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河南境内的丹江流域、淮河流域及黄河之滨史前文化遗址中,均发现有稻作遗存。有充分的证据证明,史前河南境内的稻是本地种植的。河南所处的黄淮地区是稻粟混作区。  相似文献   
《水经注》是我国古代以水道为纲记载地理信息的著名典籍,对于研究早期水道情况和政区变迁有着极为重要的意义。以往对《水经注》的研究主要集中于版本流传与郦学史方面,对郦注本文尚乏深入而细致的地理学方面的探究。因此,在文本校勘与史源探求工作的基础之上,选取《水经注》卷十五《洛水篇》作为研究对象,并利用相关文献和考古资料对郦注所记载的洛水相关水道与城邑进行全面的考释与系统的复原,不失为在《水经注》本体研究方面所进行的一次有益尝试。此外,以古今对照的形式编制出的《<水经·洛水注>河流名称古今对照表》与《<水经·洛水注>图》,不仅可以直观而形象地展现研究的结论,同时也可为相关研究者研读《水经注》提供便利。本文分上下篇,上篇已先行刊布,下编研究的范围自洛水东出散关至最终与河水交汇部分。  相似文献   
There is significant confluence in the literature that leads one to expect groups of haves and groups of have nots in socio‐economic systems within common spatial contexts. Several economic theories suggest economic activity to be concentrated in a few core areas with geographically large ‘peripheries’ relying on one or two industries for employment and income. In the context of the north of Australia, issues of disparities in socio‐economic status between the region and elsewhere in Australia, and also within the region have been highlighted in the literature for some time. This paper discusses the contemporary situation using customised data collected and analysed for 55 river‐basin catchments in the Tropical Rivers region of northern Australia to highlight the extent of the haves and have nots problem. A range of spatial economic theories are discussed as theoretical bases for the present day situation and as pointers to revisionist approaches which may address it. Transforming the have nots to improved states of well‐being will be a costly and difficult process. Consequently, we argue that factors other than raw incomes and economic production should be reconsidered and re‐prioritised by governments as redress to the ongoing ‘problem’ of the North.  相似文献   
本文认为<山海经·南山经>中旋龟"可以为底"之底不应读为"疧"训病或读为"胝"训足茧,而应读为砥训磨刀石.而柢山之鱼"鯥",其音如留牛,不当训"留牛"为犁牛,"留牛"当是"鯥"之缓读,此鱼其鸣自呼."竹箭"一词在<山海经>中出现9次,袁珂先生除一处连读外,其馀均读断.其实"竹箭"就是"箭竹",虽可单称"箭",但8例"竹箭"不应读断.  相似文献   
Flooding and flood control long have been topics of concern for geographers and historians of North America, from Gilbert White's foundational work to attempts to understand the recent disaster in New Orleans. This paper considers the problem of flood control along the Assiniboine River in the province of Manitoba, Canada. The first section addresses the local landscape and the larger context, explaining changes in the relevant human and physical geography. The second section examines efforts to mitigate flooding, focusing on how the risk of inundation was shifted in location (not eliminated altogether) and compounded through time (not progressively resolved). The third focuses on a further source of complexity: the contested character of government jurisdiction. This final section also addresses major mid twentieth century changes in mitigation efforts: in the light of flooding on an unprecedented scale, governments became more open to compromise and more willing to undertake substantial projects. Gilbert White asserted that while floods are natural occurrences, flood damages are the responsibility of humanity. The question of responsibility might seem relatively clear in relation to flood mitigation, given that dykes are human constructions. The history of flood mitigation along the Assiniboine would suggest, however, that assigning responsibility for the failures and successes of flood mitigation is not so straightforward.  相似文献   
近代道成诗坛著名诗人贝青乔以诗集《咄咄吟》和黔滇游历时所作诗歌获誉最高。本文试图探讨他黔滇游历诗作深得山川之助,内蕴着江山奇气,并揭橥他创作上“独辟蚕丛”对文学发展所具有的启发意义。  相似文献   
李文华 《攀登》2006,25(6):156-158
江河源文化有着其博大而精深的文化艺术内涵。在这一沃土上孕育凝聚成的民族精神,千百年来激励着一代又一代的青海各族人民为建设和保卫自己美好的家园而前仆后继,不惜牺牲生命。在今天,弘扬和培育新的民族精神,对于我们实现青海经济社会的繁荣与稳定更具有积极的意义。  相似文献   
《水经注》是我国古代以水道为纲记载地理信息的著名典籍,对于研究早期水道情况和政区变迁有着极为重要的意义。本文以《水经注》卷六《涑水篇》作为研究对象,在前人既有研究的基础之上,利用相关文献和考古资料对其进行全面考释,主要涉及文本校勘、史源探求以及对水道、城邑分布的复原,并以古今对照的形式绘制出地图,将研究的结果直观呈现出来。  相似文献   
本文就河洛地区唐代瓷器的出土情况、器物类型、装饰工艺、窑口归属及相关问题进行了初步探讨  相似文献   
《水经·渭水注》所载渭水支流新兴川水文句存在错简、脱讹之处。由《水经注》写作手法可以看出,"南川水"并不是新兴川水的一条支流,而是新兴川水的二源之一。由此可以发现注文的一处错简,进而得以对新兴县的地望进行重新考订。通行文本中的"故道候尉"也是由于传抄中的脱字和误改所致。  相似文献   
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