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抗战时期陕甘宁边区代耕问题研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
宿志刚 《史学月刊》2007,3(9):64-71
抗日根据地的代耕是根据地政权实行的帮助没有劳动力或劳动力不足的抗工属和退伍军人代耕、代种、代管、代收的制度。在陕甘宁边区,它是诸多优抗措施中最中心的方式。边区政府颁布了一系列相关条例和细则,制定了代耕原则、代耕办法、代耕方式及加强代耕的组织领导和思想教育等措施。代耕的实施,对改善抗工属及退伍军人的生活,稳定军心,激励士气乃至抗战的胜利起到了重要作用。边区的代耕充分体现了统一战线的政治特征和全民性、长期性等时代特色。  相似文献   
吴简中所见孙权时期户等制度的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高敏 《史学月刊》2006,(5):31-35
所谓户等制度,是指官府按居民家庭财产多少而划分户口等级的制度。关于秦汉时期如何征收家庭财产税、确定户等、评估家财等一系列作法,由于史料不足,还处于若隐若现之间。但是从西晋到南北朝,户分九品之制已经定型化。如果我们能找到从西汉的户分三等到南北朝的户分九品之间的过渡环节,则中国古代户等制度的发展变化过程就将更加明朗化。吴简的出土恰恰证明在孙权时期的长沙郡与临湘侯国境内,已经确立了三等九级的户等划分制度。但由于吴简的残缺,孙权时期户等制度还存在着许多难于通释的问题。  相似文献   
改革开放以来我国家庭的变迁与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高清 《攀登》2005,24(6):139-143
改革开放给中国的家庭带来了巨大的变化,家庭从其结构、规模等各个方面发生了不同程度的变迁。正确看待家庭在整个社会变迁中的发展,不但有利于国家的安定、枉会的进步以及经济、文化的发展,而且有利于推动家庭沿着富裕、健康、和谐的方向发展。  相似文献   
白云 《安徽史学》2010,(2):60-65
沛国銍县徐氏是我国历史上颇具影响的世家大族,它崛起于两汉之际,先祖徐宣任王莽讲学大夫,时逢国家以经义取士,徐宣及其子孙遂因累世经学而得累世公卿。汉魏鼎革,避乱南迁,改以医术名世,数代传承,家族医术取得了巨大成就,成为我国世家医术之杰出代表。又恰当社会崇尚黄老,重视养生,徐氏家族亦因累世医学而累世高官。本文在对徐氏家族居地移徙和成员履历行实考察的基础上,分析了该家族历二十一世数百年,人才辈出,绵延昌盛的原因,阐述了他们对我国中医学的贡献。  相似文献   
The Massengale site near Rugby, Tennessee was the nineteenth-century residence of one of the earliest white settler families to the Upper Cumberland Plateau of north central Tennessee, the Massengales. Archaeological excavations at their home site and historical document research into the family provided an opportunity to study their lifeways in this remote region. Initially, the Massengale ceramic assemblage appeared unusual, as a vast majority of their ceramics were undecorated. This study includes a comparison of the Massengale’s ceramic assemblage with those from four nearby, contemporary sites. Results indicate that the Massengale’s ceramic assemblage was not as unique as originally believed, and is representative of Appalachian farming families in this part of the Cumberland Plateau. Rather than attributing the lack of decorated ceramics simply to socioeconomic status, this paper examines a number of other factors that likely influenced their choice of ceramics.  相似文献   
Diasporic Somalis are increasingly leading a transnational life in which family members are sustained through networks of relations, obligations and resources that are located in different nation-states. These networks and relations enable diasporic Somalis to seek safety for themselves and their relatives, minimize risks and maximize family resources. In this article, I examine three key dimensions of such a way of life, namely: migration; remittances; and transnational family care. I focus on the roles that women play in this family-based support system. For instance, women move and facilitate the movement of other family members; they remit to family members; and they provide care for children and sick relatives. But these transnational households are not free from tensions. Family members are placed in hierarchical relations shaped by age; parental authority; possession of western citizenship; financial resources; and bonds of familial reciprocity and gratitude. Women gain appreciation from relatives and a sense of self-respect for their new roles. Some of the women also make use of the family network to arrange for the care of their children and sick relatives, while they engage in transnational trading activities. However, young and single female relatives often sacrifice or delay their individual dreams because of their familial obligations. I conclude that transnationalism – as a way of organizing and sustaining livelihood, resources and relations of Somali families – is not always emancipating or marginalizing for Somali women. Rather the benefits and challenges of such a way of life for women are different, mixed and uneven.  相似文献   
春秋中期,各诸侯国内部的政治格局悄然发生着变化,公室出现衰弱迹象,而卿大夫家族则日趋强大,公室与世族之间以及世族与世族之间的矛盾日益成为社会的主要矛盾,各世族均致力于内部的争权与兼并,“坠命亡氏”者比比皆是。赵氏,时为晋国强卿,也在“下宫之难”中遭受灭族之祸。历史上,对“下宫之难”发生的时间、原因和涉及的范围众说纷纭,颇多疑点。对于“下官之难”的诸多疑点,有必要依据典籍文献,并结合春秋时期的社会背景以及晋国的相关制度进行深层次的剖析。  相似文献   
近代江南农村的工价持续上涨。虽然对雇主而言工价持续偏高 ,但比照实际购买和扣除通货膨胀的因素 ,雇工收入仍然偏低 ,从而导致雇工短缺。而农业经营的普遍亏损 ,使得以往作为雇主的小农只能减少包括雇工在内的所有农业投入。因此 ,致使该区经营式农场未能发展起来的原因 ,不在于小农转向更为便宜的家庭劳动力 ,而在于这时发生了单纯依靠农业已无法维持生存 ,不得不重新配置资源的近代转型  相似文献   
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