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河北临城县补要村遗址北区发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007~2008年对补要村遗址进行了发掘。遗址北区的仰韶文化晚期遗存具有自身特色,与周邻的雪山一期文化、仰韶文化大司空类型存在明显差别。中、晚商时期遗存年代序列完整,自洹北商城阶段延续至殷墟第四期,对进一步完善冀中地区中晚商时期考古学文化的编年体系、了解当时的社会性质具有重要价值。  相似文献   
一楚系铜器中,有关楚王(今頁)的讨论曾是学界的一个热点问题。楚王(今頁)先前仅见于楚王(今頁)钟。此钟为钮钟,螺形枚,篆间与钮上饰斜角对夔纹,鼓部饰象鼻对夔纹。正面证间、  相似文献   
管同及其学术思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
理学信徒管同是清代中期一个很重要的学者和思想家,而长期以来,学术界由于种种原因对其研究不够,甚至可以说是没有什么研究,而使人们对其事迹不甚了然;有些文章虽涉及其事迹和学术思想主张,但也单纯地把他作为保守派思想家的代表人物而加以否定。本文试就其生平、学术主张、政治思想略述如次,以期引起学术界对影响中国近代思想界至深的桐城学派的充分关注。  相似文献   
石德生 《攀登》2008,27(2):78-81
从明初洪武至嘉靖万历年间,经过卫、所制度建立,军、民屯田及移民,湟水流域汉族人口增加,经济发展,屯田繁盛,居住区域扩大,区域性汉族社会成型;同时由于儒学设立、教育发展,汉族群体中人才辈出、著述颇丰,使得汉文化在湟水流域复兴,为青海传统社会、文化、经济结构增添了新的成分,建构了青海传统社会、经济、文化多元性特征。本文通过对明中期湟水流域汉族社会的军事、政治、经济发展状况的梳理,阐述了明中期湟水流域汉文化中兴及对后世的影响。  相似文献   
Excavations at the archaeological site of Encosta de Sant'Ana (Lisbon, Portugal) uncovered a mid-Holocene buried alluvial soil associated with early Neolithic occupation layers. Routine laboratory analyses and micromorphological observations were undertaken on the soil material. Humic acids from its Ab horizon, as well as Neolithic ecofacts, were radiocarbon dated. The dates obtained indicate that soil was formed between c. 8.0 and 6.0 cal ka BP and that the pedological evidence fits the record of the North Atlantic Holocene IRD events (“Bond events”) and the so-called “Holocene climate optimum”. The geoarchaeological record reveals that Neolithic inhabitants settled upon a stable surface, still affected by soil formation that was suddenly interrupted by slope wasting, probably in correspondence to Bond event 4, at c. 6.0 cal ka BP.  相似文献   
勘查发现,故宫中和殿明间某中金檩在与上部爬梁相交位置出现局部断裂,造成下部中金枋产生较大挠度.为探明该中金檩产生断裂的原因,采取理论计算与数值模拟相结合的方法,对中金檩、中金枋体系进行了分析.基于榫卯连接边界条件的特征,分别考虑中金檩与中金枋叠合、中金檩与中金枋分离、中金檩完全断裂等三种工况,建立了中金檩-枋体系的受力模型,进行了静力分析,获得了中金檩、中金枋的变形及内力分布特征,讨论了中金檩断裂破坏的影响因素.结果表明:由于中金檩在爬梁作用位置截面削弱,造成中金檩自身拉、压、弯承载力不足,从而导致中金檩产生断裂;中金檩与中金枋分离条件下,中金檩断裂造成的中金枋内力增加,且比檩枋叠合条件更明显;中金檩完全断裂后,将造成中金枋内力及变形剧增,威胁中金枋安全.因此,对中金檩采取及时有效的加固措施极其重要.研究结果将为中金枋采取加固措施提供理论参考.  相似文献   
Paleoclimatic data indicate that the Pleistocene/Holocene transition was a period of considerable ecological change in the Caledon Valley of the southern African interior. Stone artefact assemblages from sites in one part of this region, the Phutiatsana ea Thaba Bosiu (PTB) Basin of western Lesotho, were analyzed in order to investigate whether changes in settlement and subsistence strategies during this period are also reflected in the organization of lithic technologies. It appears that although technological solutions to the problems of subsistence risk may have been emphasized during the late Pleistocene, social means, such as exchange, dominated at the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary. Subsequent innovation or adoption of new formal tool types suggests that both strategies were important from the middle Holocene onwards.Dans la vallée de Caledon à l'intérieur sud-africain les données paléoclimatiques indiquent que la transition du pléistocène à l'holocène était une période de changement écologique considérable. Les résultats des analyses des outils lithiques découverts aux gisements dans une partie de cette région, le Bassin de la Phuthiatsana ea Thaba Bosiu (PTB) du Lesotho occidentale, sont présentées pour examiner si des changements aux stratégies de subsistance et de l'occupation des sites se réfletent à l'organisation des technologies lithiques. Il semble que on a employé les solutions technologiques pour éviter les risques de subsistance pendant le pléistocène tardif, mais que des solutions sociales, comme l'échange, prédominaient à la frontière pléistocène-holocène. L'innovation ou l'adoption plus tard des nouvelles outils lithiques suggère que tous les deux stratégies étaient importantes depuis le début du moyen Holocène.  相似文献   
Absorbed lipid residues from 24 seventh‐ to ninth‐century coarseware potsherds from the major Anglo‐Saxon trading centre of Hamwic (Southampton, UK) were analysed by gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC–MS) in order to reconstruct the dietary habits of its population. The results show that the vessels were used for preparing ruminant fats and leafy vegetables. In addition, evidence was found for a minor contribution of aquatic foods. Beeswax was found once and most probably relates to a sealing function or to honey. Remarkable features were: (i) the isomeric mixture of octadecenoic acid (C18:1 Δ7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) and 8‐ to 16‐hydroxyoctadecanoic acid, and (ii) the co‐occurrence of C17:1, C19:1 and isoprenoid fatty acids. These features were proposed as biomarkers for ruminant and aquatic food sources, respectively. Furthermore, the carbonyl position distribution in mid‐chain ketones was used to identify mixtures of animal‐ and plant‐derived ketones. The paper highlights the difficulty in interpreting complex lipid signatures that show a mixture of various foods, as observed in the majority of the samples. This was linked to the preparation of stews or the recycling of vessels. The results are considered alongside ceramic usewear data and existing data relating to environmental remains recovered from the Hamwic excavations.  相似文献   
汪勃 《考古》2012,(3):85-96
中国唐代中晚期至五代之际的遗址或墓葬中出土有西亚伊斯兰孔雀蓝釉陶器,迄今已知有福州、扬州、广州、宁波、广西等地的考古资料。这种孔雀蓝釉陶器在非洲东海岸、西亚至中国的一些海港乃至日本都有出土,相关简报多附有研究,顾风、马文宽等曾对这类器物进行综合研究,三上次男就南亚、东南亚地区出土的这种釉陶器也做过综  相似文献   
从景观生态学构建城市旅游开发与规划的操作模式   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
李蕾蕾 《人文地理》1996,11(2):8-11
本文试图建立一个有关城市旅游开发与规划的应用理论模式,该模式的建立主要依据地理空间分析方法,同时借用景观生态学抽象形态单位斑、廊、基的概念。并以不同城市的旅游规划为实例说明了该模式的操作运行。  相似文献   
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