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截至2003年12月为止,全面校注、研究郭店《老子》的专著和论文共有23种,此外尚有专论及附论郭店《老子》的论文多篇。综观上举论著,对郭店《老子》的研究主要在以下七个方面进行,即:一、简章组合,二、文字释读,三、书写勘误,四、词义考释,五、异文对校,六、文本性质,七、思想研究。本文试对学界在这七个方面的研究一一进行了述评。在文本性质方面,本文分别就诸家失当处进行辨正。并进而提出,由于文献不足征,此问题暂难定论,但郭店竹书《老子》的文本性质和公元前300年左右有无五千言的全本《老子》,是两个不同的问题,应该分开来研究。在思想研究方面,驳正了郭沂“简本《老子》出自老聃,今本《老子》出自太史儋”之说。本文还对郭店《老子》的一些字词的考释与释义提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   
汉画像石中的“捞鼎”图像具有丰富的内涵和重要的意义,它不仅表现的是王权的更迭,更是两汉时期社会信仰意识的集中体现。画像中“鼎”的捞起与失落这一过程反映了生命的意义,具有灵魂重生和生命复出的隐喻。捞鼎画像在一定程度上反映了董仲舒的天人感应思想、汉代民间的宗教信仰以及汉人的生死观。  相似文献   
东坡苏公帖碑是现存刊刻最早的苏轼个人丛帖,也是历史上优秀的苏书刻石之一。本文对该帖作了多方面研究,并特别指出帖碑中保存的《中山松醪赋》“元祜正书本”是仅存的苏轼的两种写本之一,有别于人们熟知的“绍圣合卷本”。该本中苏轼修改的字迹表明它与《中山松醪赋》祖本有着很深的渊源关系。帖碑上四种苏轼手迹,三种墨迹已失传,有赖刻石流传,而帖碑是其传世最早的佳刻。因此,东坡苏公帖碑无论在保存东坡书迹方面。还是于苏轼诗赋校勘研究方面。都具有重要的价值,也是帖学研究中应该关注的重要对象。  相似文献   
In 1900, the Lao ethnonym, and thus the Lao, ‘officially’ disappeared from Siam. However, Lao culture and identity persisted at local, regional, and national levels. As Keyes (1967) discovered, ‘a Northeast Thailand‐based ethno‐regionalism’ emerged post‐World War II. This regionalism, which we re‐term ‘Thai Lao’ and specify to the majority ethnic community, exists in a contested relationship with both ‘Thai’ and ‘Lao’ identity. The survival of the Lao ethnic community's cultural identity occurred despite the best efforts of the Royal Thai Government (RTG) to eradicate aspects of Lao culture. These aspects included Lao language, religion, and history, using the school system, the Lao Buddhist Sangha, and the bureaucracy. Beginning in the 1990s, buoyed by a multitude of factors, the Lao ethnic community reappeared as the ‘Thai Lao’ or ‘Lao Isan’. This reappearance was noted in the RTG's Thailand 2011 Country Report (RTG 2011) to the UN Committee responsible for the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. For nearly four decades now, ‘Laoism’ has recurred in Thai academia, the media, the public sphere, popular traditions, and even Lao apocalyptic millenarianism. Following Smith (1986, 1991, 1999), this article utilizes a historical ethno‐symbolist approach to analyse this recurrence.  相似文献   
孔家营一号墓位于老河口市北郊孔家营村李家沟北岸,2000年3月,为配合汉江王甫洲电站蓄水工程,老河口市博物馆抢救清理了该墓,出土了鼎、罐、磨、井等汉代陶器。为该地区汉代葬俗的研究提供了新的资料。  相似文献   
民初,陕西会党与革命党发生了激烈冲突。冲突的发生,既有社会结构方面的原因,也有团体结构方面的原因。冲突具有两个明显特性:它是不冲击核心价值的对抗,是革命联盟内部不同利益群体之间的对抗,而不是革命的变革。对当时陕西社会而言具有诸多正功能。  相似文献   
近人姚大荣所著《马阁老洗冤录》一书,旨在为马士英翻案。囿于成见,学界长期以来忽视其存在,乃至视而不见。笔者仔细研读全书,认为此书亦不乏值得今人学习和借鉴之处。但是它最大的不足就是臆断过多。本文主要介绍该书的内容,讨论其史学价值,以期引起有关治史者的相应注意;同时对书中的一些重要观点予以评析,希望能借此对马士英这一历史人物做出更全面更客观的认识和评价,并推进相关的研究。  相似文献   
20世纪30年代,在全国性的城市规划浪潮中,青岛市政府制定了《青岛市暂行建筑计划》、《青岛市施行都市计划方案初稿》等一系列详细的市政计划,明确将青岛定位为“工商、居住、游览城市”,并把崂山开发列入规划范围。在此规划基础上,进行的市政建设和崂山旅游资源开发等一系列的现代化建设,使青岛城市旅游功能突出地显现出来。随着以崂山为重点的旅游资源的开发,青岛这一时期的旅游活动快速发展起来,成为其建国前的鼎盛时期。  相似文献   
Hydropower development with concomitant changes in water and land regimes often results in livelihood transformation of affected people, entailing changes in intra-household decision-making upon which livelihood strategies are based. Economic factors underlying gender dimensions of household decision-making have been studied rigorously since the 1970s. However, empirical data on gender and decision-making within households, needed for evidence-based action, remain scarce. This is more so in hydropower contexts. This article explores gender and livelihood-related decision-making within rural households in the context of hydropower development in Lao PDR. Based on a social well-being conceptual approach with data from a household survey and qualitative interviews, it focuses on household decisions in an ethnic minority resettlement site soon after displacement, from an interpretive perspective. The article, first, aims to assess the extent to which household decision-making is gendered and secondly, to understand the complex reasoning behind household decisions, especially the relevance of material, relational, and subjective factors. It argues that while most household decisions are ostensibly considered as ‘joint’ in the study site, the nuanced nature of gendered values, norms, practices, relations, attitudes, and feelings underlying these decisions are important to assessing why households might or might not adopt livelihood interventions proposed by hydropower developers.  相似文献   
郭婕 《史学月刊》2000,(2):48-54
劳乃宣是清末修律中礼教派的主要代表人物,由于他长期在基层做官,更能注意到传统礼教在国人法律心理中的广泛性和持久性。所以在改革法律的重心和程度上,他认为各国法律的起源和分类不同,其变法也不能趋同,应该立足本国国情,因俗治宜,保持各自的特色。劳乃宣关于法律特殊性的认识和主张,如果在清末修律中运用得当,就可以相应地减少清末修律中的盲目性,使新法在吸收旧有法律的基础上更具有可操作性和权威性。这与超前立法相比,更能保持社会的稳定性,也更符合法律持续性发展的规律。  相似文献   
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