing factual claims allow North Korea to reject claims of egregious abuses, openly advocate for a radically state-centric vision of human rights, and challenge the legitimacy of human rights mechanisms like the Commission of Inquiry and Special Rapporteur while building support from other states with similar views. Notably, the Commission of Inquiry appears to have motivated North Korea to increase its cooperation with the UPR, demonstrating that the UPR complements but cannot replace other UN human rights mechanisms.  相似文献   
关税会议对恢复中国关税自主权问题的讨论以及它所通过的关税自主案,既是当时社会各界关注的焦点,也是评价关税会议的要点。关税自主案既非有效条约亦非国际协定,并不具有约束各方的国际法效力,不能对其评价过高。从其形成过程来看,关税自主案存在悬而未决的问题。围绕关税会议而形成的关税自主运动高潮及其本身所体现出的自主趋向,方为认识和评价关税会议的基本层面。  相似文献   
职务犯罪是司法部门和法学理论界提出的一个概念,从主体角度认为是身份犯或者特殊主体的犯罪,强调主体定罪的作用,只有犯罪行为与其职务相关联,才能称为职务犯罪。职务犯罪侵害了职务的正当性或廉洁性、侵害了国家对职务活动的管理职能。  相似文献   
特制绢地书画作品的修复历来是一大难题,因困于材料的特殊性与稀缺性,如寻觅不到同类补绢,就较难实现理想的修复效果。清代莫晋绢本书法立轴的画心材质为一种经过涂布、染色、描绘等工艺制成的特制绢本,因保存不当,画心已出现严重断裂残缺、部分涂层填料脱落等劣化现象,亟需修复保护。但画心用绢的质地和颜色特殊,无法找到与之接近的补绢。本次修复通过对绢的表面涂层进行检测分析,并参阅传统纸张再加工材料的检测报告和研究文献,再结合对材料的老化实验等,确定将瓷土和高岭土按一定比例混合来代替原涂层中的铅白作为本次修复的涂布材料。最后通过对修补涂层的全色,取得较为理想的修复效果。  相似文献   
The column members of steel moment frames undergo high axial forces as well as inelastic rotations during a severe seismic event. The boundaries of these simultaneous structural demands on the columns of special moment frames have been investigated in this research. Based on the results of this investigation, dual cyclic loading protocols have been developed that represent both axial force and lateral deformation demands. Contrary to other loading scenarios that have been implemented in previous studies on steel columns, the loading protocols developed in this study include simultaneous axial and lateral loading cycles with varying amplitudes. The level of axial forces and story drifts tolerated by the columns of some typical Special Moment Frames (SMFs) has been investigated through performing nonlinear dynamic analyses. These frames have been selected with several configurations and different number of stories. The results of the nonlinear dynamic analyses have been processed to assess cumulative and instantaneous seismic demands on the columns of the chosen typical frames. Subsequently, dual cyclic loading protocols have been developed such that exerting these loading protocols on individual steel columns can result in structural effects close to the general seismic demands assessed in this study. Two separate dual loading protocols have been introduced for Design Earthquake (DE) and Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE) seismic intensity levels.  相似文献   
王晓荣 《史学月刊》2005,10(4):45-54
冯玉祥在20世纪30年代初与中共再次合作,是出于其反蒋的现实需要。抗日同盟军的成立,与中共北方特科的积极参与和正确帮助有关,但它的失败又与中共临时中央的错误指导和前委的极左举措密不可分。冯玉祥对中共的政治态度取决于他当时所处的主客观条件。冯与中共合作的经历说明,出于实用主义目的,他会主动联共;但当他认为这种联合的实用性变小,或对他构成威胁时,就会转而反对、阻止中共所从事的政治活动,甚至不惜与中共闹翻。同盟军失败前夕,冯玉祥之所以没有公开“分共”,是由当时的特殊环境决定的。  相似文献   
乌兰 《中国边疆史地研究》2005,4(2):121-127,149
本文主要从两个方面对清朝理藩院(部)培养译才的成安宫三学之一托忒学进行了研究,考察了“托忒学”产生的时代背景、设置经过及其建制。认为这一专门机构是在清朝军机处的呼吁下于乾隆四十六年设置的,这与卫拉特蒙古的强盛及托忒文在中亚诸民族中作为一种外交文字的使用有着密切关系。  相似文献   
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