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This paper analyzes the previous decade of governmental extractivism in Colombia, designed and imposed through two main power mechanisms: legislation and securitization. In examining the government's disposition and the territorialized settings of mining control, I identify two official architectures of rights: one supporting the private accumulation of capital through the foreign exploitation of mining resources and the other aiming to concede ethnic rights. While the two architectures compete in the juridical arena, a violent dispute has developed in the overlap between the geographies of mining concessions and the geographies of ethnic communities within the territorial settings of mining control. Legal and illegal military securitization has emerged as a complementary mechanism for territorial control. By looking at the case of La Toma in the Alto Cauca region, I conclude that the country's previous two presidencies have actively promoted differentiated access to and control over land-based resources, excluding Afrodescendant communities from accessing the environmental goods in their territories while favouring private actors.  相似文献   
Itinerant merchants have been an integral part of world trade since at least the time of the earliest Silk Route from China to the West. Today a group of traders from Nepal maintain this tradition. Today their travel is by economy jet and inexpensive train. The countries involved are primarily thos6 with historic ties to the mercenary Ghurka forces under the British. The traders are well organized and limited to a few‐families, primarily from the Pokhara Valley in Nepal. Their goods begin with products from Nepal and Tibet, but they also move goods gathered along their route. They represent a charming anomaly in the modern world, a touch of the old Asia.  相似文献   

This article explores the management practice of protection notices, fredlysning, in the traditional practice of eider down harvesting in Northern Norway. Previously, private initiatives were legitimate for protecting land and resources from public utilization, while today only the state authorities have this privilege. By juxtaposing empirical material from current eider down harvesting activities with childhood memories of growing up in this area during the 1960s, and available legal documents, the author finds that some quite radical changes have tacitly taken place, indicating rather tense dilemmas concerning local perceptions of land use issues. Analytically, Olwig's distinction between customary and natural law is used as a tool for addressing the political dimensions of the landscape concept historically. In this perspective, fredlysning fluctuates in and out of codified law through the centuries, and under growing impact of natural law rationale. Land issues, both concerning property rights and public access and use of the common resources of the outlying fields, utmarksressurser, are here understood as very powerful means to bind the people to the land, as a way of transforming the legitimate scale of polity, of building bonds to the nation.  相似文献   
The historic region of Ohmi‐Hachiman, located in central Japan, is an example of a Continuing Landscape in an Asian setting. With a differing perspective on what may constitute authenticity, a planning exercise is now underway looking for a sustainable future for the city and surrounding countryside that is both a popular tourist attraction and a working agricultural area. Ohmi‐Hachiman combines two areas ICOMOS has declared as under‐represente d—an Asia heritage site and an agricultural landscape. This region is a Japanese case study that shares many planning and policy traditions with the West. It is the product of a long industrialised and developed nation, yet the site is quintessentially Asian with rice paddies and small villages sharing an ethos with the rest of this part of the world. It is an ethos that includes a philosophical and practical approach to this Japanese Continuing Landscape which dramatically diverges from conventional Western practices and challenges the accepted ideas of authenticity. It is an approach worthy of close scrutiny by those overseeing heritage landscapes in the rest of the world who may also be facing the uncomfortable clash of commerce and conservation.  相似文献   
Building a cultural landscape involves deep political and social processes. Discussions relating to decisions about preservation reveal cultural values at a particular moment and explain the character of the surviving landscape. This study analyses how one community in Western Australia defined its sense of place and identity. In the 1930s, on a wave of historical consciousness, Western Australians sought to enshrine the desire to preserve a range of historical materials in legislation, and conducted debates about the very survival of the buildings and documents. This paper investigates why legislation to preserve buildings and documents failed, and how the community understood the relationship between these two forms of heritage. Bringing together the two series of discussions, about the values inherent in and surrounding documents and buildings, highlights the way in which meanings are invested in places and things, and the values and processes through which the cultural landscape is shaped.  相似文献   
Book Reviews     
Cultural heritage is of immense importance in the construction of identities and, therefore, the behaviour of society. It is argued here that traditional approaches, reflected in British government legislation and policy, ignore elements integral to community perceptions of cultural heritage. The current framework of heritage management also hinders practitioners from exploring, conserving, presenting and challenging these constructs This paper calls for the development of integrated and inclusive heritage‐management practice and a recognition of the contribution of recent research into constructs of cultural heritage It is argued that there is a need to investigate the opportunities for, and feasibility of, developing more integrated approaches that reflect the diverse and joined‐up nature of cultural heritage.  相似文献   
While the conservation efforts and constraints in the medieval town of Quedlinburg are typical of the conditions in the smaller historic towns in the former German Democratic Republic, they also resemble those of small heritage towns in other countries. Shifts and changes are assessed for a time frame of about 25 years, before and after the pivotal event of German reunification of 1990. Located in a previously prosperous but now depressed region with more than 20% unemployment, Quedlinburg has suffered from the breakdown of the former agricultural and other industries in the region after 1990 and subsequent out‐migration. Some valuable historic buildings were lost before 1990, owing to neglect and lack of funding. Since then, improved funding, combined with public–private partnership, has helped the town to make very considerable conservation progress. The town’s World Heritage status since 1994 has been utilised as a significant supporting factor in tourism promotion, which has become an important part of the ongoing conservation processes.  相似文献   
Most readers will be aware of past and present issues surrounding the illicit traffic in antiquities. There are already a number of generic books available on the subject.1 See, for example, , Stealing History: The Illicit Trade in Cultural Material; , Illicit Antiquities: The Theft of Culture and the Extinction of Archaeology; and ., Trade in Illicit Antiquities: The Destruction of the World’s Archaeological Heritage. This article reflects on the problem of treasure‐hunting in Bulgaria and the inadequacy of Bulgarian legislation, which is leading to the deterioration and destruction of Bulgarian heritage sites. As no changes in the legislative basis can be observed at this stage there is a real threat to the country’s cultural inheritance. This paper reflects upon the results of personal research undertaken in Bulgaria as part of a PhD.  相似文献   
This article gives a historical and geographical overview of the use of induced abortion from the time of its legalization in 1978 under Law 194. First, we focus from a quantitative perspective on the dramatic changes that have occurred in Italy over the past twenty years, including a 40 per cent drop in the number of abortions, and we offer some explanations for these changes. Second, we illustrate the life patterns that are most typical of abortion seekers in Italy and how they have changed over time: from the conjugal model, where the motive is to limit the size of the family, to the extra-marital model, spontaneous and unpredictable. Another emerging issue emphasized in our work is that of abortion seeking by foreign women; over the past few years this phenomenon has become more relevant and merits attention. Questo lavoro fornisce una panoramica spazio-temporale del ricorso all'aborto volontario a partire dalla sua legalizzazione, avvenuta con la legge 194 del 1978. In primo luogo si sofferma sulle forti modificazioni verificatisi in Italia nel corso del ventennio da un punto di vista quantitativo – il ricorso all'aborto si è infatti ridotto di circa il 40 per cento – e propone delle motivazioni a questo andamento. In secondo luogo pone l'accento sui modelli di abortività prevalenti in Italia e sui cambiamenti avvenuti nel corso del tempo: dal modello tipicamente coniugale, finalizzato a mantenere la dimensione familiare desiderata, a quello extra-coniugale, caratterizzato per la sua estemporaneità ed imprevedibilità. Un altro aspetto emergente che viene sottolineato nel lavoro è quello del ricorso all'aborto da parte di donne straniere; tale fenomeno sta assumendo in questi ultimi anni una grande rilevanza e merita di essere approfondito, al fine di delineare quali tipologie di donne necessitano di politiche di informazione e sostegno.  相似文献   
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