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The “Quartel das Esquadras” is an 18th century infantry barrack located within the limits of the bulwarked fortress of Almeida, in Portugal. An ongoing adaptive reuse project of the building aims to recover its full capacity and also its importance, by implementing a variety of new uses. The architectural intervention results in the need of the structure to withstand new and diverse imposed loads. As the current configuration of the structure will be altered, the main objective of this article is to evaluate the suitability of some of the proposed structural interventions. The current condition has been characterized following a multidisciplinary approach comprising historical research, visual inspection, non-destructive testing, and structural analysis to identify the possible sources of major structural problems. A portion of the building particularly affected by the alterations has been selected to carry out structural analysis. A comparative safety assessment of the selected area in both current and altered condition has been done through finite element modelling and nonlinear static analysis, resulting in an identification of the weaker points against the new implemented loads and alterations. Finally, proposals for the implementation of the studied intervention, as well as recommendations for future research and analyses, have been given.  相似文献   
Since the devolution of welfare policymaking to the states after the passage of the 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, there has been contentious debate about drug testing welfare applicants. Beyond elite rhetoric and debate points about the implications of welfare drug testing, extant research remains limited insofar as providing theoretical understanding about what factors influence state proposal of legislation requiring welfare applicants to submit to drug tests. I develop and test expectations that derive from research on welfare attitudes, social construction theory, and policy design—specifically, hypotheses that the proportion of blacks on state temporary assistance for needy families caseloads, as well as state‐aggregate levels of symbolic racism, significantly influence state proposal of drug testing legislation. My multilevel analysis of every state proposal of welfare drug testing legislation from 2008 to 2014 yields strong evidence in support of these hypotheses and paints a more complete picture of the influence of racial attitudes on state welfare policymaking. Specifically, while much research finds evidence of institutional racial biases in the implementation of welfare policy, the evidence presented herein shows that these biases, as well as public biases, influence policymaking at the proposal stage. Implications of these findings are discussed in light of recent significant electoral gains made by Republicans in state legislatures.  相似文献   
中国古代书画,因其年代久远,递藏情况复杂,多数屡经裁切割补、修复重装,故而有很多历史信息或被叠摞或被遮蔽,导致今人不能以肉眼直接观察而获得,而纸绢接补,墨迹、颜料、印鉴的残损也为书画研究者带来诸多悬而未决的问题。近年来,高光谱技术作为一种非侵入式的光谱成像技术,已逐步应用于各类彩绘文物中,该技术可为中国古代书画研究和保护提供更丰富的信息。本工作以文献调研为基础,简要介绍了高光谱成像的原理及技术特点,对高光谱技术在中国古代书画研究的实践进行总结,梳理了国内外研究者利用高光谱技术在书画、档案及相关彩绘文物的增强显示、物质识别、虚拟修复方面的应用案例,以期为相关研究者提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   
Timber structures can be degraded during their life both by structural problems and by biological degradation factors like fungi and insects. The occurrence of those biodegradation agents could lead to a loss of their structural integrity, in the absence of appropriate maintenance. An early assessment of the decay is even more important when the wooden structures are part of historical buildings, in the interest of conservation of cultural heritage.

This article presents an application of microwave reflectometry for the in situ evaluation of timber structures. The measurement system allows detecting anomalies inside the material in a non-destructive and non-invasive manner.

The reflection coefficient is measured by means of a vector network analyzer (VNA) using a double-ridge antenna which transmits the continuous-wave (CW) microwave signal and receives the signal reflected by the material under investigation.

Measurements on laboratory models demonstrated the feasibility of the method. Results obtained on timber beam sections, compared with the findings of traditional investigation methodologies, demonstrate the potentiality of microwave reflectometry, suggesting its possible usefulness during the diagnostic phase as a non-invasive tool for preliminary screening.  相似文献   

荀悦在前人的基础上 ,对历史认识的目的、方法、思维方式、检验标准等提出了许多有价值的见解。他阐明以史为鉴的必要性 ,将历史认识与取鉴资治有机结合起来 ;强调认识历史要透过现象看本质 ,通过区分类例 ,由此及彼 ,知微察著 ,去伪存真 ,获得对历史的理性认识 ;指出应以发展变易的观点审视历史 ,不能墨守成规 ,应当因时立制 ,分析事物时应看到其内部相互对立而又相互联系的不同方面 ;要求以儒家思想作为考察历史的理论原则 ,将主观认识与客观事实相参验 ,以真实作为检验历史认识的标准。荀悦的历史认识论值得认真加以总结  相似文献   
In this paper we evaluate the relative analytical capabilities of SEM-EDS, PIXE and EDXRF for characterizing archaeologically significant Anatolian obsidians on the basis of their elemental compositions. The study involves 54 geological samples from various sources, together with an archaeological case study involving 100 artifacts from Neolithic Çatalhöyük (central Anatolia). With each technique the artifacts formed two compositional groups that correlated with the East Göllü Da? and Nenezi Da? sources. The non-destructive capabilities of these methods are emphasized (albeit with certain analytical limitations in the case of SEM-EDS), suggesting important new techniques for Near Eastern obsidian provenance studies.  相似文献   
目前对宋代官窑瓷器的科技研究成果主要是在测试南宋老虎洞窑、郊坛下官窑等窑址瓷片基础上取得的,尚缺乏对宋代官窑完整器的科技分析和研究。本文采用荧光能谱仪(EDXRF)在无损情况下对故宫博物院藏35件宋代官窑瓷器青釉的化学组成进行了测试,并结合文献资料,系统地研究了宋代官窑瓷器青釉成分的组成特点及规律,为进一步揭示宋代官窑特征、深入探讨北宋官窑是否存在的问题、研究明清仿官窑以及区分宋官与仿官等问题奠定了基础。  相似文献   
张群喜 《文博》2009,(6):222-228
应用光学成像技术对文物进行科学诊断与分析,是一种非接触的、非破坏性的、直观和快速的方法。本文介绍在馆藏壁画修复材料、修复痕迹及修复评估方面,通过利用紫外荧光成像技术的实验研究,实现了对馆藏壁画修复加固材料、修复痕迹的鉴别和诊断,对馆藏壁画加固、清洗效果的有效评估,此技术在对壁画进一步保护修复中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   
于群力  阎敏  杨秋颖 《文博》2009,(6):280-284
为了科学保护山西省崇庆寺宋、明时期的彩塑文物,作者深入调查了该寺彩塑的现状与病害,分析检测了泥塑土的配比、成分与彩绘颜料,并对比分析了该寺不同时期彩塑的材质及工艺特点。结果表明,宋代彩塑的病害类型、严重程度等较其它时期的彩塑明显要少和轻。这一现象启示我们探讨这批彩塑的造型设计、制作技艺、材料选择等具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
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