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Scottish peatlands are now recognised as important habitats for conservation, and are increasingly protected by both national and international designations. This paper examines peatland conservation in north‐east Scotland, using recently published data to assess habitat quality, and relating this to longer‐term historical trends in attitudes towards peatlands, and their utilisation. The historical data indicates that peatland losses in northeast Scotland have been extensive, and occurred rapidly during the 18th and 19th centuries, when peatlands were regarded as fuel sources, or wastelands which could be converted to agricultural use. Threats have lessened in the second half of the 20th century, and many sites are now protected by conservation designations. However, historical attitudes towards peatlands often persist, and this can pose problems which must be addressed if conservation management is to be successful.  相似文献   
髹漆丝织物水解老化性能的测试研究,旨在了解髹漆丝织品抗老化的能力,为出土髹漆丝织品的起取、保存和展示提供科学的依据.以精制纯漆和加入15%桐油的桐油漆分别对丝织物进行髹涂整理,并对整理后的试样进行加速碱性水解老化处理.测试表明,纯漆试样和桐油漆试样的强度和伸长性能下降迅速.老化初期与丝绸降幅相近,随着老化延续,降幅大于丝绸,桐油漆试样降幅最大.漆膜在碱性水解老化中发生开裂,对蚕丝没有保护和加固作用.桐油漆膜受碱液损伤尤为严重.老化导致蚕丝结晶度下降,脆化的漆膜和老化蚕丝结合,强度和伸长性反而不如老化丝绸.检测表明,髹涂纯生漆和桐油漆的丝织物耐碱性水解老化的能力均很差,逊于未髹漆的丝织物.相比之下,桐油漆试样尤其差.  相似文献   
古陶瓷修复仿釉涂料的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
古陶瓷修复是一门综合多种学科的传统技艺,长期以来因缺乏系统的整理和总结,故发展缓慢,在古陶瓷修复中瓷釉工艺直接关系到修补部位的质感和色泽效果,是极为关键的一道工序。传统上采用的仿釉涂料有虫胶漆、醇酸清漆、硝基漆、丙烯酸漆等。为了提高古陶瓷修复质量,在对现有材料测试和筛选的基础上,结合国内外研究的现状,制定出对丙烯酸涂料进行交联的双组分丙烯酸-聚氨酯复合型仿釉涂料的试验路线。通过对引发剂、流平剂、消泡剂、附着力促进剂等多种助剂进行了分门别类的实验研究,确定了树脂合成的最佳配方为:甲基丙烯酸甲酯40%-50%,丙烯酸1%-2%,甲基丙烯酸丁酯10%-20%,丙烯酸丁酯20%-40%,甲基丙烯酸羟乙酯20%-30%,引发剂533M75为1.5%,溶剂为醋酸丁酯。合成工艺为:将醋酸丁酯加热至回流温度为130-140℃,在3小时内滴加单体混合物,滴完后保温1.5小时,冷却,出料得到丙烯酸树脂。固化剂采用HDI三聚体,比例为树脂:固化剂=3:1,搅拌均匀后可直接涂刷。该仿釉涂料经测定,其耐水性、耐溶剂性和耐紫外老化性等指标均优于传统硝基和纯丙烯酸涂料。  相似文献   
本文简介了已完成科学检测与模拟试验的东周青铜剑菱形暗格纹的成分、组织与形成工艺,认为金属膏剂涂层加热扩散工艺是东周时期唯一的、完全可能实现的、使青铜表面富锡和细晶化的表面装饰工艺;认为菱形纹饰呈黑色是特定埋藏条件下形成的;解释了越王勾践剑未见铭文错金的原因。并就此与董亚巍、周卫荣、王昌燧等先生进行商榷。  相似文献   
Mikko Joronen 《对极》2016,48(2):336-354
One of the controversies of Operation Protective Edge, which Israel launched in Gaza in July 2014, is the undepreciated gap between the high number of civilian casualties and the claim of an ethically sound military operation with an extraordinary effort put on minimizing collateral damage. This paper examines one of the cornerstones of the Israel Defence Forces' ethically polished military violence during the operation: the use of preventive warning techniques. By focusing on the technique of “roof knocking”, the paper argues that the ethical justification operates through the three thanatopolitical governmentalities: responsibilization of the subjects, reification of the targeted sites, and the calculative politics of doing “the minimum evil necessary”. The Gaza population are hence not considered as passive victims, merely subjected to the killing power of calculative thanatopolitics, but as an inversion of biopolitical subjects who, instead of improving their own individual capabilities, are made accountable for their own deaths.  相似文献   
A coated Roman iron coin from Villa Loig in Salzburg, Austria was investigated. The coating is a copper alloy consisting of Cu, Pb, Sn, Zn and negligible amounts of Ag, a variant of gunmetal known as ‘leaded red brass’. The numismatic term for such a coin is subferratus (Latin). From an archaeometallurgical point of view, information about the chemical composition, the microstructure and the manufacturing technique are of interest. To achieve these objectives, different analytical techniques and metallographic examinations were applied. Droplet‐shaped iron inclusions were observed in the red brass coating, while at the grain boundaries, inside the iron core, copper and lead were detected (liquid metal embrittlement). The dendritic microstructure of the coating, the spheroidal‐shaped iron inclusions in the coating and the liquid metal embrittlement show that the iron coin was plated by immersing it in a molten copper alloy. The iron core is a low‐carbon steel with slag stringers, both of which are characteristic of a bloomery iron. Deformation twins (Neumann lines) were observed in the microstructure of the iron core and indicate that the coining was performed after the flan was cooled.  相似文献   
The preservation of earthen architectural heritage is extremely complex due to the diversity of its constituent materials and potentially rapid physical deterioration. Interventions on historic earthen architecture throughout the world have shown very distinct levels of success, but there is no single procedure or combination of conservation procedures that guarantee success. One of the problems is the lack of knowledge about the behaviour of soil as the material component, and its relationships both with other materials, and associated natural and cultural environments. This article analyses some technical considerations that have influenced the preservation of earthen archaeological remains, through critical analysis of the existing bibliographic references from the proceedings of specialized international conferences that have taken place in the last twenty years.  相似文献   
新疆气候干燥,四季更替明显,有其独特的文物保存环境。为使馆藏纸质壁画摹本得到更安全有效的保护,本工作对新疆维吾尔自治区博物馆馆藏纸质壁画摹本的保存环境:温度、湿度、空气污染、灰尘、光线、昆虫及微生物等因素进行了调查,同时分析了目前这批纸质壁画摹本的保存现状,提出了改善纸质壁画摹本保存环境的保护方案。通过改善光照条件,控制展柜内光线的强度,减少了有害光对纸质壁画摹本的污染;通过采用空气洁净屏,选择使用无酸纸作为纸质藏品的包装材料等,有效控制了有害气体对摹本的损害,使这批文物藏品得到更安全有效的保护。  相似文献   
双墩遗址、侯家寨遗址的彩陶和红衣陶,在制作风格和制作工艺等方面,在一定程度上反映着其文化特征。将双墩和侯家寨等相关遗址的彩陶和红衣陶的制作工艺作比较分析,明确了红彩和红衣的物相,并较为深入地探讨了它们的制作工艺和文化内涵。  相似文献   
油画保护性修复是基于对绘画材料属性研究与修复保护的一种科学阐释。为了对中国古代油画进行科学的保护和修复,以清代一件"美国货船油画"为研究对象,围绕项目检测和修复方案制定展开深入研究。采用X射线荧光光谱仪、数码显微镜、紫外荧光等仪器并结合化学试剂测试对清代外销油画结构与画面表层污渍及棕色斑点进行分析。检测结果表明,棕色斑点中铁含量较高,应为铁锈。在保护修复中,应针对画面中锈斑进行清洗修复。  相似文献   
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