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陈寅恪先生的学术成就使几代学人受益,缪钺先生是其中的一位。通过阅读陈著和信函,可感受到缪钺先生所受陈寅恪先生学风的影响。  相似文献   
石门坎,云贵乌蒙山区的一片蛮荒、高寒之地。石门乡至今仍是贵州屈指可数的边远贫困乡。但在20世纪上半期,石门坎竟成为"西南苗族最高文化区"、"文化圣地",创造了数个文化奇迹。分析其成因有:特殊的社会、历史背景;基督教进入、认同、互动与大环境建设;创制苗文及乡村教育网络的形成等。  相似文献   
袁振杰  朱竑 《人文地理》2013,28(2):53-60
跨地方对话是地方内外系统交流的主要形式和途径,是理解地方意义的重要视角,对地方的建构和再造有独特作用。贵州石门坎大花苗(族)借助基督教会的进入,启动跨地方对话,通过西方生产技术和处世价值观的吸收及民族文化符号的重构,实现民族认同的重生,达成了民族崛起。大花苗(族)自组织能力的提升、地方话语权的获得及主体地位的体现,促使其民族"自我赋权",实现地方意义的重塑。以贵州石门坎为案例,结合地理学相关分支学科的思想进行深入的田野调查,研究跨地方对话对地方认同以及地方意义重构的作用,以期丰富跨地方的学术研究内涵、启迪少数民族文化觉醒,有助于他们能够正确把握并应对越加剧烈的外来文化的冲击。  相似文献   
湘西苗族巫傩文化的人神关系伦理意蕴,主要表现在:既相信自己又相信神灵的宗教观念,娱人娱神、以人为上的宗教情感,仪式模拟“难题考验”的宗教活动三个方面,其中凸显了人的主体地位。  相似文献   
The paper is concerned with the ways in which ethnic culture is presented and experienced by tourists with particular reference to two villages in China inhabited by members of the Miao minority group and popular with visitors. The study is based on qualitative and quantitative data derived from primary and secondary sources and findings reveal contrasts and similarities within and between destination residents and visitors regarding attitudes to tourism and its cultural impacts, especially in terms of authenticity. While the cases display unique features, their analysis affords more general insights into the characteristics of this particular form of heritage tourism and its consequences.  相似文献   
元明时期新开辟的从湖广经贵州通往云南的"东路"驿道,不仅是维系内地与西南边陲往来的主要交通命脉,并且也直接影响了明清时期西南边疆地区政治版图的变化。本文首次提出了"古苗疆走廊"这一概念,初步探讨了这条走廊对贵州省的建省、明清时代"苗疆"地区的"国家化"过程以及民族关系等所带来的影响,并对"古苗疆走廊"的地域及族群文化的特点等进行了初步整理和分析。就今后推进"古苗疆走廊"作为"世界文化线路遗产"申报的可能性问题,也提出了初步的看法。  相似文献   
《百苗图》是清代绘画记录当时各地苗族的生产、生活、娱乐和习俗等风情的历史图册,是珍贵的历史民族志。“百”是概数,含多之意,并不是指有百幅苗族画图,也不是指有百支苗族。《百苗图》形象再现了苗族支系的繁多和丰富多彩的历史文化,具有重要的历史、艺术和科学价值。《百苗图》原本已佚,后世转抄临摩者众多,据初步查寻,目前在国内外收藏尚存的《百苗图》抄本、印本估计不下100种。主要收藏在中国大陆和台湾各图书馆现藏,在海外如德国、英国、日本等国家的图书馆也有收藏。  相似文献   
在中华各民族的发展史上,苗族也是一支历史悠久,有着灿烂文化、延续着古老和现代文明,与其他各兄弟民族一样,对中华民族的团结和中国革命的成功作出过重要贡献的一支少数民族。在新民主义时期,贵州有大量的苗族优秀儿女就对中国的革命事业奉献出他们的青春甚至生命,这才有了后来的革命成功以及我们今天的幸福生活。本文中提及的几位人物,就是其中的优秀代表。  相似文献   
Past studies of southwest Guizhou during the Qing dynasty tend to focus on the policy of “abolishment of the native chieftainships and extension of direct bureaucratic control” (gaitu guiliu) pursued under the Yongzheng emperor, and also to emphasize the correlation between state expansion and Miao revolts as a political process of institution building. Based on personal memoirs and ethnographic accounts of the Qing dynasty, this study focuses on the Qing incorporation of Miao territory (Miaojiang) in southeast Guizhou, where there were not even native chieftainships but only unorganized, or “raw,” Miao indigenes; it also examines the incorporation as an interactive process of cultural understanding and construction among the Yongzheng emperor, Governor-General Ortai, a group of local officials, represented by Zhang Guangsi and Fang Xian, and local Miao people, who had already interacted with Han migrants and started to seek the protection of the central government. The paper calls attention to the contribution of lower level Qing officials made in the decision-making process, the formation of knowledge by the Chinese about the long-ignored Miao territory, and the significance of mutual understanding of cultures. It argues that the tragic confrontation between the Miao people and the Qing state building was not necessarily inevitable, but contingent on the officials’ perception of the minority people’s culture and the handling of the relationship between the state and local indigenes.  相似文献   
抗战时期缪凤林的民族主义史学思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为“学衡派”的重要史家 ,缪凤林把阐发民族主义 ,提高国人的民族自信心视为史学研究和著述的主要目的。抗战时期 ,他对中国民族西来说的批判、对中国民族关系史的论述以及对中国国民性的剖析 ,都是其民族主义史学思想的表现。从学术渊源看 ,它和世纪初以来的文化保守主义史学一脉相承 ;从社会作用看 ,它在抗击文化侵略、激扬民族精神方面有一定的积极作用 ,但到抗战后期 ,其复古主义倾向的政治影响是消极的  相似文献   
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