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This article attempts to re-ground analyses of carbon markets by examining the material relations of production of a REDD + project in Cambodia. It focuses on how surplus value is extracted from labour at various points in the production chain of Verified Carbon Units (VCUs). Using extensive field work conducted over three years on a REDD + project in northern Cambodia I argue that VCUs are neither actual avoided units of deforestation and emissions, nor mere imagined or socially constructed commodities. Rather VCUs are packages of technical and affective claims attached to particular REDD + projects which are created through material labour processes. Only by examining the use-values that are created through these labour processes can demand for VCUs be properly understood. This article will start by giving a background to the Oddar Meanchey REDD + project (OMREDD + project). It will then examine the writing of the project document and examine the verification process and consider how these formed critical parts of the commodity production process. After that it will examine how the project collapsed on the ground and yet VCUs were still sold in the market. Finally the article will consider how the claims of the OMREDD + project were challenged by critical work and how future interventions against REDD + projects can successfully undermine the claims of REDD + projects and the extraction of surplus value.  相似文献   
In this ethnography of India’s border roads, I follow the circular/seasonal journeys of migrant road labourers from Jharkhand to the upper reaches of the Himalayas and back. I pay particular attention to the notions of masculinity and nation-building as they reveal themselves in their travel narratives. These migrants travel every May to work as road construction labour for the Border Roads Organisation (BRO) of India working in the Himalayan frontiers. While the BRO advertises its roles through various road signs claiming to be ‘creating, connecting and caring’ (for) the nation – it is the ambivalent construction of the labourers gendered national subjectivities emerging in the narratives of and about the migrant labour that is of particular interest to this article. One of the central contributions of this article is to show how hierarchical domains of the nation and the hierarchical structures within masculinity intersect and rely upon each other to build gendered national subjects. This research is based on over five years of a very mobile ethnography.  相似文献   
The data collected by the New Survey of London Life and Labour between 1928 and 1932 is one of the most significant resources of detailed household information for the interwar period, with data extracted for almost 30,000 households, providing detailed information including birthplaces, hours of work, and wages. This article assesses the process of the original data collection, highlighting issues that mean users of the extracted data must proceed with a measure of caution. In particular, it demonstrates that one investigator employed by the survey, who provided information for around a fifth of households, appears to have regularly submitted generic and estimated information that problematizes the dataset.  相似文献   
The New Labour Respect Agenda fuses anti-social behaviour policies, Third Way active citizenship, and a theory of community-based support and regulation. The Respect Agenda itself has a specific focus on, and direct implications for, children and young people, as well as for children living in vulnerable families. This paper argues that the theoretical basis for New Labour's ‘Respect’ is limited and ultimately flawed. Whilst New Labour policy demands respect from young people, young people's lived citizenship is too often experienced in terms of disrespect and even shame of the self. Young people respond to these feelings of disrespect by seeking out other ways through which respect can be acted out and negotiated. Respect, as conceptualised through the New Labour lens will criminalise vulnerable young people, thereby further stripping them of self-respect, inter-personal respect and societal respect. The paper concludes that respect should be an outcome of policy and a philosophy of a social justice led politics, rather than a conditionally led policy.  相似文献   
The bitter arguments within the Labour Party in Wales in 2007 preceding its agreement to enter coalition with Plaid Cymru in the National Assembly have faced little substantive analysis, and the specific behind-closed-doors debates at the special conference held to vote on the deal have remained undisclosed. This paper fulfils both tasks, revealing how actors’ arguments tapped into historically resonant traditions in Welsh Labour thought, coalescing around a central ideological conflict over the party’s identity vis-à-vis nationalism. The article thus sheds light upon Welsh Labour’s internal power struggles at an important juncture in its recent history and their continuing ramifications.  相似文献   
The post-war settlement among the policy elite is central to much historical literature. This article considers the rise and fall of the idea of ‘industrial democracy’, and its relationship to this settlement. The elite failed to respond coherently to claims for workplace democracy. The notion that politicians could work with ‘the unions’ and ‘industry’ was shown to be deficient. The unions contained numerous views, many hostile to industrial democracy in the form proposed by Bullock and the TUC. Industry was almost uniformly antagonistic. The notion of consensus ostensibly underpinned the attempts of Labour and Conservative politicians to progress this issue. In truth, this was a curious approach. The debate over Bullock was, at root, an argument over whether the owners of capital should cede some of their power in favour of organised labour. There was never likely to be agreement on this. The inconclusive debate over Bullock ultimately showed how fragile the consensus was. The political elite could not forever smooth over underlying disagreements between capital and labour, or between groups of workers with differing interests.  相似文献   
Over the last decade, a long-running archaeological project in the Guadalquivir Basin (Spain) has identified the emergence (c. 3000 BC) and collapse (between c. 2500 and c. 2300 BC) of a regional inter-settlement hierarchical system centred on the south-western Pyrite Belt and the Lower Guadalquivir Basin.  相似文献   
This article provides an intellectual history of the status of wage earners as conceptualized within the natural law paradigm by European writers both on the Continent and in Britain. Historians of political discourse have mostly investigated the consequences of such a status for the political rights of labourers. This article shows that the crucial moves were made by different authors analysing the relation of servant to master either in the domestic sphere or in private contracts. The article further contends that that resulting deeply ambiguous analyses implied a far from complete personal freedom for wage earners. This had a decisive impact on different visions of commercial society in early modern times, and left a significant legacy for moderns.  相似文献   

A Geography of Europe. By Jean Gottmann. 9 1/4×6 1/4. Pp. x+699. Illustrated. New York : Henry Holt and Co. Inc., 1951. London : George G. Harrap and Co. Ltd. 30s.

The Sea Coast. By J. A. Steers. 8 1/2×6. Pp. xii+276. 52 figs. 10 colour photographs. 24 photographs in black and white. [The New Naturalist, 25.] London : William Collins, Sons and Co. Ltd, 1953. 25s.

The Scottish Economy : A Statistical Account of Scottish Life by Members of the Staff of Glasgow University. Edited by A. K. Cairncross. 9×6. Pp. xvi+320. 17 figs. [Publications of the Department of Social and Economic Research, University of Glasgow. Social and Economic Studies, 2.] Cambridge : The University Press, 1954. 30s.

The Crofting Problem. By Adam Collier. Foreword by A. K. Cairncross. 9×6. Pp. xv+191. 8 illustrations. 4 sketch maps. [Publications of the Department of Social and Economic Research, University of Glasgow. Social and Economic Studies, 1.] Cambridge: University Press, 1953. 25s.

Torridon Highlands. By Brenda G. Macrow. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. xii+212. 25 illustrations. Sketch map. [The Regional Books.] London : Robert Hale Ltd, 1953. 18s.

North‐East Lowlands of Scotland. By John R. Allan. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. x+262. 49 illustrations. Map. [The County Books.] London : Robert Hale Ltd, 1952. 18s.

The Lowlands of Scotland : Glasgow and the North. By Maurice Lindsay. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. xviii+268. 49 illustrations. Map. [The County Books.] London : Robert Hale Ltd, 1953. 18s.

Ayrshire 1745–1950 : A Social and Industrial History of the County. By James Edward Shaw. Foreword by The Rt. Hon. Sir Charles MacAndrew, M.P. 9×5 3/4. Pp. xiii+279. ‘9 plates. [Compiled for the Ayrshire Archaeological and Natural History Society.] Edinburgh and London : Oliver and Boyd, 1953. 12s 6d.

West Durham : A Study of a Problem Area in North Eastern England. By G. H. J. Daysh, J. S. Symonds, and others. 10×6. Pp. x+198. 3 figs. 7 illustrations. 8 maps. Oxford : Basil Blackwell, 1953. 45s.

Sandy Shores in South Lancashire : The Geomorphology of South‐West Lancashire. By R. Kay Gressweix. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. xii+194. 46 figs. 31 illustrations. 23 tables. [Liverpool Studies in Geography.] Liverpool : The University Press of Liverpool, 1953. 30s.

A Scientific Survey of Merseyside. Edited by Wilfred Smith, 9 1/2×7 1/4. Pp. xv+299. 62 figs. 16 plates. 2 folding maps. [Published for the British Association.] Liverpool: The University Press of Liverpool, 1953. 21s.

Green Gold and Granite : A Background to Finland. By Wendy Hall. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. 190. 12 illustrations. Sketch map. London : Max Parrish and Co. Ltd, 1953. 175s 6d.

Germany: A General and Regional Geography. By Robert E. Dickinson. 9×6. Pp. xxiv+700. 121 figs. 32 illustrations. [Advanced Geographies.] London: Methuen and Co. Ltd, 1953. 50s.

Paris. By André George. 9×6 1/2. Pp.239. Heliogravures. [Les Beaux Pays.] London : Nicholas Kaye Ltd, 1952. 21s.

Another Spain. By Churton Fairman. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. 202. 49 plates. London : Museum Press Ltd, 1952. 18s.


Secret Tibet. By Fosco Maraeini. Translated from the Italian by Eric Mosbacher. Introduction by Bernard Berenson. 9 1/2×6 3/4. Pp. 251. Frontispiece. 60 plates. Sketch map. London : Hutchinson and Co. Ltd, 1952. 30s.

Seven Tears in Tibet. By Heinrich Harrer. Translated from the German by Richard Graves. Introduction by Peter Fleming. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. xv+288. Frontispiece. 25 illustrations. Sketch map. London : Rupert Hart‐Davis Ltd, 1953. 16s.


Ethiopia and Eritrea : The Last Phase of the Reunion Struggle, 1941–1952. By E. Sylvia Pankhurst and Richard K. P. Pankhurst, B.Sc. (ECON.), Ph.d. Foreword by Lady Pethick‐Lawrence of Peaslake. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. 360. 4 figs. Frontispiece. 52 plates. Woodford Green : Lalibela House, 1953. 18s.

Kalahari Sand. By Frank Debenham, O.B.E., M.A., D.Sc. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. 189. 16 photographs. Sketches. 5 sketch maps. London : G. Bell and Sons Ltd, 1953. 15s.


Southampton Island. By J. Brian Bird. 9 3/4×6 1/2. Pp. viii+84. 19 figs. 8 plates. [Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Geographical Branch Memoir 1.] Ottawa: Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery, 1953. $0.50.

The Florida of the Inca. By Garcilaso de la Vega. Translated and edited by John Grier Varner and Jeannette Johnson Varner. 9 1/2×6. Pp. xlviii +656. Drawings and decorative end‐paper map, by Reese Brandt. Edinburgh : Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd, 1951. 30s.


Geodesy. By Brigadier G. Bomford, O.B.E., M.A.,D.Sc., F.R.I.C.S. 9 1/2×6. Pp. xiv+452. 165 figs. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1952. 50s.


Decorative Printed Maps of the 15th to 18th Centuries. A revised edition of ‘Old Decorative Maps and Charts’, by A. L. Humphreys. By R. A. Skelton, F.S.A. 12 1/2×10. Pp. vii+80. 84 plates, including 12 in colour. London : Staples Press Ltd, 1952. 73s 6d.

Maps and Their Makers : An Introduction to the History of Cartography. By G. R. Crone, M.A. 7 1/4×4 3/4. Pp. 181. 7 figs. London: Hutchinson's University Library, 1953. 8s 6d.

The Look of Maps : An Examination of Cartographic Design. By Arthur H. Robinson. 9 1/2×6. Pp. x+105. 3 figs. Madison : University of Wisconsin Press, 1952. $2.75.


Morphological Analysis of Land Forms : A Contribution to Physical Geology. By Walther Penck. Translated by Hella Czech, Ph.D., and Katharine Cumming Boswell, B.A., M.Sc. 8 3/4×5 5/8. Pp. xiv+429. 21 figs. 12 plates. London : Macmillan and Co. Ltd, 1953. 42s.


Climatology. By A. Austin Miller, D.Sc. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. x+318. 82 figs. [Advanced Geographies.] London : Methuen and Co. Ltd. New York : E. P. Dutton and Co. Inc. Eighth edition, 1953. 21s.


The Story of the Oceans. By John Scott Douglas. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. 272. 15 plates. London : Frederick Muller Ltd, 1953. 15s.

Zoogeography of the Sea. By Sven Ekman. Translated from the Swedish by Elizabeth Palmer, Ph.D. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. xiv+417. 121 figs. 598 references. [Text‐Books of Animal Biology.] London: Sidgwick and Jackson Ltd, 1953. 42s.

The Geography of the Flowering Plants. By Ronald Good, M.A., Sc.D. 10×6. Pp. xiv+452. 75 figs. 25 plates. London : Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd. Second edition, 1953. 50s.

Plant Life in the Scottish Highlands : Ecology and Adaptation to their Insect Visitors. By Alexander Edward Holden. 8 1/2×6 1/2. Pp. xv+319. 64 photographs by Robert M. Adam. Edinburgh : Oliver and Boyd Ltd, 1952. 30s.

La Politique des États et leur Géographie. By Jean Gottmann. 9×5 1/2. Pp. xi+228. [Collection ‘Sciences politiques.’] Paris : Librairie Armand Colin, 1952. fr. 670.


The Coast of Incense : Autobiography 1933–1939. By Freya Stark. 8 3/4×5 5/8. Pp. xiii+287. 51 illustrations. Sketch map by H. W. Hawes. Wood engravings by Reynolds Stone. London : John Murray Ltd, 1953. 25s.

Arabian Adventurer : The Story of Haji Williamson. By Stanton Hope (W. E. Stanton‐Hope, F.R.G.S.). Foreword by A. H. T. Chisholm, C.B.E. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. 335. 23 illustrations. London : Robert Hale Ltd, 1951. 16s.

Francis Younghusband : Explorer and Mystic. By George Seaver, LITT.D. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. xi+391. 13 illustrations. 4 sketch maps by Charmian Longstaff. London: John Murray Ltd, 1952. 25s.


The Skin of the Earth. By A. Austin Miller, D.Sc. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. ix+198. 67 figs. [Advanced Geographies.] London : Methuen and Co. Ltd, 1953. 21s.

Teach Yourself Archeology. By S. Graham Brade‐Birks. 7×4 1/4. Pp. xii+220. Frontispiece. 120 figs. [The Teach Yourself Books.] London: The English Universities Press, Ltd, 1953. 6s.

Colliery Surveying. By R. McAdam. 8 3/4×5. Pp. vii+146. 81 figs. Edinburgh and London : Oliver and Boyd Ltd, 1953. 12s 6d.


Geography in the Twentieth Century : A Study of Growth, Fields, Techniques, Aims and Trends. Edited by Griffith Taylor. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. xii+661. 57 figs. 15 plates. New York : Philosophical Library Inc. London : Methuen and Co. Ltd. Second edition, 1953. 35s.

Le Razzf e i Popoli della Terra. By Renato Biasutti. 10 1/4×7 1/2. Vol. I. Razze, Popoli e Culture. Collaborators : M. Bartoli, R. Battaglia, R. Corso, G. Genna, P. Graziosi, S. Sergi, C. Tagliavani, G. Vidossi. Pp. xii+723. Frontispiece. 495 figs. 16 colour plates. Vol. II. Europa—Asia. Collaborators: R. Corso, R. Battaglia, M. Muccioli. Pp. 656. 565 figs. 6 colour plates. Torino : Unione Tipografico‐Editrice Torinese. Vol. I. Second edition, 1953. L 7200. Vol. II. Second edition, 1954. L 6500.

American Geography : Inventory and Prospect. Edited by Preston E. James and Clarence F. Jones. 9×6. Pp. xii+590. 33 figs. [Published for the Association of American Geographers.] Syracuse, N.Y. : Syracuse University Press, 1954. $6.

Our World from the Air: An International Survey of Man and his Environment. By E. A. Gutkind. Foreword by G. P. Gooch, C.H. Introduction by Professor E. G. R. Taylor, 11 1/2×10 3/4. Pp. 256. 400 photographs. London: Chatto and Windus, 1952. 63s.

The Geography of Towns. By Arthur E. Smailes. 7 1/2×4 3/4. Pp. 166. 22 figs. London : Hutchinson's University Library 1953. 8s 6d.

Mountains with a Difference. By Geoffrey Winthrop Young. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. ix+282. 14 illustrations. [The New Alpine Library.] Eyre and Spottiswoode Ltd, 1951. 18s.


Weltatlas : Die Staaten der Erde und ihre Wirtschaft. Edited by Edgar Lehmann. 9 1/2×13. Pp. viii+97 (coloured maps)+63 (gazetteer). Leipzig : VEB Bibliographisches Institut, 1952.

Atlas of the World's Resources. [University of Maryland.] 12 1/2×151/2. Vol. II. The Mineral Resources of the World. By William Van Royen, Oliver Bowles, and Elmer W. Pehrson. Pp. ix+181. 186 figs. New York : Prentice‐Hall Inc., 1952. London : Constable and Co. Ltd, 1953. 70s.  相似文献   
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