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康熙《皇舆全览图》系清初官方主导实测的经纬度地图,对清代直至民国初期地图的绘制产生深远影响。对其数字化可为自然、人文要素变迁研究提供这一时间断面具有相对准确位置的地理数据,这对自然要素的变迁研究尤为重要。以图中广东地区为例,采用不同的地图配准方法,结合历史文献,分析《乾隆十三排图》对康熙《皇舆全览图》的继承与发展,并与之前有关广西的数字化研究作比较。研究发现《乾隆十三排图》以康熙《皇舆全览图》为基础,使用相同的坐标系,但是两个地区坐标系的偏移程度不同,主要与地理配准方式有关;图面内容的承继也有差异,这与清初对两个地区开发程度有关。  相似文献   
康熙时期西洋医学源源不断传入宫中。西洋医学的传入是通过传教士这个媒介来进行的.他们凭借在宫中的一系列医事活动,向清廷展示了一种全新的医学理念和治疗方法。西洋医学之所以在宫中有立足之地,取决于康熙皇帝对西洋医学所持的科学、客观的认同态度。  相似文献   
In the literature, the ‘Overview Maps of Imperial Territories’ or Huangyu quanlan tu 皇輿全覽圖, is mostly referred to as ‘the Jesuit atlas of China’. The reason is that this early eighteenth-century atlas of all Qing China’s territories plus Korea and Tibet is assumed to have resulted from European missionaries importing European cartographic practices. In this essay, I argue that this view is outdated and can no longer be sustained. By revisiting the background of the missionaries’ involvement in cartographic exchanges between Asia and Europe, the techniques used for surveying Qing territories and the production of the resulting atlases, I show that the mapping project behind the ‘Overview Maps of Imperial Territories’ is best understood as a creative answer to the unique needs of Qing frontier management and imperial control, made possible by the integration, in mensurational and in representational terms, of European and East Asian cartographic practices.  相似文献   
At the turn of the 18th century, the Kangxi emperor initiated a large project to map the vast territories of the Qing. The land surveys that ensued were executed by teams of Qing officials and European missionaries, most of them French Jesuits first sent to China in 1685 and actively supported by the French crown. Early 18th century Jesuit publications foster a much-heralded claim that these missionary-mapmakers drew on their status of imperial envoys during the surveys to locally advance the position of the Catholic church. This article strives to explore the format/on of such local networks by these missionaries as they passed through the cities and towns of the Chinese provinces. On the basis of archival material, details emerge of contacts with local Qing administrators and Chinese Christians, and of attempts to purchase and recover local churches. This is then discussed against the background of the Rites Controversy, in an attempt to evaluate how such local networks relate to the rivalry between missionaries of different orders. The article emphasizes that there was (and perhaps is) no such thing as "pure science" by underscoring that important technical achievements such as the Qing mapping project are often shaped by complex networks and historical contingencies.  相似文献   
康熙时期的养心殿   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
养心殿作为宫内的一处重要建筑,在康熙时期的情况一直不甚清楚。本文通过零星的记载,尤其是当时西方传教士的著作,对康熙时期养心殿的建筑格局、内部陈设、使用情况等进行了考证,认为与雍正以后的状况有很大差异,其功用是多方面的,从而对养心殿历史沿革的认识更为全面。  相似文献   
李自奇是李牟的父亲。李仲号大亮,是李岩的二哥。康熙元年李自奇卖地契,十二年李仲买地契,与康熙五十五年《李氏家谱》中有关记述可相互佐证,既为研究清初豫北土地买卖提供了具体资料,也为研究明末李自成军中的李牟、李大亮提供了佐证资料。  相似文献   
帝后像是清代宫廷绘画中的主要组成部分,但并没有得到国内美术史界的重视。笔者希望通过对康熙帝肖像画相关问题的探究.引起更多的学人对清代帝后像加以关注。本文是在整理故宫博物院现藏的康熙帝肖像画的基础上,运用文献资料,初步对史籍中记载的这些画作的绘制者加以考辨。进一步勾勒出清初宫廷画家进行创作的工作程序。此外,借助梳理御制诗文,指出康熙帝对绘画的淡漠态度。揭示了其肖像画数量不多的原因.并探求了其行乐图极少的缘由。文中指出康熙帝肖像画受西方绘画的影响实则微乎其微,而且康熙时期的帝后肖像画创作既是清代宫廷肖像画的转型期又是定型期。  相似文献   
清康熙朝的建储之议,一直以来备受清史研究者关注,惟康熙晚年大学士王掞密奏建储一事的始末,尚未尽白于世。弄清此事原委,对了解康熙册储思想的变化及王挾家族的际遇,不无裨益。本文通过文献及史事考证,以厘订《文献丛编·康熙建储案》所收王掞议储密折的奏上时间为主线,进而剖析王掞议储的心理及康熙处理此事的隐衷。  相似文献   
Henkama, ?Daddy Heng“ – A Mediator between the Kangxi Emperor and Jesuit Missionaries during Chinese Rites Controversy in the 18th Century

The author's main concern is to turn the somewhat enigmatic person of Henkama (1645/1646–1708), known under many (also false) names, into a more tangible historical figure. For this purpose, all the available sources in European languages, Manchu, and Chinese are taken into account. Beginning with investigating the very name of this Manchu official who was responsible for the administration of the affairs of the Europeans, the author tries to obtain available and solid knowledge of Henkama's life and work, possibly year by year, which goes far beyond what is normally known about him, i.e., his role as main intermediary during the papal legation in Beijing (December 1705 – August 1706). However, this mediatory role cost him the trust of all around him, including the Kangxi Emperor, who was convinced that Henkama had been paid off by the papal legate and cardinal Charles-Thomas Maillard de Tournon (1668–1710). At the end of his life, being in ill health, he became a Catholic. Henkama died in 1708 in disfavor due to slander. In the rest of his article, the author depicts another four important contact persons between the Kangxi Emperor (state administration) and Jesuit missionaries, all of whom are to be considered as Henkama's co-workers or his successors. Among these four, there are two Chinese – Zhao Chang (1654–1729) and Wang Daohua (fl. 1706–1720) and two persons of Manchu origin – Bursai (fl. 1705–1706) and Zhang Changzhu/Carki (fl. 1707–1722).  相似文献   

By 1735, Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon d’Anville had produced forty-one maps of the Qing Empire, or China, a process significantly more complex than scholars have hitherto appreciated. A close study of d’Anville’s maps and their originals has revealed their relationship with the different versions of a Chinese atlas, the first of which was completed early in 1718, the outcome of nearly a decade of collaborative surveying between officials of the Qing Empire and European missionaries. The precise origins of some of the maps are identified for the first time, and the network behind the remarkable intercontinental exchange of cartographical material that allowed d’Anville to produce his China maps is also discussed, thereby illustrating the central role of the French Jesuits, as well as the connection with St Petersburg.  相似文献   
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