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Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) allows radiocarbon dating to be carried out by direct counting of14C atoms, rather than the conventional counting of radioactive disintegrations. The result is that samples up to 1000 times smaller can be handled. The approach was tested in principle by 1977 and for archaeological operation by 1983. More than 2000 samples per year are now being dated worldwide. The machines can now operate to about ± 80 years or better. Dates older than 40,000 years have not yet been achieved, but the ability to use small samples has already had considerable impact on dating the period 10,000–30,000 years ago. Bone is an ideal material for the new technique, since amino acids can normally be isolated and purified from gram-size samples. Studies of the origins of domestication are aided by the dating of individual grains and seeds. Because small samples can be mobile in the soil, careful sample selection strategies and procedures are required. The full impact of the technique can be assessed only through the rapid and comprehensive publication of archaeological results.  相似文献   
The chemical and mineralogical characterization of seven ceramic fragments produced within Tiwanaku state (c.500–1000 ce ) is reported. The instrumental techniques used included X‐ray elemental and mineralogical chemical analysis, Raman spectroscopy, and scanning and light microscopy. The results indicate there are several clay types, although they show similarities, such as the use of a plant‐based temper. The red colour of the decoration is hematite, and manganese oxides such as jacobsite are present in the black. The white colour is a mixture of gypsum and clay, and the orange is a mixture of hematite and clay. The use of colours, the quality of the clays and the temperatures reached during pottery firing point to expertise in ceramic production and to complex decision‐making processes. The multi‐elemental archaeometric approach documented here could become an important tool to shed a light on ancient ceramic technology and the internal variance of Tiwanaku pottery.  相似文献   
明墓出土的历书,粘连固结成块,脆硬易于折断。通过实验分析研究,探明其主要原因可能是木质素选择性地吸附的钙铁离子与蛋白质的分解物形成复杂物质,沉积在纸上,渗入书内所致。故揭取该历书的关键是去除钙离子,EDTA二钢,碱性过氧化氢、气相二氧化硅等的分步处理,使脆硬的纸张软化,再逐页分离揭取,然后再去除色素沉淀物,终于恢复了书的原貌。  相似文献   
Empirical aspects of the movement of strontium through the food chain suggest that the level of bone strontium can be used as an indicator of the percentage of meat in human diet. In general, skeletal remains from agricultural peoples are expected to have high bone strontium levels relative to hunter-gatherers from the same geographical region because plants contain relatively higher amounts of strontium when compared with animal products. The results of the study described in this paper, however, indicate that the inclusion of molluscs as a component of the diet may produce the opposite of the expected strontium values. Burials from an Archaic (c. 2500 BC) hunting-gathering population excavated from Luo25, an archaeological site in northern Alabama, USA, exhibit a mean bone strontium level ( atomic absorption; neutron activation) that is higher than the mean level from an agricultural Mississippian (c. AD 1400) population ( atomic absorption; neutron activation) that was buried at the same site. The samples were analysed by two techniques (atomic absorption spectrometry and neutron activation analysis) and the results compared favourably; therefore, the results can be accepted as valid rather than being due to technique error. We propose that the ingestion of molluscs, whose meat is known to contain large amounts of strontium, has produced this reversal from expected results.  相似文献   
纸张的老化程度一直是纸质文物保护中的重要研究方面,以往多采用目测法和经验来推断纸张的老化程度。纸张物理强度、聚合度等能表征老化状态的理化性能测试由于需要大量的样品而无法用于文物检测。近年来随着显微共聚焦拉曼光谱、近红外傅里叶变换拉曼光谱、表面增强拉曼光谱等技术的发展,作为一种原位、无损、微区的分析方法,拉曼光谱被越来越多地应用到了纸质文物的相关分析研究中,为纸质文物的保护修复提供科学依据。结合国内外文献,对拉曼光谱在纸张老化、碳黑颜料以及其他颜料上的应用和研究现状进行了梳理归纳。随着拉曼光谱应用的不断深入,以及与其他分析技术、化学计量学等的结合,未来将在纸质文物研究中发挥更多的作用。  相似文献   
The studies on the finishing technique of the stone monuments in Persepolis (Iran) are part of the archaeological project jointly launched in 2008 by Iran and Italy, named ‘From Palace to Town’. The first experimental results, obtained on a very limited number of samples, revealed that the Achaemenid builders and sculptors used a white pigment, a kind of bone white, calcium fluorapatite, obtained by burning animal bones, to hide the dark grey colour of the stone. In order to verify these unexpected results, a new campaign was implemented to analyse a much larger number of samples. XRF spectrometry, a non‐destructive technique, was used and the experimental results were further elaborated by PCA. The presence of a white superficial layer was confirmed, and the use of fluorapatite was confirmed as well, but only on monuments attributed to the Xerxes period or later, while in the earlier monuments the white layer was obtained using gypsum.  相似文献   
The chemical compositions and microstructures of some 35 faience objects from Egypt spanning the period from the Middle Kingdom through to the 22nd dynasty are determined using analytical scanning electron microscopy. Replicate faience beads glazed in the laboratory using the efflorescence and cementation methods are similarly investigated. In efflorescence glazing, there appears to be preferential efflorescence of soda over potash, and in cementation glazing, preferential take up of potash over soda into the glaze. These data are then used to try to infer the raw materials and methods of glazing employed in the production of the ancient faience. The glaze/glass phases present in the faience differ significantly in composition from that of New Kingdom glass. This could be due either to the use of different plant ashes or to changes in the composition of the plant ashes during the production of faience and/or glass. Although it is only rarely possible to determine with certainty whether ancient faience was glazed by efflorescence, cementation or application, the observed microstructures provide an indication of the approach adopted to achieve desired performance characteristics such as strength.  相似文献   
Scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive X-ray analysis has earlier shown that the white background layer (slip) on painted pottery sherds (Yangshao culture, Henan, China, 4200 BC) is composed of kaolinitic clay containing titanium in the assumed form of TiO2 at just 1 wt%. The same samples of white slip have now been studied by Raman microscopy, revealing bands characteristic of anatase, but none from the majority species, the matrix of kaolinitic clay. These results highlight the extraordinarily intense Raman scattering from even trace amounts of anatase and thus the need to recognise that, although the colours of archaeological artefacts are almost always determined by the nature of the matrix, the Raman spectrum may be determined by a highly scattering trace component such as anatase. The significance of anatase as a potential date-marker pigment on works of art and archaeological artefacts is discussed.  相似文献   
为了确定武惠妃墓室内发现的黑色多孔块状物质是否为绘制壁画时使用的胶结材料,联合使用显微镜观察、SEM-EDS、Raman、FTIR和GC-FID多种分析方法对该物质进行了显微结构观察、元素组成及物质组成分析。结果表明,该物质虽已炭化,但内部仍可见一些较新鲜的胶料残留,其成分为动物胶,并在其中发现了少量红色朱砂颜料残留。通过古文献记载和以往研究成果讨论了结果的可靠性。该研究不仅丰富了唐代墓葬壁画绘制技艺的考古学研究,更可为后期文物保护材料和工艺的选择提供借鉴。  相似文献   
Dating is perhaps the most frequently asked question in rock art studies, but still one of the most difficult to answer. However, chronology is vital in order to understand and interpret rock art sites. Unfortunately, attempts at dating the Mikinak site, at Lake Wapizagonke, Quebec, Canada were unsuccessful. But a multi‐instrumental protocol applied to characterize paintings shows that at least three different paint recipes were employed to create the site. These may reflect three different phases of paintings, and that at least three different artists contributed to the production of this site.  相似文献   
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