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在实地调查的基础上,根据传世典籍和出土文献的记载,结合年代测定、考古发现和遥感影像资料,通过空间分析,作者认为唐玉门关和墨离军驻地应在河西走廊西段的常乐故城,即今瓜州县“六工古城”遗址。这里是丝绸之路的交通枢纽,是西域出入口的重要关卡,亦即北魏时期新开伊吾道的起首。唐代玉门关地处疏勒河和榆林河下游洪积冲积扇缘的古绿洲,地貌和水资源等地理环境因素是制约关城选址的基础条件,而政治、军事等人文地理因素则是决定玉门关时空变迁的关键。  相似文献   
历史时期河西走廊多民族文化的交流与整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河西走廊是我国古代西北多民族多文化分布的重要地区,民族文化交流与整合持续发生。本文通过对河西走廊多民族文化发展过程、动因及机制的分析,认为异质文化因子的不断介入,使河西文化在变化中寻求发展,在发展中取得一致。多民族文化的交流与整合是形成河西走廊以汉族儒家文化为主体兼容其他少数民族文化的地域复合体的主要推动力。  相似文献   
黑水国汉代墓葬出土的农具、动物骨骼、农作物遗存和人骨为人们了解河西走廊张掖地区汉晋时期生业经济和农业发展等问题提供了重要证据。通过动物骨骼、农作物遗存鉴定结果和人骨碳氮同位素检测结果,可以揭示汉晋时期黑水国人群的食物结构和生业模式特点。墓葬出土的农作物有粟、黍、稻,随葬动物有鸡、猪、绵羊、黄牛、狗、马,人骨骨胶原碳稳定同位素主要呈现C3和C4混合信号,部分呈现C3信号和C4信号,氮稳定同位素值相较牛羊等家养食草动物较高。综合研究说明汉晋时期河西走廊形成麦类、粟黍和豆类的混合农业模式,所以黑水国汉代先民摄取的粮食作物来源呈多样化。同时,河西走廊畜牧业发达,使当时人群摄取了大量的肉食资源,导致蛋白质摄入量较高。  相似文献   
再造河西契机下张掖地区产业增长态势分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
高翔  王爱民 《人文地理》2002,17(1):43-46
一个区域的发展是否健康快速,从根本上讲,取决于其产业结构的优劣、其主导产业的竞争能力大小。张掖地区是河西走廊重要的地区,它不仅区位条件优越,而且发展的基础较好,潜力巨大。随着甘肃省"再造河西"战略的实施,张掖地区面临着一个前所未有的新的、巨大的发展机遇,为适应形势,促进发展,张掖地区的产业结构、主导产业选择必须加以调整。本文首先利用"克劳森四指标法"对张掖地区的整体发展情况进行了判断,认识了张掖地区在甘肃省所处的相对发展水平。其次进一步采用"偏额-份额分析法"对该地区的产业结构优劣、各产业增长态势进行了分析,根据新时期发展战略要求,有针对性地指明了各产业科学合理的发展导向。  相似文献   
河西走廊祁连山区牧户经济行为分析--以肃南县为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钟方雷  樊胜岳 《人文地理》2005,20(5):112-117
牧户作为牧区生产与消费等经济行为的微观主体,是畜牧业以及牧区经济中最基本的决策单元。因此,牧户经济行为与畜牧业及牧区经济持续发展密切相关。通过对肃南县典型牧户经济行为的调查和分析,总结了祁连山河西走廊区牧户经济行为的特点,并运用已有的决策机制模型和经济学模型来分析牧户经济行为及牧户生产资投入与产出变化关系。最后根据得出的结论,对政府引导调控牧户经济行为提出了建议。  相似文献   
Dietary patterns at two Bronze Age sites in the Hexi Corridor are investigated by the analysis of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in faunal bone collagen. The findings are compared with archaeobotanical remains from one of the sites which include high proportions of millet (Panicum miliaceum and Setaria italica) as well as the western derived cereals wheat (Triticum aestivum), barley (Hordeum vulgare) and oat (Avena sativa). The isotopic data indicate domestic omnivores (Canis and Sus) had diets dominated by millet. Minimally offset δ15N values between herbivore and omnivore fauna suggest low consumption of animal protein by omnivores. Diets of herded animal (Bos and Caprinae) included only low proportions of C4 foods, suggesting that these animals were not regularly foddered with millet plants, and that their grazing areas were mostly beyond the agricultural zone. The wide range in δ15N values amongst herbivore fauna (4.1‰–11.8‰) suggests grazing occurred in a variety of ecological zones, and this would be consistent with the occurrence of long-distance transport of livestock in the region.  相似文献   
It is widely known that the Hexi Corridor in North‐West China lies at a hub of trans‐Eurasian cultural exchange. Its role became increasingly important during the late prehistoric period, particularly as the ancient Silk Road began to be used. While the profound transformation of local cultural characteristics in the late Neolithic and the Bronze Age is well documented, the detailed economic dynamics of cultural evolution have not yet been clearly illustrated. In this paper, we report on significant new zooarchaeological and faunal isotopic data from the Neolithic and Bronze Age sites in the Hexi Corridor. The primary objective is to systematically reconstruct the prehistoric economic context of this area by combining these new data with previous archaeological studies and radiocarbon dates. We argue that the primary economic activities of local inhabitants changed dramatically in the prehistoric Hexi Corridor. This was marked by agricultural production at c.4800–4000 bp , agro‐pastoral production at c.4000–3000 bp and animal husbandry at c.3000–2200 bp , respectively. The major subsistence strategies of these three periods show considerable variation. It is very likely that these transformations of economic patterns in the prehistoric Hexi Corridor were primarily triggered by transcontinental cultural exchange and, to a lesser extent, by climate change.  相似文献   
随着桑地亚哥·得·卡姆波斯特拉朝圣之路(Santiago de Compostela)的成功申遗,以及近年来京杭大运河、丝绸之路申遗呼声的高涨,跨区域大型线性遗产正逐渐成为研究热点。本文在对文化线路和遗产廊道进行中国化的理论解读后,引入了文化廊道的理念。以西南丝绸之路(云南段)为例,在专家评价的基础上,运用地理学的方法,借助于GIS对廊道空间进行分析,提出了确定廊道范围的计算方法,并推导出文化元素"影响力半径"的计算公式;从节点、通道、域面三个方面对西南丝绸之路(云南段)的旅游空间进行了构建,并给出了廊道空间分析、构建的方法和指标体系,为西南丝绸之路旅游开发及其他文化廊道(茶马古道、京杭大运河等)的保护和开发机制研究提供了借鉴。  相似文献   
本文以清代民国时期民勤"渠坝"关系为切入点,以数起"水案"为主线,复原了1920-1949年民勤传统水利秩序的转折过程。20世纪20-30年代,民勤传统"渠坝"体制已经因内部的"湖坝斗争""移丘户"问题而濒于瓦解,传统水规形同虚设,水利处于失序状态。1944-1949年国民政府和民勤地方政府试图建立政府主导的新型农田水利体系,促进农业发展。但这一过程未能解决"湖坝"对立与"移丘户"问题,当地民众重拾"传统水规"对抗这些新的水利政策,被重新强化的传统"水规"沿用至20世纪50年代。民国时期在河西走廊的水利建设缺乏改造传统水利秩序的针对性措施,政府力量仅依靠工程技术无法实现现代农田水利体系的建立,也难以真正提升区域经济。  相似文献   
This paper explores the possible provenance of ores employed for metallurgical production during the Early Bronze Age in the central Hexi Corridor of north-west China. In total, 78 pieces of copper (Cu) ore samples were collected from five Early Bronze Age sites and one Cu deposit site (the Beishantang Cu deposit) in the Heihe River region of the central corridor. These sites were dated to the late Machang (4100–4000 bp ), Xichengyi (4000–3700 bp ), Qijia (4000–3600 bp ) and Siba (3700–3400 bp ) cultures. After comparing with published lead (Pb) isotopic data from other possible Cu deposits in north-west China, the results show that the Cu ores collected from the Early Bronze Age sites were most likely derived from the adjacent Beishan Cu deposit. More intriguingly, for the first time in Hexi Corridor, a dozen Cu ores were discovered containing highly radiogenic Pb. Though fundamentally different from those in the Central Plains, they illustrate a possible new type of Cu used in Bronze Age western China, and the first-hand materials are significant for further understanding the provenance of raw metals for metallurgical production in the prehistoric Hexi Corridor.  相似文献   
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