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The British matchmaking industry expanded sharply after 1970. This article focuses on the formative years of its most successful representative, the computer dating agency Dateline. Through attention to Dateline’s marketing in the late 1970s, I explore the ways in which new vocabularies of ‘scientific’ expertise were used to forge a ‘modern’ romantic sensibility. After setting Dateline’s success in the context social–sexual change, I explore its two main claims to authority—the computer and the empirical insights of psychology—suggesting that the invitation to embrace but also to control fate foreshadowed the pressures facing singles into the twenty-first century.  相似文献   
韶乐探源:苗蛮文化对中原早期文明的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
古今学界都认为韶乐是中原早期发明的礼乐制度.与处在蛮荒地区的苗蛮化并无关系。但根据可靠献.隋置韶州得名于韶石,韶石得名于韶乐.可知粤北地区的古化当与韶乐有联系。如果进一步探索.先秦献所载帝舜奏韶乐的传说和夏启舞九韶的“天穆之野”都在今湘南、粤北的南岭地区,韶关石峡遗址出土的6人舞蹈实物显示这一地区的先民早在5000年前左右就对乐舞情有独钟。因此.韶乐当是中华明初期南北方化交流、融合的产物.是南方苗蛮化对中原早期明的形成作出的重要贡献。  相似文献   
徐州地区出土的西汉乐舞陶俑,其造型采用大写意手法刻画舞俑的形体、动作、表情,同武俑不仅具有艺术的共性。还有细微的个性特征,生动地表现了汉乐舞艺术的时代风格。  相似文献   
Creativity is popularly related to innovation and new ideas. This invention‐cognition view of creativity is too narrow a concept for artistic creativity. Artistic creation is also about reproducing traditions and emotional (“affective”) processes. Widespread use of the popular invention‐cognition view of creativity in arts advocacy obscures wider dimensions of artistic creativity. This article focuses attention on the affective dimension of artistic creation. It surveys “arts therapy” literature and investigates how lessons of this literature can be used to improve the persuasiveness of arts advocacy arguments that appeal to the concept of creativity.  相似文献   
李玉 《东南文化》2007,(2):73-76
日照作为东夷文化的重要地区,具有自己较完整的文化发展体系。陵阳河遗址出土的大汶口文化时期的陶号角、笛柄杯,东海峪遗址出土的龙山文化陶铃等,反映了日照原始音乐的发达状况,佐证了日照史前文化的繁荣。这些原始乐器的研究对了解日照乃至东夷地区的原始社会发展状况以及文明起源进程意义重大。  相似文献   
骈英超 《神州》2011,(3X):136-136
在评述学生的综合音乐学习成就时,首先要关注学生的音乐趣味、音乐态度、音乐习惯等方面,这是音乐学习评价的核心目标。培养学生的音乐鉴赏和评价能力,形成健康向上的审美观是音乐教学的根本任务。  相似文献   
The changing status of moxibustion therapy in folk medicine from the Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty is a reflection of the distribution situation of popular medical resources during these periods. As a feasible therapy with a large popularity, moxibustion played a crucial role in the Tang Dynasty. The Song Dynasty saw some social development as well, because it was an active state power and social force in medical activities. Therefore, people at the lower class gradually benefited from decoction and acupuncture treatments, and the status of the moxibustion therapy began to decline. The changing status of moxibustion therapy in different dynasties embodies the changes in technology and the quality of life. Translated by Chen Cheng from Tsinghua daxue xuebao 清华大学学报 (Journal of Tsinghua University), 2006, (1): 62–74  相似文献   
The article is an attempt to answer the question why Wednesday has the status of a holy day in Yezidism. Wednesday can be seen as a commemoration of the fourth day of creation, when the life on earth began and the Peacock Angel became its ruler. The article points to the Yezidi worship of the Moon and the Sun and related angels (Melek Fakhradin and Melek Sheikh Shams) and connects it with the Pythagorean concept concerning the movement of the planets and the Music of the Spheres. Two sacred Yezidi instruments, def and shibab, appear as allegories of celestial bodies in the Yezidi sacred hymns in the cosmogonic context of the creation of the macrocosm and microcosm (Adam). The article also points out the meaning of Wednesday in Judaism as the day when God created the sun, moon and stars and briefly discusses relationships with planet worship in Harran, Zoroastrianism and Mandaeism, especially in the context of the Yezidi Çar?emiya Sor festival which takes place on the first Wednesday of the month of Nisan.  相似文献   
Against a located background—a focus that highlights the significance of place in the constitution of Gypsy identifications and runs counter to most of the assumptions shared by recent studies on Gypsies—the article tries to explore the tensions, ambiguities and contradictions generated by the involvement of the Gypsy musicians of Parakalamos, a village on the Greek–Albanian border, in issues concerning “tradition” and “authenticity”. More specifically, the article considers how Gypsy music playing practices initially allowed Gypsy practitioners to be included in the nation‐state project in a somewhat “dishevelled” form as local musicians; however, in the face of recent shifts in politics, culture and representation in Greece concerning multiculturalism and “cultural heritage”, Gypsy musicians find themselves in the position of being recognised as “musical outsiders” that should by implication adhere to their distinct musical tradition. In this respect, although it has hardly been admitted, such a move runs counter to what constitutes the core of Gypsy musicianship: their locatedness. The article argues that within such “identitying” practices lurks an occlusion of the ways Parakalamos Gypsyness has been, and continues to be, dependent on place and music, and not on a separate, distinct and self contained Gypsy identity, thereby casting doubts on assumptions about what constitutes identity as such.  相似文献   
This article considers the emotional geographies of a highly vulnerable demographic: refugee women. As a marginalised and ontologically fragile group, refugees have developed rich and perceptive insight on space and place, by developing a critical vigilance that reflects forward and back on their life journeys, real and metaphorical. Through participation in a psycho-educational course designed by the author, nine women produced their own images of resilience, in creative exercises that provided ‘landmarks’ of recognition for other participants. Via participation in this temporary ‘community of practice’, therefore, another journey was taken; this article will also consider the epistemology of that itinerary using interdisciplinary insights from geography, cultural studies, cognitive behavioural therapy and gender studies.  相似文献   
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