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Jinling University, or the University of Nanking, was created in 1910 from the merger of three Christian missionary schools in Nanjing (Nanking). After a period of smooth development in the second decade of the twentieth century, the University of Nanking had to face huge challenges in the 1920s when nationalism and revolutionary movements gained momentum in China. After the Nanjing Incident in 1927, the university was forced to deal with all the serious challenges of running a new school. Within two years, the University of Nanking underwent comprehensive reform, which included the reorganization of the school administration, the establishment of a board of directors, the accession of the university’s first Chinese president, and the completion of a process of government-mandated registration. All this ultimately led the University of Nanking into a new era. The university reacted to the registration requirement and the internal administrative reshuffling in a process of gradual, interlocking responses. This process reflects the general nature of relations between church universities and the Chinese government during this important historical moment, though the unique characteristics of the University of Nanking’s own experience are also apparent.  相似文献   
南京沦陷后,日军制造了南京大屠杀,南京的医疗救助任务空前繁重。虽然绝大多数医生在沦陷前离开了南京,但是留在南京的西方人士、慈善机构、隐匿身份生活在难民收容所内的军医以及参差不齐的民间医生出于人道主义立场,以各自的方式投入南京的医疗救助。南京内外信息交流初步恢复后,西方在宁人士又积极申请外援,经历一波三折,方才成行。上述努力为南京难民挺过难关做出了贡献。  相似文献   
幅员和边界是政区的基本要素。城市型政区作为一种新型的政区类型,肇始于民国时期,是从原地域型政区中切块设置而来。在设市之初,并没有现成的法律、法规加以规范,因此市的范围到底应该划多大就成为新设之市府与原地域型政区(即其划离之母体)之间首先需要解决的问题。通过考察南京特别市行政区域边界的划定过程,展示了城市型政区幅员划定过程中的各种冲突以及在中国近代市制完善过程中所起的作用。  相似文献   
南京国民政府时期,中央与地方层面均设置了一些边政管理机构,有利于具体边政措施之贯彻。这些机构呈现以下特点:具有近代民主共和政体机构之性质;中央层面的管理机构设置较多且相对全面;地方层面的边政机构,隶属系统不一,虽按近代理念设置,但无统一的长期规划,也非决策或执行机构,属于研究性质;存在着传统政治习惯和近代民主共和理念共同作用于边疆治理实践的二元化特色。南京国民政府之边政机构,还有明显缺失:中央层面的边政机构与地方层面的边政机构联系脱节;边政机构之统合能力较弱,导致其权威及功效薄弱。南京国民政府政制本身与其边疆认识之缺失等因,是上述弊端产生的根源所在。  相似文献   
为防止日本侵略势力的渗透,南京国民政府创设了阿拉善旗专员制度。因专员在派驻过程中,遭遇层层阻碍,最终被迫改置为军事专员,权责缩减。专员制度作为南京国民政府介入阿拉善旗地方政治的首次尝试,其尴尬境地也反映了在缺乏稳定环境与足够控制力的条件下,边疆政治整合所面临的困境。军事专员虽远未实现其设置的预期目的,但客观上有利于加强中央与阿拉善旗地方联系,从而有效地维护了边疆主权与统一。  相似文献   
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