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This study employs keyword searches of literary databases such as Literature Online (LION) in an attempt to map the image of “Persia” in nineteenth-century English poetry as it was molded by a proliferation of thoughts and ideas in a variety of contexts. Completeness is not possible, of course, but the article aims to identify and explore some of the major categories within which the image of Persia was formed and disseminated in the nineteenth-century. The scope of the study is not confined to a corpus of poetic works that were written specifically on or about “Persia,” but takes account of a broader range of poems, and attends to the structure, texture and variations of the presence of “Persia” in nineteenth-century English poetry.  相似文献   
This article explores, from a perspective informed by Social Memory studies, memories of kings of Judah (/Israel) in three different corpora (the Deuteronomistic Historical Collection, the Prophetic Book Collection and Chronicles). It draws attention to the interdependence between memories of kings and other characters populating the world of memory evoked by each of these corpora and explores the ways in which the worlds of memory evoked by each of them interacted, informed and balanced each other within what we may call the “comprehensive mnemonic system” of the literati. The article sheds light on generative grammars governing systems of preferences and dis-preferences for certain types of memories of kings in each of the corpora and across them, and at times, even across cultures, and highlights that the world of memory of the Yehudite literati of the late Persian/early Hellenistic period was shaped by a consistency of inconsistency, and an overall coherence manifested through a seeming lack thereof that served well the social reproduction of the group.  相似文献   
中国现代第一个文学社团文学研究会成立于1921年,曾有四个贵州籍会员:谢六逸、蹇先艾、李君毅、杨敬慈。前两位广为人知,而后两位知道的人较少。除此之外,还有一位顾彭年,他也是文学研究会的早期会员,抗战爆发后即移居贵州,是贵州著名作家、学者顾汶光、顾朴光的父亲,故可算半个贵州作家。顾彭年早年的文学成就一是白话新诗创作,一是文学翻译,三是文学研究。他与茅盾、郑振铎等有过交往,同时还是我国城市市政建设理论早期的开拓者。  相似文献   
王阳明在黔创作的《瘗旅文》等多篇散文,是明代散文的精品,他的散文有其独具的特点;王阳明不仅是明代思想家、教育家、也应是文学家,这在明清以来就有定论。  相似文献   
《礼记》是一部儒家经典著作,其中包含许多儒家的文学理论与批评思想,尤其是其中的《乐记》,可以说是一篇专门阐述儒家文学理论与批评思想的专章。《乐记》中的儒家文学理论与批评思想主要包括:乐感论,即关于音乐应感的思想。这一思想一方面表现为音乐是由人心感物而生的;另一方面是音乐的感物作用;乐礼论,即乐与礼的关系。乐与礼的关系,实际上也就是文艺与社会伦理道德的关系。《乐记》中对乐与礼的关系进行了深入的阐述。乐准论,即音乐的评价标准,也即文艺批评的标准。音乐评价的标准包括“和”、“正”、“真”等。  相似文献   
《四库全书》所收南宋人胡元质重新编排注释的胡曾《咏史诗》,在今天看来至少具有三方面的文献价值,一可用以校勘文字,二可资以辑录佚文,三可据以推断某些古籍的亡佚时代。  相似文献   
藤井省三《村上春树心底的中国》构建了从鲁迅到村上春树再到王家卫的影响链条,详尽分析概括了村上春树作品在中国的一些规律性阅读现象。如此宽阔的视野与实精神证,对认识当代人阅读文学的缘由、心态和意义极具启发性。文学所关注的乃是人之心灵,所呼唤的是人的自省,正如村上春树的作品虽然常常被消费社会所利用,但其精神实质却依然是生活在消费社会中的人们强大的反思力量。  相似文献   
编写《中国文学史》,总爱用我们今天的文艺理论来评价古代的文学家与他们的作品,这当然是必要的,因为学术总得与时俱进。但阅读评论古代的作品,必须知其人,而知其人,又必须论及世。我们对那些特定的时代是否能有正确深入的了解,光靠泛泛而言的所谓时代背景介绍是不够的,因此通过宋人的记载与议论去感受那个时代的社会风尚以及领会当时的思想与眼光,这样。我们才能逐渐贴近那个时代,较为正确认识这些作家与作品,以及其时发生的种种事件。本文企图通过宋人三大笔记的相关记载与议论,谈谈北宋文学史的编写问题。  相似文献   

The present article takes as its starting point a short story from 2001 and relates it to the development of the Greenlandic literature in the twentieth century. The Greenlandic literature evolved around 1900 and mirrors the socio-political trends and the stages of nation building through the twentieth century. The overall tendencies of the century start with a striving towards more knowledge of and competence in European culture (including technical know-how) before 1950. Then a feeling of overwhelming impact from Danish culture followed during the Danification policy of the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s and this resulted in a protest movement in the 1960s and 1970s and Home Rule from 1979. However, if we read the literature in details and supplement it with the contemporary newspapers a much more diverse picture of an appropriation process (i.e. a conscious adaptation of selective parts of the impact from outside) emerges. The present article focuses on how these sources give us glimpses of an ongoing debate already in the first half of the twentieth century i.e. in colonial times: the Greenlandic population was not just passively under colonial domination. The history of the twentieth century is the history about a fairly well functioning appropriation of technical means and cultural impact from outside up till 1950, and then – after three decades of heavy modernization and Danification –-a process from 1979 on towards more and more agency in a “ glocalized” Greenland.  相似文献   
今传宝颜堂秘笈本《荆楚岁时记》记有古代岁首诸日特别是人日的年日称谓和占候习俗,对此,学者或以为其反映了失传的七日创世神话,或以为是岁占风俗,但是我们若从文献聚散及其反映的民俗传承历史加以考辨,可知《荆楚岁时记》原本并不具有占候文字,岁占民俗主要在宋代以后发展起来,隋唐以前的岁首诸日也基本是作为年日而存在的。  相似文献   
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