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Palace lanterns were important and highly visible decorations in the imperial palace in Beijing, China, during the Qing dynasty (1636–1912). Most lanterns had colourful tassels made of fibres. The study performed a comprehensive investigation of the materials and dyes used for palace lantern tassels preserved in The Palace Museum, Beijing. Eight samples with different colours, including yellow, green and red, from five palace lanterns were analysed. By using ultra-performance liquid chromatography combined with time-of-flight mass spectrometry, the compositions of the dyes were identified quickly, and thus the dyes' origins were explored. A X-ray fluorescence spectrometer assisted in the detection of whether a mordant was used during the dyeing process. As a result, the tassels were all made of silk, discovered through the use of microscopic observation and micro-Fourier transform infrared spectrometry analysis. Different dyeing techniques were found in these tassels: yellow tassels were dyed by cork tree or turmeric by a direct dyeing method; greens were dyed by pagoda bud with an iron mordant, or by the combination of cork tree and indigo using multi-dyeing method; and red tassels were coloured with different acid red industrial dyes. These results provide valuable data for the conservation of ancient textile tassels and contribute to the investigation of other hanging tags.  相似文献   
社区作为基层自治组织以其独特的职能和地位对重大公共卫生事件防控产生影响。本文构建社区干预机制体系,并基于内蒙古社区防控新冠肺炎的实证分析,探讨社区干预在地区和城市、农牧区间的差异,结合问卷得分情况并运用主成分分析法分别探讨影响地区间、城市和农牧区社区干预的主要因素。研究发现:内蒙古中部地区社区干预表现突出,东部其次,西部最差,城市社区干预显著优于农牧区;组织架构和职能发挥对地区内的社区干预效果影响较大。城市社区干预以组织架构和职能发挥为主,内外联系为辅,农牧区社区干预强调组织架构和内外联系,职能发挥薄弱;社区干预依照“组织架构响应--自身职能发挥--内外联系建立”的机制推进。  相似文献   
Two sets of twelve Portland limestone tablets were attached to carousels outside and under the open, lightweight shelter at Bishop’s Palace (Witney, England) for 18 months to assess the influence of shelters on soiling and microbiological growth on stone. At the start, and at 6-month intervals, tablets were analysed using microscopy (optical and SEM), colour measurement (spectrophotometry), weight change measurement and salt content determination (ion chromatography). Concentrations of NO2 and SO2 were also monitored for a month using diffusion tubes. In addition, results were compared with those obtained by the UK National Materials Exposure Programme (NMEP) on chemical weathering rates. Differences in soiling and biological growth on sheltered and unsheltered samples, and their influence on limestone decay were established. The shelter is likely to reduce biological growth by modifying the micro-environmental conditions. However, it may also exacerbate dust deposition, which might increase decay rates in the long-term.  相似文献   
The tapestry series of the ‘Defeat of the Spanish Armada’ was a national artistic treasure which hung in the old Palace of Westminster from the mid 17th century until the fire of 1834. This article outlines the creation of the tapestries in the 1590s and covers the major treatments of them in illustrations of parliamentary interiors and in John Pine's 1739 engravings; it ends with a short account of the curious episode of the tapestry which escaped the conflagration. In the absence of any known historical record of how the tapestries were displayed, suggestions are offered about how many and in what order they hung in the two chambers occupied successively by the house of lords (before and after 1801), and about how they were physically supported on the walls of the Parliament Chamber.  相似文献   
Metallurgical study of seven cast iron artifacts recovered from sites of the former Xiongnu (BC 3rd to AD 1st), Turk (AD 6th to 8th), Khitan (AD 10th to 12th), and Mongolian empires (AD 12th to 15th) shows that the earlier Xiongnu and Turk artifacts were made of cast iron alloys of near eutectic composition. The later Khitan and Mongol objects had greatly reduced carbon content in the range of ultrahigh carbon steel rather than cast iron, and contained more than 0.5 mass % silicon as an alloying element. Inclusions high in sulfur, phosphorus or silicon are also present. These differences suggest that Mongolia experienced a technical transition a few centuries before the establishment of the Mongolian empire, which is in agreement with some written accounts. The microstructures of the cast iron artifacts are compared with the related archaeological and documentary evidence. The results suggest that the use of fossil coal in smelting and the state policy of controlling iron production were the major factors responsible for the transition.  相似文献   
本文主要依据档案资料对北洋政府的蒙古教育政策进行了概要探讨。认为虽然蒙古地区的情况比较复杂,但北洋政府还是出台了一些与蒙古教育有关的政策。这些政策尽管缺乏系统性,但继承了清末教育变革的精神,继续推动了传统教育和现代教育的接轨。这一时期蒙古教育的发展受到了社会动荡的严重影响,但热河、绥远、察哈尔三个有蒙古族分布的地区,其教育还是在困境之中维持或有一定程度的发展,这种发展更多的是来自于上述地区内部的发展要求。  相似文献   
通过对历史文献、方志的梳理和最新考古的发现,考据出南朝观象台(灵台)建于南京当时台城(宫城)西南角的西墙城墙上,该处城墙内面有鸾锦门。此观象台位置在今南京大行宫,即南京图书馆新址附近。纠正了刘宋时期南京北极阁为观象台之说。北极阁实为南朝日观台旧址,日观台与观象台其性质、功能完全不同。  相似文献   
故宫的价值与故宫博物院的内涵   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
故宫与故宫博物院密切相关,对故宫价值认识的程度,影响着对故宫博物院内涵的理解与功能的定位。故宫人对文物及其价值的认识有一个逐步深化的过程。博物馆不只是收藏“人类和人类环境的见证物”,更要在收集、保护、研究和传播上下功夫。故宫的古建筑不只是一个“壳”,更是中华传统文化的一个载体和标志,也体现了建筑艺术中各民族文化的交流和融合。在反映宫廷历史文化方面,故宫及其藏品可称为是明清皇家生活方式的标本,值得深入挖掘、整理和利用。从传统的古物概念扩展到保护文化遗产,是故宫人对故宫价值认识的一个飞跃,故宫不仅要保护有形的,而且要高度重视、努力抓紧保护无形的文化遗产。  相似文献   
本文概括论述了成吉思汗经略西北边疆的出众文略,指出他组建新的依靠力量,经略中西驿路交通,短短几年便统一中国西北边疆,达到了建立欧亚帝国和促进人类古代最广大的一次“握手”的一代辉煌,以及成吉思汗处理西北民族关系和塑建开放性民族结构之成功。同时剖析了他因文化的局限性而造成的两大失误给他本人和子孙带来的悲剧。最后,剖析了领土观念、制度文化、利益依附关系如何成为边疆分裂的根本因素。  相似文献   
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