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油画颜料层裂纹是一种常见的病害类型,严重的裂纹会影响作品的视觉效果。裂纹修复所采取的措施应以缓解病害,延续寿命为目标,避免不当修复对其文物价值的改变。本研究通过红外光谱和便携式X荧光能谱分析,初步确定了裂纹产生的原因与材料技法和机械作用力有关,长期的温湿度波动则是最终形成老化裂纹的重要因素。对两类常见的裂纹加固方法比较后得出结论,色蜡改变了原画的光泽度和肌理层,动物胶调碳酸钙更适宜作为裂纹的填补材料。观察修复后的油画保存状况,发现经过修复的颜料层仍存在继续劣化的风险,必须维持保存环境的相对稳定,方可延长修复周期。  相似文献   
This article draws on French and British archival sources to rethink the history of Britain's 1918--1920 occupation of the Caucasus. The extant historiography casts London as eager to reinvigorate the region's oil exports in order to buoy its own supplies, but this article suggests that various elements within and close to the British administration sought to obstruct oil exports. Preventing Caucasus oil from reaching global markets seems to have helped parts of the British administration reach their aims during negotiations with the French government and Royal Dutch Shell. It also improved the viability of the Anglo-Persian Oil Company by denying valuable oil supplies to rival firms. Acknowledging the British oil interests that steered state policies during this period allows a richer story to unfold, one that demonstrates how imperial power in the wake of the Great War could be brought to serve the aims of, and even adopt the methods of, transnational oil companies operating in an emerging global fuel market.  相似文献   
We used hydrologic models to explore the potential linkages between oil‐field brine reinjection and increases in earthquake frequency (up to Md 3.26) in southeastern New Mexico and to assess different injection management scenarios aimed at reducing the risk of triggered seismicity. Our analysis focuses on saline water reinjection into the basal Ellenburger Group beneath the Dagger Draw Oil field, Permian Basin. Increased seismic frequency (>Md 2) began in 2001, 5 years after peak injection, at an average depth of 11 km within the basement 15 km to the west of the reinjection wells. We considered several scenarios including assigning an effective or bulk permeability value to the crystalline basement, including a conductive fault zone surrounded by tighter crystalline basement rocks, and allowing permeability to decay with depth. We initially adopted a 7 m (0.07 MPa) head increase as the threshold for triggered seismicity. Only two scenarios produced excess heads of 7m five years after peak injection. In the first, a hydraulic diffusivity of 0.1 m2 s?1 was assigned to the crystalline basement. In the second, a hydraulic diffusivity of 0.3 m2 s?1 was assigned to a conductive fault zone. If we had considered a wider range of threshold excess heads to be between 1 and 60 m, then the range of acceptable hydraulic diffusivities would have increased (between 0.1–0.01 m2 s?1 and 1–0.1 m2 s?1 for the bulk and fault zone scenarios, respectively). A permeability–depth decay model would have also satisfied the 5‐year time lag criterion. We also tested several injection management scenarios including redistributing injection volumes between various wells and lowering the total volume of injected fluids. Scenarios that reduced computed excess heads by over 50% within the crystalline basement resulted from reducing the total volume of reinjected fluids by a factor of 2 or more.  相似文献   
古代文物丝织品霉斑清除的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了解决故宫博物院库房藏品中部分古代丝织品出现生霉的问题,从对库藏纺织品的病害现状调研入手,了解生霉文物本身的质地、染料成分、以及霉斑形成的环境状况,利用改进的改良型超声清洗方法和弱酸化水溶液,对多件霉变石青色丝织品进行了清洗处理,获得了满意的效果,此法可以在今后的工作中加以推广。  相似文献   
The article focuses on spatializing struggles in relation to Niger's new oil infrastructure and shows how it turned public and political. Two different but interconnected perspectives are employed: first, a historical perspective illuminates how economic theories of growth, visions of industrialization, desires for energy autonomy, political projects for constitutional change and infrastructural developments in neighbouring countries were, from the very beginning, entangled in Niger's oil assemblage. These entanglements made the petro-infrastructure political even before it had materialized. Second, by focusing ethnographically on the spatial dispersion of the petro-infrastructure over different administrative regions in Niger, the article examines territorializing processes in which temporally and spatially separated histories of marginalization were stitched together to reconfigure collective identities. These dynamics go beyond existing explanations of resource curse theories, showing how oil acts as a catalyst that accelerates pre-existing dynamics, slowly transforming the socio-political configuration in which it operates in the process.  相似文献   
为抢救性修复保护我国著名旅法爱国女画家潘玉良众多的油画,选用欧洲的传统工艺和技法,采用与气候湿润的意大利、荷兰、日本等国家基本相似的材料,用整体托裱法等技法,并运用现代数码及电脑图片技术,对108幅油画进行修复。从列举的4个例子:《弹曼陀铃老人》、《新枝》、《南京夫子庙》、《黑白女人体》修复结果说明,修复后恢复了其原貌,效果良好,对类似工作具有示范意义。  相似文献   
油画对于中国来说是一个外来的画种,经过美术史家多年的努力,它东传的时间和途径已然大致明确。但研究中还是有很多缺环。近些年来对清朝宫廷绘画实物及相关资料的发现,为欧洲油画东传的过程提供了更多的信息。本文通过对流传至今的清宫油画作品进行梳理,提出一些想法,或可补充关于"西画东渐"的叙述。  相似文献   
近现代油画有机基质组分复杂、难辨,其分析鉴定是当今文物保护科技研究的难点之一。利用微损分析技术研究油画文物复杂的基质结构、材料和技法,可以阐明油画特定层的性质和状况,对于专业保护人员制定修复决策至关重要——这对选择正确修复技术非常有用,关系到修复后油画的安全状态,因此已成为许多研究者关注的焦点。本研究利用傅里叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)、热裂解气相色谱-质谱(Py-GC/MS)和热辅助水解甲基化-裂解气相色谱-质谱(THM-Py-GC/MS)等微损分析技术对一幅中国国家博物馆藏油画《德涅泊尔河的秋天》进行科技分析。研究发现,综合运用这些微损分析技术可以有效识别油画用的胶结介质和其中添加剂的种类,最大限度、准确、完整地提取样品中所蕴含的信息。结果表明,该油画的有机胶结材料为聚乙烯醋酸酯类材料和亚麻籽油,同时聚乙烯醋酸酯类材料中使用了邻苯二甲酸二丁酯作为增塑剂。裂解产物中不含光油树脂类成分,说明画作下部的光亮层并非作者有意上的光油层。此外,油画部分区域还添加了蜂蜡作为改性材料,起到增加颜料稠度、可塑性和减弱光泽的作用。  相似文献   
油渍是一种纸张上的常见病害,以往对于这种病害如何影响手工纸性能的研究较少。本工作以纸张耐久性变化的研究作为切入点,辅以扫描电镜对油渍与纸张的共存状态的观察,以此来探讨油渍对手工纸的影响。研究表明油渍使得纸张的抗张强度、撕裂度、耐折度等物理性能有一定的降低,色差值增大,pH值降低,油渍以一种物理吸附的作用包裹于纤维之上对纸张造成影响。随着老化时间的增加,油渍因为氧化酸败作用而逐渐变质,从实验结果中发现油渍对纸张的耐久性影响在老化前期影响较大,后期影响较小。  相似文献   
American industries created company towns across the United States, and in the late nineteenth century, their usage spread into Latin America and the Caribbean. Most company towns were designed for workers; the literature on company towns has tended to focus on these. However, some were specifically designed for expatriate managers and supervisors; these have received relatively little scholarly attention. This article focuses on Standard Oil’s Lago Colony on the island of Aruba. Established in 1929, the community offered a host of amenities including schools, a hospital, a store, a club, and a wide variety of sporting venues. This article examines the evolution of the town and explores the factors that contributed to its decline. It discusses life in the community, and specifically focuses on the lived experiences of children in making the company town their home.  相似文献   
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