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本文采用因子生态分析方法剖析多伦多都市区的居住空间结构。主成分分析表明,家庭构成、年龄构成、职业构成是形成城市居住分异的主要因素。聚类分析表明,家庭构成和年龄构成的分异呈同心园格局,职业构成的分异呈扇形格局。形成这种居住分异格局的机制包括动力机制、管理机制和行为机制三个方面。  相似文献   
Based on a study in four Norwegian cities (Oslo, Stavanger/Sandnes, Bergen and Trondheim) differing in size and centre structure, this article illuminates how residential and workplace location, local-area density and transit accessibility influence different aspects of travel behaviour. We find strong effects of residential and workplace distance to the city centre on overall driving distances and commuting distances. We also find clear effects of local area densities around residences and workplaces on the choice of car as a travel mode, along with less pronounced effects of the distance from dwellings and workplaces to the city centre. In the cities with the best developed transit provision, we also see clear effects of transit accessibility at the residence on the propensity of choosing the car as travel mode. The results provide strong support of Norwegian national policies of urban densification as a planning strategy to curb the growth in urban motoring. However, although the influences of urban structure on travel show many similarities across the four cities, there are also important differences reflecting variations in centre structure (predominantly mono- or polycentric) and population size. The magnitude of the influences of various urban structural characteristics on travel behaviour are thus highly context-dependent.  相似文献   
明初设立的九溪、永定二卫,到了清初已经演变为征收屯赋、管理屯民的地方行政性管辖机构。雍正年间裁卫设县,结束了九溪、永定二卫的历史存在,并在调整土地与户口归属的基础上,最终完成了湘西北地区卫所军事管理体制向州县行政管理体制的转变。  相似文献   
城市住宅小区可持续发展研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
程永平  赵雪  李羿 《人文地理》1999,14(Z1):40-43
分析了我国住宅小区目前存在的问题,探讨了住宅小区可持续发展的目标体系,并提出实施可持续发展的措施。  相似文献   
明代中期尤其是正德以后,中国社会,尤其是经济文化发达的江南地区社会开始发生显著的变化,而作为社会的精英阶层,这种变化鲜明地体现于士人身上。吴中地区城市工商经济的发达,导致部分士人对生活方式作出了全新的选择,并由此带动了当地士风的变化。文徵明作为出身官僚家庭的传统文人,一向以保守、审慎著称,但在大环境的影响下,他也以各种方式参与当时的文化市场,并对商人、商业活动有着不同于以往士大夫阶层的全面评价,从中我们可以看到吴中社会风尚的深层变革。  相似文献   
李文峰  刘荣军 《攀登》2010,29(5):47-52
马克思的市民社会理论内容非常丰富。弄清其语境下的市民社会概念及其市民社会与政治国家的关系,深究其理论的人性本质这一根本主线,才能达到克服市民社会的异化形式与实现人类的解放这一最终归宿。深刻领悟其理论的精神实质,对我国正在进行的经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、和谐社会建设即四位一体的中国特色社会主义现代化建设具有重大的理论价值与实践价值。  相似文献   
Data from domestic contexts can be used to address significant anthropological research questions. Archaeological investigations in the Andes (areas once incorporated into the Inka empire, including northwestern Argentina, highland Bolivia, northern Chile, Ecuador, and Peru), like many parts of the world, rely on ethnohistory and ethnography to interpret the archaeological remains of domestic areas and make inferences about households. In this review I describe the ideas about Andean households that archaeologists are using and how domestic remains are being examined to infer social, economic, and political processes. Household archaeology in the Andes requires ethnoarchaeology and theory-building in order to understand the complex social dynamics at the foundation of ancient Andean societies.  相似文献   
《北齐地理志》据《梁书·徐文盛传》、《梁书·杜崱传》以证南梁始建秦州于今南京市六合区时在武帝太清年间。实际上,《梁书·徐文盛传》所载"秦州"不治今南京市六合区,《梁书·杜崱传》所载郭元建攻秦州刺史严超远岁非太清二年(548年),二者皆不可为据。经考证,本文认为南梁始建秦州于今南京市六合区宜在大宝三年(552年)三至五月间。  相似文献   
1998年,成都市文物考古研究所等对成都龙泉驿区青龙村的一座砖室墓进行发掘。墓葬为较大型的长方形双室券顶砖墓,墓圹平面呈亚字形,两墓室均由封门墙、墓室、棺床、耳室和肋拱组成。此墓是迄今发掘的除王建永陵之外的最高级别的前蜀重臣和分封亲王墓葬,为前蜀墓葬制度的研究提供了重要的资料。  相似文献   
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