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民国时期,桂系集团所实施的治桂方略中,“控制”和“发展”的成分共存。由于其立足点为开发经济、促进民族融合,因此为后来社会矛盾的缓解和边疆地区的稳定奠定了较好的基础。政府力量之所以能够发挥积极的作用,既取决于其职能的转变,也取决于相关社会因素的推动。  相似文献   
彝族拥有悠久的历史与古老的彝文典籍。南北朝时期的彝族学者举奢哲与阿买妮 ,创建了彝族史学理论。在其后的 1 0 0 0多年时间里 ,又有一些彝族史官不断继承与创新 ,使其更加完善。在这个史学理论体系指导下 ,产生了大量彝文历史著述 ,丰富了中国古代史学的内容。  相似文献   
南京国民政府初期十年边疆民族事务管理机制与政策   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
国民政府初期是国民政府边疆民族事务管理机制与政策的形成期,期间基本形成一套事权分散的边疆民族事务管理体系,实施了一些内容庞杂、缺少系统性的政策,受到政府执政能力、行政效率和政权性质等多方面因素的影响,这些政策的实际执行都还相当有限。但是,这些管理机制的运行与政策的实施在国家实现政治整合和维护领土完整方面仍然有着相当重要的历史意义。  相似文献   
边疆的概念与边疆的法律   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本认为在中国古代,边疆的概念有其特定的化含义。不仅如此,边疆概念还有特定的、不同于西方以主权概念为中心的含义。边疆概念的这种特殊性质与中国古代特殊的、以汉化为主体的多民族国家的政治传统和多元一体的化格局有关,反映在中国古代的立法和司法制度上就是边疆的法律与边疆的概念和边疆的民族之间呈现出一种历史性的波动和相对稳定的统一。作从这一角度对之进行探讨,弥补了相关研究的不足。  相似文献   
贞观之治是我国封建历史上著名盛世之一,它的形成原因很多,其中唐太宗治国理念里的和谐指导思想是其重要原因之一。文章从人才观、君臣观、君民观、民族观四方面阐述了唐太宗治国理念里的和谐意识及其作用。  相似文献   
明治二十年代,以反对明治政府的条约改正案为契机,在日本兴起了一股反对极端欧化政策、主张保持日本国民性的思潮。陆羯南便是这股思潮中一位颇具影响的代表人物。在其所主持的《日本》等报纸上,陆羯南连续发表文章阐述了其所宣扬的国民主义的基本主张、宗旨等问题,呼吁日本国民在摄取欧美文明时,应该坚持日本的自主性,有选择地进行西化。  相似文献   
王继宣 《攀登》2011,30(2):12-16,26
辛亥革命以来的100年,是对"民族、民权、民生"这个时代性、历史性重大课题求解的100年。孙中山、毛泽东、邓小平是3位站在时代前列的伟大人物,他们的理论与实践,分别为求解这个课题做出了伟大的历史性贡献。今天,我们要在百年求解的基础上,沿着中国特色社会主义道路继续求解,并做出无愧于前人的解答。  相似文献   

The Kven language that is spoken in northernmost Norway was officially recognized as a language in 2005. The history of the language community dates back to the sixteenth century according to tax books. There is still an ongoing discussion among certain language users, whether Kven is in fact a language or one of the Finnish dialects. The language planning of Kven has started in 2007 by determining the orthography and choosing principles for the standardization. This article discusses the history of the process that led to the recognition of Kven as a language and reviews the progress of the language standardization until the present. The principles of language planning are reviewed through document analysis – earlier literature, minutes or summaries and participant observation of the language board’s meetings, and expert interviews – and analysed according to Lars S. Vikør’s language planning model. Some of the preferred features seem to follow the language planning ideology of the Norwegian standards – Bokmål and Nynorsk – in terms of allowance of variation and parallel forms as well as dialectal diversity.  相似文献   
The article examines the developments that made the legend of an Asian migration into Europe part of mainstream historiography during the eighteenth century. It was believed that the Norse god Odin was in fact a historical person, who had migrated from Asia to with the north of Europe with his tribe. The significance of this legend to how medieval poetry was received and debated in England has received little attention. The study falls into three sections. The first will trace the significance of the Odin migration legend in discovering Germanic cultural origins. The second section examines the impact of the legend on philological studies, primarily in establishing a new category: the Gothic (i.e. Teutonic/Germanic) poetic tradition. The final section will focus on the debate between two of the most important eighteenth-century pioneers of vernacular poetic tradition: Thomas Percy and Thomas Warton. Their discussion over whether the Asian foundation of Germanic (and thereby English) tradition had paved the way for later Arabian influences is instructive, as it shows how Eastern “others” were negotiated in the discovery of cultural and national roots.  相似文献   
外籍人才引进中的国籍之争与“中国话语”的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文阐述了国籍政策调整的国际趋势;探讨了现代国籍理论的西方特性、中国国籍政策的特殊内涵等问题;并对当前关于人才引进中国籍争论的几个误区进行了分析。认为中国的单一国籍政策是强化国族认同的内在动力和客观需要;放松国籍限制只是全球化时代的趋势之一,不能忽视强化主权认同、努力消除双重国籍潜在风险的趋势;基于近代西方移民文化的国籍理论有悖于近代中国历史演进规律及国家现代化进程;本族裔外籍人才的个人权益只是国籍政策调整中的一部分依据;通过"双重国籍"形式主要是解决公共服务与发展机会两个方面的问题,而这完全可以通过其他形式或途径进行解决。  相似文献   
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