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为了解巴蜀青铜兵器的制作技术及表面斑纹形成机理,采用金相显微镜分析,扫描电镜及能谱仪对成都市博物院的几件带斑纹的馆藏青铜兵器进行了分析。结果表明,两件截面样品均为青铜铸造组织,锡含量平均为11%。三件器物表面斑纹层均含锡和铜并具有一定抗氧化作用。斑纹工艺可分为二类:剑周99-1极可能为直接铸出凸凹不平的剑体,在凸起部位涂高锡合金膏剂,加热处理后得到。另一类可能先直接铸出金属基体,在欲成斑处涂抹合金膏剂或纯锡,加热处理打磨得到。分析结果可为深入研究巴蜀青铜兵器提供参考。  相似文献   
The Akko 1 shipwreck is the remains of an eastern Mediterranean brig built in the first quarter of the nineteenth century, discovered in Akko harbour, Israel. During the underwater excavations (2006–2008), 158 brass cases were found, mainly between midships and the aft extremity of the shipwreck. It is suggested that they were used for artillery quills. The aim of this investigation is to determine the composition, microstructure and properties of these brass cases in order to understand their manufacturing process and to propose their possible dating and manufacturing location, and to verify their use. An archaeometallurgical analysis of selected brass cases was performed, including optical microscopy, microhardness tests and SEM including EDS. The results show that the collection was made of brass containing about 30 wt% zinc. The uniform thickness and the microstructure of the cases indicate that all artifacts were basically produced of rolled sheets and the cases were hand-made using simple tools. The metallurgical investigation suggests that they were manufactured during the first half of the nineteenth century. Combined with the archaeological evidence and the historical background, this supports the assumption that Akko 1 was a naval auxiliary vessel which was in Akko harbour circa 1840.  相似文献   
为系统地揭示出二龙湖遗址铁器的金相组织,展示其钢铁技术进步,此次对遗址出土的铁器进行系统的金相学检测和研究,获得了大量的钢铁技术信息。所检测的铁器种类包括铁钁、铁带扣、铁镰、铁刀、铁凿、铁镐、铁剑和铁环钉,均为铸造成型。包括麻口铸铁、白口铸铁、灰口铸铁、铸造后脱碳处理产品韧性铸铁,亦见到有球墨形态存在。在等待考古报告先行发表期间,见有该遗址部分铁器的金相检测及研究论文发表。综合分别进行的检测研究结果,加深了对于战国时期燕国金属工具的性质、东北地区金属文化的内涵以及与中原地区文化及钢铁技术之间渊源关系的认识。  相似文献   
The Akko 1 shipwreck constitutes the remains of a small Mediterranean naval vessel, discovered in Akko harbour, Israel, and excavated over three seasons between 2006 and 2008. Among the finds at the shipwreck site were eleven cannonballs. Two of them, a 9-pdr and a 24-pdr, were retrieved and studied using metallurgical and petrographic methods. The examination of the cast-iron was performed with optical microscopy, SEM–EDS, XRF and microhardness tests. The remains of the casting sand from within the voids in both cannonballs were studied by petrography. Combined with the archaeological evidence and the historical background, the metallurgical and petrographic testing may suggest that Akko 1 was a warship or an auxiliary naval vessel of similar size to, or slightly smaller than, sixth rate, and was in Akko harbour circa 1840.  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of the organisation of the manufacture and circulation of iron bars and the possible bar standardisation of a given set of artefacts in order to throw more light on commercial patterns during Antiquity. A set of 48 iron based metal bars originating from the Roman shipwrecks at Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer (France) has been studied using comprehensive metallographic observations, ranging from macroscopic to microscopic scales and slag inclusion (SI) analyses. A comparison of the results allows one to distinguish different metal qualities (inclusions, pores, welding, carbon content) that may be linked to morphological types, which shows the possible standardisation of this set of artefacts. Moreover, SI analyses allow distinguishing various origins for the Primary Pieces of Metal, thereby throwing light on a specific organisation of the iron bar production line during the late Roman period.  相似文献   
高句丽为古代东北地区的一个地方政权,公元前37年(汉建昭二年)建都至公元668年(唐高宗总章元年)灭亡,经历七百余年。多年来,考古发掘出土了高句丽时期的青铜容器、兵器、青铜铃等多种类型的器物。对于高句丽铜器、青铜器展开了一系列器物类型学的考证。而高句丽人是否拥有独立的铜冶炼以及加工的能力,一直是考古学家和冶金史学家十分关注的问题。本研究以科技手段揭示冶铸遗物及铜器、青铜器的内涵,对于探讨高句丽青铜冶铸业的发展状况及高句丽经济发展水平具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
五女山城高句丽铁器金相学初步探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辽宁省本溪市桓仁县五女山城是高句丽第一代王朱蒙建都的纥升古城(公元前37年-公元3年)。在这一时期这一地域铁器的质地、加工工艺、手工业发展水平是冶金史学和考古学共同关注的问题,为深入了解高句丽民族铁器的应用及加工状况,本工作采集了出土于五女山城,多数集中放置在V区T504探方出土的一件铁釜内的铁器,进行金相学研究。为此采用金相显微镜、扫描电镜-X射线能谱仪作为检测和分析手段。检测结果表明,这些铁器的材质包括生铁铸造器物,局部灰口铸铁、低碳钢、熟铁,兵器和工具采用含杂质少的铸铁脱碳钢材料,铁钉采用含杂质多的炒钢材料,半成品铁块体现了生铁与熟铁相熔折叠锻打的工艺特征,与文献记载的"灌钢"方法之一的"灌"、"辟"相对应,而另一件环形铁器,内缘表面可观察到若干高碳薄层,与中心区域含碳量相差悬殊,并且观察到有石墨存在,显然也与熔融生铁的表面处理相关。这两件样品表明,至少在五世纪初,该地工匠已经在应用施加熔融生铁于熟铁的工艺。  相似文献   
丸都山城高句丽铁器的金相与工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨高句丽铁器加工业发展状况以及魏晋南北朝时期钢铁技术水平,利用金相显微镜对吉林省集安市丸都山城遗址出土铁器样品进行金相学检测及工艺研究,并结合以往高句丽铁器检测结果进行讨论。检测结果表明,工匠制造铁器时采用了"生铁淋口"、铸造后脱碳退火、铸铁脱碳钢材料锻打成型、锋刃部淬火、熟铁、低碳钢等不同材质的锻接、折叠锻打等加工技术。铁镞03JWN2T105②:12是迄今为止应用"生铁淋口"工艺的最早实例,将这种工艺的使用年代,前推至魏晋南北朝时期,相对于明代文献的明确记载提前1000年左右,相对于已报道的宋代实例早600余年,其发明时间应该还在此之前,该项发现对构建魏晋南北朝时期钢铁技术发展序列,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
铜镯是"西南夷"地区青铜时代最为常见的青铜器种类之一,考古发现数量众多,造型和纹饰因地而异。这种装饰品对于研究青铜时代西南先民的青铜艺术、技术等具有重要的价值。之前关于西南夷青铜器的研究,更多集中于铜鼓、铜兵器等主要铜器类型,而专门对铜镯展开的专题研究较少,因此目前对云南各地域铜镯的合金成分与制作技术特征缺乏整体性认识。与此同时,由于铜镯是一类常见的装饰品,对其进行研究可更直接地反映不同文化人群对金属资源的掌控、青铜技术的选择等考古学问题。根据文献记载,云南西部保山昌宁一带是西南夷中哀牢的主要分布区,近年来对该地展开的考古发掘工作为研究哀牢青铜文化提供了科学的实物资料。为了探讨昌宁地区哀牢青铜文化铜镯的合金成分及制作工艺特点,深化对云南不同地区出土铜镯技术特征的认识,本研究利用金相显微镜和扫描电镜能谱仪对昌宁出土的6件铜镯进行了成分分析和金相观察。结果显示,此批铜镯全部为锡青铜,含有少量的砷、硫、锑等杂质元素;其制作工艺多样,铸造、热锻和热锻后冷加工等多种方法并用。在此基础上,收集云南其他地区出土铜镯的科技分析数据,并结合类型学展开对比分析,把握各地铜镯制作技术的差异和联系。结果表明,云南各地出土铜镯,均以锡青铜为主,制作工艺上铸锻并重,这反映了西南夷青铜技术体系的一个重要特征。但进一步观察发现,铜镯的合金配比和加工方式又表现出明显的当地特色,如哀牢铜镯的平均含锡量最高且十分稳定,而滇、昆明夷铜镯的锡含量范围非常离散。各西南夷族群所采用的铜镯制作方法的同与异,究其原因,可能和铜镯造型、族群对资源的掌控能力、人的审美喜好等方面有关。本研究的创新性在于从铜镯这一被较少关注的青铜器类出发,结合成分、金相与类型学分析,综合以往研究对云南各地域出土铜镯工艺技术的共性及区别展开讨论。总之,铜镯作为云南地区常见的人体装饰品,不仅展现了不同区域少数民族对铜镯这一器型采用的合金配比与青铜制作工艺,而且从非实用器的角度反映了西南夷对资源的利用与掌控、审美思想等方面的信息。  相似文献   
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