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Using recently released archives from the Military Service Pensions Collection (MSPC), this article assesses the archival evidence available for assessing how many rebels are recognised as having military service in the Easter Rising of 1916. It argues that while the MSPC contributes towards a more accurate estimation of the number who participated in the Rising, especially in the regions outside Dublin, it does not constitute a definitive figure for rebels active in Easter week. Through an examination of the assessment criteria for military service pensions, it shows how the decision to grant recognised pensionable service for the Rising was affected by geography, politics, legal challenges, the timing of an application, and the subjective assessment of individual assessors.  相似文献   
《全宋诗》是近年来古籍整理的一项重要成果,但其间也存在一些差错。卷三的“释印粲”条当删,卷四的徐铉小传中有一处标点有误,卷五误将两篇他人的诗作归于徐铉名下,卷一○在补录徐铉的诗作时未能引用出处最早的文献。  相似文献   
文章在评述明清主要校本——冯校本、毛校本、赵校本、钱校本、陆校本、劳校本的基础上,着重强调了它们的史料价值,即为《乐府诗集》版本研究提供了材料和线索。诸校本中,冯校本、毛校本、陆校本和劳校本尤为重要。这些校本提供的材料帮助我们部分复原了亡佚了的两个宋本,并且使我们比较细致地了解到明末元本的流传状况和汲古阁校刻《乐府诗集》的诸多细节问题。  相似文献   
名人效应是我国历代书画艺术领域中引人关注的重要现象,这一现象反映在艺术市场上,是书画价格的高低不在于其作品质量如何,而主要取决于其作名气的大小;这种艺术价值与市场价格的错位,成为中国书画艺术及其市场发展的“瓶颈”。为此,本对这种“瓶颈”的现象、成因及其对策做了深入的探讨和论述。  相似文献   
朱彝尊编纂的《词综》是清代影响最大的词选本。朱彝尊《词综·发凡》以及汪森等人的序文,详细介绍了《词综》的版本来源、编纂体例和校勘考订内容,具有词籍版本目录学价值,成为清人整理词籍的重要参考文献,从而在词籍整理成为专门学术的过程中占有重要地位。  相似文献   
文彦博是北宋的一代名臣,在文学和书法上也颇受推崇,传世文集有<文潞公集>40卷.<全宋诗>卷273至卷278"文彦博"条下辑录了他的诗集,集外又补辑8首,但仍有遗漏.本文主要根据<两宋名贤小集>和乾隆<济源县志>及同治<榆次县志>、<宋人小集>等文献,辑录集外佚诗计35首又2句.并勘正4处讹误.  相似文献   
[I] want to single out one phenomenon that could be called the ‘politics of sources’. It points to the extent to which the histories that both scientists and historians can write are artifacts of the available sources. The Rockefeller Foundation not only opened its archives very early on for historical work but also invested a lot in making the archives readily available for historical exploration. During the 1980s, many young historians took advantage of this opportunity. Thus, in a relatively early phase of the professional historiography of molecular biology, one could have gained the impression that the development of the new biology as a whole was a bio-politically directed enterprise of the Rockefeller Foundation sustained by the vision that social processes could ultimately be controlled by biological processes.  相似文献   
我国新疆出土于唐代元和年间的“坎曼尔诗签” ,在70年代初期于北京展出后 ,学术界引起很大震动 ,但也产生了一些不同观点的争论。本文围绕“诗签”的真伪问题 ,对主要观点作了述评  相似文献   
由于《山堂缉稿》重新问世,使我们目前所知的冯惟敏诗作较以前大为增加。然而目前学术界对其诗作的考辑尚不完备,本文在时贤研究的基础上,又辑得冯惟敏诗作6首,并对其诗进行了重新统计。  相似文献   
孔学 《史学月刊》2000,(2):40-47
《庆元条法事类》是南宋时期由谢深甫等编纂的一部法律书。该书以事分门,门下分类,每类汇集有关敕、令、格、式、随敕申明和旁照法。便于检阅是其优点,过于庞杂是其缺陷。今存《庆元条法事类》是一残书,但由于所收条法均是在两宋实行过的法律,且是集庆元二年以前所有编敕大成的律书,因此具有很高的史料价值。  相似文献   
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