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The Royal Artillery Factory of Seville in Spain originated from pre‐existing private bronze foundries dating from the 16th century. The paper analyses the stratigraphy of wall cladding in the areas traditionally known as the ‘Old Foundry’ and the ‘New Foundry’, through its characterization by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy with energy‐dispersive X‐ray spectrometry (SEM‐EDX), micro‐X‐ray fluorescence (μ‐XRF) and micro‐X‐ray diffraction (μ‐XRD), in order to analyse the metal deposits that have accumulated since the 17th century. The data obtained allowed the verification of the available historiographical information and the location of the original bronze smelting furnaces. The analysis of patinas deposited on the overlapping layers of lime also confirmed that neither the raw materials nor the composition of the alloys used presented any substantial changes.  相似文献   
长期以来关于御器厂的研究多依据文献进行考证,20世纪80年代以后开始关注御窑遗址出土文物。但是,由于以往的研究中一直把文献所记的御器厂和景德镇从事生产的窑场视为完全相同的对象,所以对御器厂建成厂时间的论定则出现偏差。本文根据正德《饶州府志》、万历《大明会典》的相关记载,认为景德镇从事生产的窑场和厂署在饶州府治所在的鄱阳县城、作为管理机构的御器厂所指并不相同,在对比景德镇御窑遗址的考古发现后,考订景德镇从事生产的官府窑场在明代的始烧时间不晚于洪武四年,作为管理机构的御器厂建立于洪熙元年宣德皇帝即位以后,而御器厂从饶州迁往景德镇与生产窑场合一是正德六年以后的事。  相似文献   
本文通过分析比较鄂城东吴孙将军墓与鄂钢饮料厂一号墓,揭示了两墓的相互关系及墓主人身份。  相似文献   
郑州市加气混凝土厂东周墓发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1998年11月,为配合郑州市加气混凝土厂的住宅楼建设,郑州市文物考古研究所在郑州市西环道西侧、西流湖东岸钻探发现一批古墓葬。在报请上级主管部门批准后,对其进行了抢救性发掘,共清理东周墓葬14座。这里原是一处漫坡岗地,地势东南高,西北稍低,西流湖环绕其西北。(图一)14座墓葬呈东西向分布在拟建搂房基础内,排列似有一定规律。(图二)现将发掘结果报告如下。 一、墓葬形制 这批墓葬均为土坑竖穴墓,口长2.3米~3.3米,宽1.12米~2.5米,底长2 3米~3米,宽1.12米~2米,墓深2.78米~6.…  相似文献   
This article examines the Taean Management System (TMS), a North Korean factory management reform program of 1961. Three factors explain why the TMS emerged at the time it did: first, influence from the Soviet Union and China since 1945 provided the knowledge of factory management; second, decreasing foreign aid since the mid‐1950s urged the North Koreans to search for ways to increase productivity; and third, the rise of an ideology of self‐reliance excluded the option of being integrated into the international economy. The resulting TMS, which arose at this juncture as an amalgam of rationalization and ideology, was the origin of modern management in North Korea.  相似文献   
By tracing institutional and constitutional economic patterns to Old Testament thought, the thesis of a rational economic dimension of the biblical text can be advanced and the actual nature and substance of religion can be conceptualised in economic terms. Here the paper questions the widespread assumption that religion will be radically different from modern ethics (“economics as ethics”) in the tradition of the Scottish Enlightenment. In this regard the paper specifically addresses the call for a concept of “rational religion” as early on identified by Smith but contests the explicit claims of Smith or modern institutional economists like Buchanan that a concept of rational religion or “economics as ethics” necessarily is separated from the Bible. An institutional economic theory of Old Testament-based religion is proposed through a set of four theses. On the basis of these arguments, the paper outlines why Old Testament-based religion still has and could have a persistent and pervasive influence in contemporary, capitalist society.  相似文献   
Sister and brother Anna Letitia Barbauld (née Aikin; 1743–1825) and John Aikin (1747–1822) are two famous Rational Dissenting writers who strategically appropriated republican discourse to advance the Dissenting cause. Both make the case that, far from being subversive, Rational Dissent actually granted its adherents the independence that, from a republican perspective, was considered essential to true patriotism. In a fresh formulation of republican discourse, they present the strength of the Rational Dissenting commitment to ‘free inquiry’ as security for continuing independence, enabling liberal Dissenters to act as patriotic guardians of British virtue and liberty against the dangerous effects of luxury, even as they continued to contribute towards the development of the British commercial economy and to promote the benefits of commerce, traditionally regarded with hostility by classical republicans. Effectively exploiting the classical republican belief in the central role of education, Barbauld and Aikin particularly sought to publicize the role that the Dissenting academies had played in producing patriots by making ‘free inquiry’ the basis of their pedagogical philosophy and practice.  相似文献   
Book reviews     

Ruth Oldenziel, Making Technology Masculine: Men, Women, and Modern Machines in America, 1870–1945 (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 1999), pp. 271

Lars Engwall and Vera Zamagni (eds.), Management Education in Historical Perspective (Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 1999), pp. Xiii+177

T.R. Gourvish and N. Tiratsoo (eds.), Missionaries and Managers: American Influences on European Management Education, 1945–1960 (Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press/St. Martins, 1999), pp. X+165  相似文献   
从人类四大文明的角度来检视,不难发现中华文化最早由鬼神信仰发展出人文精神,这个枢纽蜕变来自夷夏两大部族文化的长期冲突与融合。夷夏两种文化自新石器时期即可看出不同的发展倾向,并常通过激烈的军事冲突确立彼此共主与宾服的关系。商朝的族裔源头与文化传承都承接于东夷部族,鬼神信仰对东夷人生活具有主导性的意义,其最崇敬的至高神就是上帝。商朝统治阶层深信自身天命来自上帝的授权,而周王朝通过不懈的奋斗灭亡商朝的事实裂解了长年被普遍认同的“血统天命观”,开启了特有的“德性天命观”。周建国初期,统治阶层对于天命的确保就具有强烈的忧患意识,这使得从商朝的亡国到周朝的立国,不止是王朝的更迭交替,更反映出中华文化的枢纽蜕变。周文化是中国人文精神的源头,其表现就在人们尽管依然有天命的信仰,却不再迷信鬼神,更相信人自身的奋勉与否,才是任何事情成败的关键因素,中华文化的理性化历程由此展开。  相似文献   
This study presents oral history research which investigated the experiences of surviving women workers from the former Cibali Tekel Tobacco and Cigarette Factory in Istanbul, Turkey. For most of its history, the factory was home to thousands of workers, many of who were women and, at times, outnumbered men two to one. While the site is now known for the university that it houses, photographs and archival records from the early twentieth century reveal the centrality of women in the process and production of tobacco and cigarettes until the factory completely shut down in 1995. Using oral history methods, we recorded the memories of 17 women who worked in the factory. A multi-faceted analysis reveals the gendered nature of the space at the time as well as the importance of the factory as a place in the lives of these women.  相似文献   
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