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《吕氏春秋》一书,现存东汉高诱注,并有元、明旧刊本十多种。清代以来,系统校理此书或择要训释者不下百余家,但至今尚难通读之处也还不少。今仅就重读所及,挑选一些内容略作札记。  相似文献   
范宁集解《谷梁传》时商定了三种例法:传例、注例、略例。"传例"是范宁归纳《谷梁传》传释《春秋》的原文,绝大多数保存在注文中;"注例"是范宁归纳《春秋》经文,以作为注解《谷梁传》的指导,处于经文之后;"略例"是范宁根据《春秋》同类纪事经文而总结的例法,被杨士勋散入义疏中。因此,《四库全书总目》认为"传例"被杨士勋"散入注疏中"有二不妥:一是仅指出"传例"一种,而忽视"注例、略例";二是"散入疏中"者不是"传例"而是"略例"。另外,杨士勋在义疏范宁集解时也提出了一系列解释例法的名词和术语。可见,范宁、杨士勋对《春秋谷梁传注疏》的例法总结和研究作了开创性贡献。  相似文献   
This study examines Zuozhuan narrative accounts that conclude with evaluations ascribed to the “Gentleman” (junzi 君子). The Zuozhuan is one of the earliest extant Chinese works of narrative history, and in the past many scholars assumed that narrative accounts formed its core, dismissing subjective evaluations of those accounts, such as the Gentleman's comments, as secondary, later additions. This study demonstrates that narrative account plus Gentleman judgment function together as a unit, contending that these units were likely introduced into the Zuozhuan as such. It further proposes that the perception that the Gentleman's concluding comments were later, independent additions was likely influenced by the practice of capping narrative accounts with quotations borrowed from other sources, and furthermore, suggests that this perception may have led compilers on occasion to insert material between the narrative accounts and the Gentleman's evaluations of them.  相似文献   
本文考定汉魏春秋学图籍、学者之数,制成《汉魏春秋学图籍一览表》、《汉魏春秋学演变折线图》、《汉魏各派春秋学者一览表》及《汉魏各派春秋学者演变折线图》。从诸图表可以看出,汉魏时期春秋学之演变态势有如下显著特点:公羊派在整个两汉时期都具有无与伦比的优势,三国时期则由盛转衰;谷梁派在西汉时期有一定地位,东汉三国时期则一直衰微;两汉时期左氏派呈上升趋势,至三国时期遂形成压倒优势,与公羊、谷梁二派均告衰微形成鲜明对比。  相似文献   
This article re-examines the meaning of bu zhan er qu ren zhi bing 不戰而屈人之兵, one of the core notions of Sunzi 孫子, and discusses its practicality. The article questions the popularly pacific and defensive view on this expression and refutes the argument that it is an idealistic concept. By analyzing the context and historical background of Sunzi, this article argues that bu zhan er qu ren zhi bing is a realistic strategy developed to adapt to the increasingly fierce competition during the period of the Chunqiu 春秋 (770–5th c. B.C.E). The term can be applied to both offensive and defensive strategies. Its meaning does not equate to but includes subjugating the enemy or frustrating his strategic goals through famou 伐謀 and fajiao 伐交 rather than engaging in decisive battles. Through studying four historical cases from the Chunqiu, this article analyses how to apply famou and fajiao to achieve bu zhan er qu ren zhi bing in practice.  相似文献   
<春秋>是中国传统史学的一大源头,其褒贬书法通过一定的义例蕴含大义,开后世史书褒贬先河.宋代史书褒贬深受<春秋>书法影响.一方面,宋代史书在褒贬形式上多效仿<春秋>义例,主要包括纪年"冠王于正"、一字寓褒贬、常事不书、讳书和书义理之实等;另一方面,宋代史书在褒贬思想上也继承和发展了<春秋>大义,主要包括"正名"、"尊王"、"攘夷"和"正统"等.  相似文献   
“夏时冠周月”解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋代学胡安国的《春秋》学理论当中。有所谓“以夏时冠周月”之说。昔人反对很多。今人则以为是纯粹的经学问题而不屑一顾。本探索此说的真实含义,揭示胡氏提出的这一命题在表面的历法问题背后的政治学意义,指出解决此类经学问题对深入开展历史研究是很有助益的。  相似文献   
东汉赵晔所撰《吴越春秋》,隋唐《经籍志》皆著录为十二卷,自元至今所存各种版本均为十卷,元徐天祜指其“殆非全书”。本文援引《史记》注、《文选》注及《水经注》,辨析了“殆非全书”说的正误,揭示出所佚两卷的核心内容及其卷次,指出前人所谓所佚两卷为“西施至吴”和“范蠡去越”不能成立。  相似文献   
王启才 《安徽史学》2015,(3):157-160
写于1930年,后收入《胡适文存三集》卷三的《读吕氏春秋》,是胡适的一篇研究《吕氏春秋》的论文。该文打破了有汉以来研究《吕氏春秋》只重视文本解释的局限,采用了中西比较的思路与方法,从人欲、人性的思想高度审视把握《吕氏春秋》,提出了不少现在看来仍不失为有价值的观点与问题。文章视野开阔,论从史出,文风明白晓畅,易于接受,方法与结论都令人耳目一新,初步改变了以后《吕氏春秋》研究的路向,在近代《吕氏春秋》研究史上具有开拓之功。  相似文献   
This work provides an annotated translation, together with a brief commentary, of the “Bao Wei Quan” chapter, the 20th chapter of the Chunqiu fanlu. The Chunqiu fanlu is an important Chinese Confucian text. It is ascribed to a pivotal Former Han (206 BCE – 9 CE) scholar, an exegete of the Gongyang zhuan 公羊傳, Dong Zhongshu 董仲舒 (ca. 195–115 BCE). This text offered to readers an ideal of rulership that remained highly relevant to the development of the ethical and political discourse of Chinese Confucianism. Despite its importance, the Chunqiu fanlu has only very recently been fully translated into a Western language, 11 See Luxuriant Gems of the Spring and Autumn, attributed to Dong Zhongshu. Edited and translated by Sarah A. Queen and John S. Major (New York: Columbia University Press, [December] 2015).View all notes and is one of the rare major classical Chinese texts which still lacks a full Japanese translation. Thus, the purpose of this work is to contribute to the ongoing Chunqiu fanlu translation project and to present to the reader some of the form and content of this influential work.  相似文献   
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