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In 2004, a controversy arose in Aotearoa New Zealand's coal mining sector that involved Powelliphanta augusta, a species of land snail. This paper considers that controversy in terms of emergent assemblages involving the snail, the mining industry, the Department of Conservation, political action by environmental non‐government organisations, and public expressions of environmental and other values. Three sets of relations embedded in those assemblages are examined—those related to positioning and organising nature; values, politics, and power relations; and human and non‐human materialities. Those relations illuminate how a protracted controversy and its objects form a “social test bed” for contested views in legislation and guidelines dealing with economy, conservation, and restoration. To assess the dynamics, complexities, and contingencies of such relations, attention is paid to the controversy's detailed time line and legal framing, as well as to ontological shifts of snail and habitat and snail metrics. This analytical focus highlights the shifting quality of ideas about how the snail and its habitat are understood as entangled in fraught and mutating strategies of translocation that are played out in a particular regulatory setting. It also provides insights into international geographical efforts to re‐shape environmental governance and management.  相似文献   
马家浜文化区的环境研究,以往都以1000年左右为尺度,即把马家浜文化作为一个基本时间单元来分析,所得结论是粗线条或大趋势性的。在马家浜文化研究近半个世纪的今天,我们已经有条件提取更多信息,变趋势性考察为过程性研究,进而描绘这一时期更加细微的演化曲线,构建人地关系景观。  相似文献   
本文系“马臀烫印与番马画鉴定”系列研究之第三篇论文。该文与下期发表之《臀部的破绽:由马臀烫印质疑波士顿本<胡笳十八拍册>之版本年代》并合.藉由图像分析、风格分析、马臀烫印等三种研究角度,检证波士顿美术馆本《胡笳十八拍图》册、台北故宫本《胡笳十八拍图》册、大都会博物馆本《胡笳十八拍图》卷等存世三种具代表性的刘商谱系版本.从而质疑波士顿本作为刘商谱系“笳拍图”图像系列中年代最早、内容最精之祖本的论点。  相似文献   
《文馆词林》阙题残篇考证   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
在日藏弘仁本《文馆词林》中,有一作者与题名不明的残篇。对作品流传情况、文体及内容进行考察,发现都与马融的《上林颂》相合。最后,马融的生活时代与残篇文字所表达出来的年代相合。这个残篇很可能就是马融的《上林颂》。  相似文献   
近代文化变迁以来,“中国哲学”这个称谓一直是一个有争议的问题,。但哲学作为一件“事情”,在中国是有的,哲学本也不是件东西。“事情”,德语为Sache,意指“争执”,“论争”。自古希腊,“哲学”就是对“智慧”的“爱”,是无尽的探问与追思,是爱者与被爱者之间的互通有无,即“对话”,因此对话是哲学的最为原初最为根本的形式,其表达形式则应该是多种多样并且与生活连在一起的。  相似文献   
The existence of gendered knowledge has been identified as a significant feature of Indigenous Australian culture, and the importance of considering the implications of gendered environmental knowledge in collaborative cross-cultural natural resource management has been highlighted. There is a lack of case studies that demonstrate how Indigenous women's knowledge and laws can be provided for in resource management contexts. From collaborative research with Anmatyerr women in central Australia, we discuss the implications of gender bias in relation to gendered knowledge in natural and cultural resource management, with a specific focus on Anmatyerr women's involvement in providing inputs about the cultural values of water within water allocation planning processes. This research highlights Anmatyerr women's own perspectives of their roles in contemporary contexts and identifies the existence of cultural change and continuity in relation to rights and responsibilities around water.  相似文献   
旅游景区开发企业的社会责任意识与行为是影响遗产地可持续发展的重要因素之一,而社区居民对景区开发企业社会责任的感知直接影响旅游地企业与社区的关系。本文通过对世界自然遗产地武陵源社区居民的调查研究,分析社区居民地方依恋、遗产价值认知与他们对景区开发企业社会责任感知的关系,研究发现:①社区居民认为景区开发企业应对股东、游客、员工、遗产和政府承担责任,特别是要对周边环境与社区居民负责;②地方依恋感和遗产价值认知较强的居民对景区开发企业履行社会责任有着更高的预期;③地方依恋通过加强居民的遗产价值认知深化其对景区开发企业应承担社会责任的感知。  相似文献   
企业价值观是企业文化的核心。在企业价值观形成的过程中,企业领袖起着重要作用。本文以稻盛和夫为对象,通过分析其在京瓷企业价值观建立与实践的过程中所起到的作用,探究企业的领袖人物与企业文化之间的关联。  相似文献   
吴慧  肖廷 《人文地理》2017,32(4):155-160
近年来关于用户参与的研究大受欢迎,但鲜有研究从用户参与广度和深度出发,基于社区归属感及服务个人价值独特视角深入探讨用户参与对用户忠诚的影响。本文以在线旅游社区为例,以个人价值理论和基本心理需要理论为基础,采用情境问卷法构建了包含用户参与、用户忠诚、社区归属感及服务个人价值的结构方程模型。研究表明:用户参与广度和深度对用户忠诚都有显著正向影响;安宁生活价值、社会融合价值和社区归属感显著中介于用户参与和忠诚的关系,其中社会融合价值中介作用最强,但社会认同价值没有发挥显著中介作用。本文的新发现在丰富学术界对用户参与相关研究的同时,还对在线旅行企业如何提高用户忠诚有较大参考意义。  相似文献   
This paper presents direct evidence of subsistence practices and pottery use at a Late Neolithic site at al-Basatîn, northern Jordan. Measurable concentrations of C16:0 and C18:0 were recovered from 8 of 10 archaeological pottery fragments through use of a microwave-assisted silica gel and aminopropyl solvent protocol developed for the isolation and concentration of free fatty acids in marine sediments. Subsequent isotopic analysis of the surviving C16:0 and C18:0 saturated fatty acids revealed ∂13C ratios consistent with those of adipose fats of ruminant and non-ruminant animals pastured on lands adjacent to the Jordan Valley. The high recovery of diagnostic compounds from the al-Basatîn material is discussed in context of a wider examination of the initial development and use of pottery in the Fertile Crescent, and the emerging debate concerning the efficacy of stable carbon isotope values in characterizing organic residues embedded in pottery fragments recovered from the earliest ceramic horizons in the Middle East and Europe.  相似文献   
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