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A mass of Longquan porcelain shards carved with ‘Guan’ or the dragon patterns were unearthed in the early Ming Dynasty layer of the Fengdongyan kiln site at Dayao County. These celadon shards were fired in the Hongwu and Yongle eras of the Ming Dynasty. In order to research the raw materials and firing technology of the imperial porcelain, 85 typical shards were analysed by energy‐dispersive X‐ray fluorescence (EDXRF). The results indicate that the contents of TiO2 and Fe2O3 in the body vary in the Hongwu and Yongle eras. Compared with Longquan glazes in the Southern Song Dynasty, the average values of K2O, Fe2O3 and TiO2 are higher, but that of CaO is lower in early Ming imperial porcelain glazes. Principal components analysis (PCA) shows that different degrees of elutriation of the same raw materials are the main reason for this difference in the Hongwu and Yongle periods. However, the raw materials of imperial porcelain glazes show no obvious changes and have inherited the earlier tradition. The production and firing technology of imperial porcelain reached a higher level and had not declined in the Early Ming Dynasty.  相似文献   
从考古新材料看章氏与哥窑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文依据新发现的考古材料,重新梳理相关文献后认定:杭州老虎洞瓷窑址是传世哥窑瓷器的生产窑场,其生产时间相当于元代晚期。主持生产哥窑瓷器者正是明代文献记述的章氏。  相似文献   
江西陶瓷文化源远流长,一万多年前的万年仙人洞的先民就烧制出了世界上最早的绳纹红陶,商周时期的吴城遗址和角山窑址成功地创烧了原始瓷。此后,青瓷的制作和生产在江西从未间断过。本文以洪州窑的兴起、兴盛和发展为线索结合当时的社会历史背景和墓葬材料阐述了江西地区六朝时期各个阶段瓷器的基本特征和演变规律。  相似文献   
考古学文化命名原则对古代瓷窑遗址命名方式的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
瓷窑命名方式有以古文献记载的内容命名以及按现今地名命名两种方式。采用古文献记载的方式大致可分为以窑址所在州县名称命名、以窑址所在的小地名命名、以窑场所在方位命名、以窑场生产性质命名和以督窑官或窑场主姓氏命名五种方式。按现今地名命名的方式多受通行的考古学文化命名方式的影响。但两种命名方式都存在混乱的情况。根据考古学文化命名的原则,本文为古代瓷窑遗址命名提出三点建议,强调在窑址命名中注重窑址内涵中的稳定因素和窑址的空间分布范围。  相似文献   
A combined archaeomagnetic and thermoluminescence study was carried out as part of a rescue archaeological excavation on a kiln discovered during the installation of methane gas pipelines beneath a rice field, along the southern border of Fontanetto Po village (Vercelli province, Italy). A total of 23 independent brick samples have been collected, oriented in situ with an inclinometer; the use of magnetic and sun compass was not possible due to the existence of metallic tubes beneath the kiln and a plastic cover above it. Standard archaeomagnetic procedures have been used for the determination of the archaeomagnetic inclination and absolute geomagnetic intensity. Stepwise thermal demagnetization shows a very stable characteristic remanent magnetization and the calculated mean inclination of the 23 samples is I = 65.3° with α95 = 2.4° and k = 156. Archaeointensity experiments have been performed using the classical Thellier method as modified by Coe, with regular partial thermoremanent magnetization (pTRM) checks. The cooling rate and remanence anisotropy effects upon thermoremanent magnetization (TRM) have been investigated in all the specimens. A total of 19 archaeointensity determinations (at specimen level) that correspond to linear NRM–TRM plots were used for the calculation of the site mean archaeointensity that is 46.4 ± 2.9 μT. Archaeomagnetic dating results show two possible dating intervals for the last 1000 years, calculated at 95% confidence interval: a first one from 1511 to 1614 AD, and a second one from 1768 to 1872 AD. Thermoluminescence (TL) study has been also performed on two brick samples from the kiln's internal wall, using conventional laboratory procedures. According to the thermoluminescence results the kiln's last usage lies between 1796 and 1914 AD. This age is in good agreement with the second dating interval obtained by the archaeomagnetic analysis. The combined archaeomagnetic and thermoluminescence results suggest that the last firing of the kiln could have occurred between the end of the 18th century and the beginning of 20th century.  相似文献   
宝丰清凉寺汝窑遗址的新发现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
汝窑御用瓷自1987年在河南省宝丰县清凉寺窑址发现以来,曾引起国内外陶瓷界的关注。河南省文物考古研究所从1987至1998年,先后在第 Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ区进行了四次较大规模的发掘,每次都有较大的收获,但始终未能找到天青釉汝瓷烧造区和完整的地层堆积。1999年根据清凉寺村民提供的线索,河南省文物考古研究所将工作重点由第I、Ⅱ、Ⅲ区转人第IV区,在居民住宅外便道上进行试掘。清理出厚达0.1米的天青釉汝瓷堆积层,收获天青釉汝瓷一千余片,同出的还有不同于汝民窑的匣钵、垫饼、试烧插片(火照)等窑具和大型建筑构件,…  相似文献   
关于《山东考古录》和《日知录》的关系 ,《四库全书总目提要》及《续山东考古录》刘椿序皆认为二者了无相关之处。但通过对《山东考古录》和《日知录》材料的综合分析 ,可以认定《日知录》吸收了《山东考古录》中的许多材料 ,《山东考古录》中的若干内容可视为《日知录》初稿中的一部分。  相似文献   
耀州窑宋代青瓷及现代仿瓷的初步分析研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探讨耀州窑古瓷和现代仿瓷在元素成分上的差异 ,用中子活化分析技术 (NAA)对 12件耀州窑宋代青瓷和 4件现代仿瓷瓷、釉进行元素分析测定 ,并对两者之间元素的差异进行初步分析。其结果表明 ,古瓷釉和仿宋瓷釉的RO/SiO2比值具有明显差异。仿宋瓷胎和瓷釉的轻稀土元素含量与重稀土元素含量比值 (即LRee/HRee)的平均比值大于古瓷胎的平均比值。仿宋瓷的胎和釉的微量元素Zn含量则明显高于古瓷Zn元素含量。  相似文献   
Samples of celadon were collected from the Altar Guan Kiln in Hangzhou, and from the Xiaomeizhen and Xikou Kilns, two subordinate kilns of the Longquan Kiln producing black‐body celadon called Literature Ge. Both the elemental contents in the sample bodies and the glaze were measured. The results reveal that the sample bodies contain fingerprint information for provenance, while this was lost in the glaze during the production process. The TiO2, MnO and Rb2O contained in the bodies are fingerprints to distinguish between celadons from the Xiaomeizhen and Xikou Kilns. In the Altar Guan Kiln, some low‐TiO2 samples were found and their body colour is much lighter than some others, but they do not differ with regard to iron content. This indicates that both titanium and iron are indispensable for the blackness of the bodies: they may react to form some black minerals during the firing process. Ultimately, samples from the Literature Ge and Altar Guan Kilns differ in their body constituents. Principal component analysis reveals that the samples can be divided into two groups, corresponding to the two different areas.  相似文献   
三国西晋的越窑青瓷,品质、器类、装饰皆臻于顶峰。同时,生产工艺也达到极高的水准。文章以尼姑婆山窑址为例,从龙窑与窑具、装饰、成型、修坯、上釉、烧成等多个方面,论述了越窑青瓷的生产工艺,认为装饰、模制成型工艺最能代表当时的水平。这些复杂工艺在东晋以后失传,与北人南迁破坏了当地的制瓷传统,从而导致窑业萎缩的历史背景密切相关。  相似文献   
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