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伪满协和会是近代日本侵略中国东北时期由日本侵略者勾结汉奸在伪满洲国发起成立的政治组织,分会既是协和会的基层组织单位,又是协和会开展活动的主体。1935年2月第一次调整协和会分会规则时,只调整了分会设置原则。1937年8月的第二次调整则对分会规则进行了全面调整。其目的都是为适应日本侵华政策的时局需要,最大限度地发挥协和会在伪满殖民统治的作用。经过这两次调整,分会数量大幅度增加,其恶劣行径所影响的范围也日趋扩大,给中国东北社会及东北人民带来深重的灾难。  相似文献   
本文从伪满中央银行的产生、性质、职能角度研究伪满洲国的中央银行制度。伪满中央银行是在日本操纵下继承四行号业务基础上设立的,所谓"圆活金融、稳定币值、统治金融"不过是日本扩大对伪满洲国侵略与掠夺的手段与工具,其本质是实现日本的利益最大化。基于上述原因,伪满中央银行作为发币行和政府的银行之职能畸形膨胀,却无法承担集中存款准备、充当最后贷款人以及组织商业银行清算等"银行的银行"职能。  相似文献   
日本帝国主义在伪满洲国实行“以总务厅为中心”的统治方式,以达到严密控制伪满政权的目的,通过总务制把伪满政府完全变成了傀儡。伪满洲国政权的行政运作,就是通过总务厅、次长制来实现的。在日本政府的殖民侵略下,经关东军司令官到伪国务院总务长官,总务长官到各部总务司长(次长),各部总务司长(次长)到各省总务厅长(省次长),由省总务厅长(省次长)再到各县参事官(副县长),形成由上至下的殖民统治体系。  相似文献   

This article applies the analytical concept of shadow field in relation to reindeer management, to explain why some herders and reindeer herding cooperatives do not adhere to government regulations on herd size. The underlying processes and structures related to reindeer numbers are exemplified through two case studies of two Finnish reindeer herding cooperatives, which for several years have exceeded the total allowable quota of reindeer. The case studies reveal a different reality of reindeer management, which functions according to a logic and agenda not always understood by the State authorities or incorporated into the management decisions. This reality is the outcome of anomalies in the official reindeer management system, including the system's disclosure of herders from the decision-making process, the system's provision of self-determination and self-monitoring regarding the organisation of reindeer herding to the cooperatives, the system's weak external control and a subsidy system which promotes reindeer ownership instead of production. Combined, these anomalies enable and encourage the formation of a shadow field of reindeer management. This paper uses as its theoretical framework Pierre Bourdieu's theory of practice, and focuses especially on the key notion of field and shadow field in addressing the Common Pool Resource discussion related to reindeer herding.  相似文献   
淮南煤矿是国民政府建设委员会创建的官办煤矿.日军侵占淮南煤矿,目的在于掠夺淮南煤炭资源,为其侵华战争服务.为此,日本帝国主义采用高度垄断的方式和掠夺式的开采方法经营管理淮南煤矿,使日伪时期淮南煤矿的经营管理具有垄断性、掠夺性和残酷性特征.  相似文献   
伪满洲国成立后,日本在中国东北推行奴化政策,不允许生产和传播任何威胁伪满“立国基础”的文化产品。这种文化控制是通过《出版法》与《电影片取缔规则》等一系列法规实施的。本文分析了这些法规制定的目的、实施的效果,特别是《出版法》的溯及既往条款、印刷所地点条款和《电影片取缔规则》的儿童保护条款,最终揭示了殖民主义政权的本质。  相似文献   
20世纪初至1930年,中国东北地区的对外贸易规模不断扩大。伪满洲国成立后,伪满政府倚仗日本关东军,强行侵占了我国东北各地海关。中国东北地区长期出超的局面在1933年反转,并且入超额出现扩大趋势。伪满政权极力促进所谓的“日满一体化”,使得东北地区的对外贸易更加向对日贸易集中。随着列强的经济利益争夺日趋白热化,伪满洲国逐渐步入统制贸易之途。  相似文献   
伪满洲国成立初期,县成为日本侵略者统治的重点,鼓吹实行县的"自治"。对于县级地方财政,通过建立以日本人为主体的税务监督署,牢牢控制了地方征税机关。在进行国税与地方税分离的同时,进行税制整理,并建立预算决算制度,通过改变旧军阀的"包办"财政,实现对县级地方财政的掌控。1935年《地方税法》发布,初步理顺了地方财政。1936年省地方费设立,蚕食了县市的财源,使本来便脆弱不堪的县级地方财政受到沉重打击。太平洋战争爆发后,伪满洲国亦建立战时体制,为此迫切要求县市实现财政自立,1940年再次对县级财政进行改革。日本侵略者通过对县级地方财政的掌控,实现了对中国东北地方的侵略和掠夺。  相似文献   
伪满时期,殖民当局颁布了大量教育法规。出于殖民统治的需要,伪满在博物馆的经营、教育经费的监管方面,投入甚多。伪满教育法规的最大缺陷是缺乏教育平等原则,日本人和中国人的教育被区别开。所谓"殖民地教育现代化"的论调纯属无稽之谈。  相似文献   
After the Japanese occupation of North China at the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War, the Nationalist government adopted the strategy of using the regular army to develop the battlefield to the rear of the enemy in order to sustain a protracted war. As a result, the Northwestern Army, which was organizing anti-Japanese forces in North China, became the Nationalist government's main military force in the occupied area. However, caught between Japanese and Communist troops, the Northwestern Army surrendered to the Japanese for the purpose of self-preservation and thus became a puppet army. From a nationalist point of view, the collaborationists who covered up their self-serving motives and later defended their actions as a crooked path to national salvation had a negative image. In response to Communist expansion, the Nationalist government acquiesced in the measure of collaborating with the puppet troops to annihilate the Communists. To reinforce the battles at the front, the Nationalist government also attempted to plot anti-Japanese mutinies among the puppet troops, but its plan was never implemented. The Northwestern Army forces planned to build an alliance in order to survive as a third force both in the confrontation between the Chinese government and the Japanese army and in the confrontation between the Nationalists and the Communists. Yet, due to the tight control exercised by the Japanese in North China, it was difficult for the Northwestern Army to gain momentum as a third force. After the end of the Anti-Japanese War, the Northwestern Army had to take sides in the Civil War, and this dilemma caused its final collapse.  相似文献   
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