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抗战初期,我国沿海沿江地区民族工业大举内迁,起于1937年八一三抗战,到1940年夏基本结束,在后方形成八个新工业区。沿海沿江地区的民族工业大举内迁,建设后方工业基地,写下了抗战史上悲壮而光辉的一页。  相似文献   
This paper explores the ways in which mobility can have governmental effects in the context of the management of asylum seekers awaiting deportation from the UK. Drawing upon the case of Campsfield House Immigration Removal Centre, a facility for the incarceration of immigration deportees near Oxford, the paper makes the case that the way asylum seekers are moved between detention centres within the UK has implications for the way they are represented to both asylum activists and asylum sector employees, causing them to choose to use their influence differently by with-holding the support that they might otherwise provide. The constant moving and repositioning of asylum seekers means that they are depicted as transitory, fleeting and depersonalised to those actors with the greatest degree of influence over them. The subjection not only of asylum seekers through forceful, blunt forms of power, but also of more powerful asylum sector actors through subtler, governmental techniques, has significant material implications for the incarcerated asylum seeking community that populates Britain's detention estate.  相似文献   
2008年3月,在洛阳北郊一处建设工地发现了北宋名相富弼的墓葬,墓中出现了较为罕见的北宋门庭仪卫和玄武等壁画形象。为更好的保护和利用这一重要文物,洛阳古代艺术博物馆将墓中壁画进行了揭取、修复。使用粘贴纱布法将壁画从墓葬支撑体上揭取下来;然后使用Primal SF-016等胶液渗透加固壁画,以Primal SF-016和细沙配制而成的砂浆作为隔离层材料,以蜂窝铝板作为新的支撑体材料,并使用“影线法”将壁画残缺填补处着色补绘。从目前结果看,整体修复效果良好,这可对国内壁画的修复保护提供以参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
近年来的分析与研究表明,海洋出水沉船的木材中普遍存在大量的以Fe S2和Fe S为代表的硫铁化合物难溶盐,它们在空气中和一定湿度条件下,会氧化生成硫酸,使木材纤维素发生快速降解,从而对木船造成毁灭性的破坏。目前,硫铁化合物的脱除仍然是世界性难题,很多国家发现的木质沉船都面临这方面的困扰。为此,本研究以宁波象山"小白礁I号"清代沉船遗址出水的船体木材构件为研究对象,研发了金属络合剂与氧化剂复配材料EDTAHO,开展了海洋出水木材中沉积的二硫化亚铁的去除技术初步研究,取得了良好的保护效果。本研究结果可为后续脱水定型和加固修复打下良好的基础,有利于海洋出水木质船体的长期保存。  相似文献   
馆藏壁画失效支撑体去除技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨文宗  郭宏  葛琴雅 《文博》2009,(6):184-190
馆藏壁画绝大多数为墓葬揭取的,基葬壁画作为一种丧葬文化现象在早期绘画史和思想史上都占有非常重要的地位。馆藏壁画的支撑体是壁画从原址揭取下来后,为长期保存壁画、便于移动与展示,而在其背面重新粘接的。起支撑保护作用的支撑体类型有石膏支撑体、环氧树脂+木龙骨支撑体、环氧树脂+铝合金龙骨支撑体等。随着支撑体材料的失效,壁画也遭受不同程度的损伤。因此,失效支撑体的更换是今后馆藏壁画保护不可避免的工作。本文全面系统总结了馆藏壁画失效支撑体的类型及其去除技术及工艺,为今后壁画的保护修复提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   
The probable number of individuals (PNI) estimators all require that we be able to match left-right paired bones reliably. The problems of matching are outlined and ways of addressing them are reviewed. It is shown that archaeozoological studies in which reliable matching is difficult raise analytical problems similar to those faced by population biologists unable to use classical release-recapture methods. The removal estimator has been used to estimate the size of whale populations from incomplete census data. It can be generalized into archaeozoology to produce either a simple PNI statistic of the matching type, or a statistic that does not require reliable matching.  相似文献   
An attempt is made to identify the main trends in the development of physical geography as a distinctive discipline. In particular the relationship between physical and human geography is examined with a view to identifying possible paths for the future development of physical geography as an integrated discipline.  相似文献   
西沃石窟凿于黄河南岸青要山峭壁,因建设小浪底水库要永久性地淹没在水下100多米的库底.为保护这座石窟,对石窟及其环境进行了调查、工程勘测和理论计算,对文物作了较全面地认识,掌握了相关工程参数、岩体内部状况等.从而针对性地实施加固、切割、吊运和复原安装,将石窟安全移至新址保护.所用的方法对于类似文物的迁移保护工作,具有借鉴作用.  相似文献   
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