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Sweden is arguably one of the most gender-equal countries in the world, and the historical development of that equality has been studied in detail. However, less is known about how the idea of gender equality was adopted in different professional spheres. In this article, I focus on this topic by using one profession, journalism, to analyse how gender equality was placed on the trade union agenda and negotiated in Sweden between 1961 and 1989. Drawing on a framing analysis of the discussion of gender equality in the trade union newspaper Journalisten, I argue that the Swedish Union of Journalists and its members took a somewhat moderate position in the struggle for gender equality, which, during the decades in question, was mostly framed as a women’s question. For the most active advocates of gender equality, it was nevertheless a deeply felt issue, and their work can be defined as trade union feminism.  相似文献   
20世纪江苏考古学取得了一系列骄人的业绩,进入新世纪江苏考古的体制建设、学科建设、人才建设以及在工作中的课题意识:团结协作精神等等都面临着如何与时俱进的新挑战。  相似文献   
新疆历史纵论   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
章对新疆历史研究做了宏观探讨,认为研究新疆历史首先要站在历史的脊梁上观察历史,既要了解我们先辈对新疆的开拓和开发,也要了解前人对新疆的探索和研究;众多民族共同创造了新疆的历史和新疆是统一多民族国家不可分割的一部分,是我们认识新疆历史的出发点和归宿点;历代王朝对新疆的治理,新疆是各民族共同生活的大家园而不是哪一个民族的家园,多种宗教在碰撞中并存,多元化的共存、交融与互补,屯垦戍边的历史与现实证明了其必要性和合理性,构成了新疆历史发展的五个基本问题;以往了解历史是为了研究历史,现在研究历史是为了更好地了解现状和解决现实中的问题,这是我们研究新疆历史应该注意到的。  相似文献   
The fall of the Berlin Wall has provided access to archives in Central and Eastern Europe and especially in Russia; new theses may be written as long as they remain open and they often show that our conceptions of international relations during the nineteenth century are outdated and mistaken. This contribution takes as a starting point the events of 1866 that we can consider to be a major turning point in nineteenth century Europe: the end of a relative and concerted balance of powers in central Europe, the first step towards the creation of a unitary German State. The article uses them here to question Russian foreign policy during a transitional decade of its history, through an analysis of the figure and missions of Minister Aleksandr Gorchakov. In order to do this, the article relies on completely new and varied material in four languages: diplomatic archives, personal archives, and a meticulous study of the press. The conclusions reached have been hitherto unseen and they put into question what was thought to be known regarding Russia's political line after the Crimean War. Now it is no longer possible to consider that Russian policy in Europe has been passive, conservative, and pro-German.  相似文献   
What is disclosed in the questioning of the human being in post‐humanism? Addressing this question in congruence with Heidegger's questioning of being in Being and Time, we end up with two discoveries: first, that the characteristic of Dasein, as the being of the questioning, already carries the same implications as the post‐human figure, and second, that questioning in this sense is indicative of the effort of realizing anew scientific space for conceptualizing the human being as non‐substantialist. Conceived of in this way, however, post‐humanism is a result of a very human effort indeed.  相似文献   
何元国 《安徽史学》2015,(5):125-135
修昔底德创作《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》花费了毕生精力,全书各个部分的写作次序和时间如何迄今悬而未决。从1846年这个问题提出到20世纪80年代初,大体有两派观点:"分离论"和"一体论"。前者认为,修昔底德的著作是分阶段写成的,这不仅表现在时间上,还表现在作者的思想上;后者则认为,尽管这部书是未完之作,且有一些不完善地方,但全书一以贯之,因此主要在一个时间段写成。两派各执一词,探讨逐步深入。1984年美国学者康纳提出修昔底德文本的同质性问题,即作者有意带领读者一起面对事件,其思想认识和叙事形式都发生了变化,故其文本不是同质的。这对"分离论"起到了纠偏的作用,也超越了"一体论"。在康纳观点指引下,英国学者鲁德和美国学者德沃尔德研究了修昔底德的叙事方式。鲁德认为"修昔底德问题"是一个"无法回答的问题";德沃尔德则证明其叙事的组织形式发生了变化。"修昔底德问题"将激发学者们的研究热情,砥砺他们的才智,推动着学术界不断深化对于史学的认识。  相似文献   
"一国两制"构想是邓小平理论中最具有创新意义的内容之一."一国两制"构想孕育于20世纪50、60年代,周恩来对毛泽东关于和平解决台湾问题的思想所作的概括即"一纲四目",是邓小平"一国两制"构想的直接思想渊源.从党的十一届三中全会前后邓小平提出和平解决台湾问题思想,到1984年5月第六届全国人民代表大会第二次会议确认"一国两制"的构想,使之成为一种具有法律效力的基本国策,是邓小平"一国两制"构想的形成阶段.1984年6月以后,邓小平"一国两制"构想又得到了进一步丰富和发展.而且由理论变为法律、变为实践.  相似文献   
One approach within the Islamic camp treats Islam, which emphasizes overarching notions such as the ‘Islamic brotherhood’ and ‘ummah’, as incompatible with ethno‐nationalist ideas and movements. It is, however, striking that in the last decades, several Islamic and conservative groups in Turkey have paid increasing attention to the Kurdish issue, supporting their ethnic demands and sentiments. Even more striking, the leftist, secular Kurdish ethno‐nationalists have adopted a more welcoming attitude toward Islam. How can we explain such intriguing developments and shifts? Using original data derived from several elite interviews and a public opinion survey, this study shows that the struggle for Kurdish popular support and legitimacy has encouraged political elites from both camps to enrich their ideological toolbox by borrowing ideas and discourses from each other. Further, Turkish and Kurdish nationalists alike utilize Islamic discourses and ideas to legitimize their competing nationalist claims. Exploring such issues, the study also provides theoretical and policy implications.  相似文献   
本文以学术界对楚简中从"西(卤)"之字的考释为例论述了笔者对楚简文字释读的思考,并对文中引述部分从"西(卤)"的楚简文字释读提出了自己的看法.  相似文献   
中国海峡两岸的分裂是冷战时期遗留的问题,也是朝鲜战争的一个后遗症。朝鲜战争爆发导致美国直接派兵进入朝鲜,招致美国插手台湾事务,再度在政治、军事与经济上援助蒋介石,全面卷入中国内战。朝鲜战争爆发和美国介入中国台湾问题,与海峡两岸长期分裂有着直接的因果关系。  相似文献   
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