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10世纪前的中国西北边疆经历了开拓、稳定和演变等过程,构成了一个相对完整的发展阶段,边疆发展的各种形态与主要特点尽皆呈现。南农北牧既是西北边疆的基本经济形态,也是历史上中原农业王朝与北方游牧民族角逐态势延伸的主要依据;在作为边疆主体的中原或内地王朝、客体的西域地区和旁体的北方游牧民族等三个主要因素的共同作用下,西北边疆的政治地理范围时有伸缩,而多种统治体制并存、边疆问题与民族问题一体化等特点也贯穿于这一时期西北边疆发展的整个过程。  相似文献   

The value of communications skills in geographical education is briefly discussed. In particular the lack of interview and interviewing practice is noted. The use of realistic interviews as part of small-group project work has been developed at Salford over 10 years. The elements include the drafting of job and person specifications, the writing of a cv and covering letter, and the organisation and running of interview panels. Detail is given of how the whole process is assessed. Negotiation skills are also developed. An important element is the realism of the process. The principal down-side is the amount of staff time involved, but this is more than compensated for by the students' perceived value of the skills developed.  相似文献   
Students completing a time calculation exercise identified the International Date Line (IDL) as a conceptual source of confusion and poor performance. From the early 1950s to the present, various geography textbooks have promulgated misstatements involving the occurrence of midnight at the IDL. This condition's persistence and ubiquity manifests a widespread fundamental misunderstanding, providing an opportunity to (a) illuminate the low level of student success when solving an IDL‐influenced problem, (b) present an overview of textbook error, (c) explore how the evolution of the standard time system led to IDL errors in geography textbooks, and (d) offer proof dispelling these misconceptions.  相似文献   
王娟  李丽  赵金金  张广海 《人文地理》2015,30(1):148-153
截至2013年5月,世界酒店业300强中在中国形成网络化经营的20家国际酒店集团已在我国221个城市有布局。不同于以泰勒为代表的基于跨国生产性服务企业布局的城市连接度研究,本文以消费性服务企业中的国际酒店业在华布局为研究切入点,通过城市网络连接度测度发现:第一,我国酒店业城市网络已形成以上海、北京、杭州、西安为中心的层级体系,上海已具备成为国际酒店业首位城市和世界级旅居城市的条件;第二,在环渤海、长三角和珠三角三大经济区域中,基于国际酒店集团服务价值判定的区内和区际城市连接度水平存在较大差异,其中长三角地区连接度总和与均值最高;第三,在酒店业的全球生产网络中,中国城市的酒店业布局具有品牌层次的低端锁定特征,中心性和总部经济效应有待提高。  相似文献   
本研究从委托管理视角,剖析中国酒店业主委托国际酒店管理集团管理的经营现状、动因及存在问题。研究结果表明:成功的委托管理是酒店业主与国际酒店管理集团管理方实力对等与利益平衡的结果。通过研究,本文构建了一个从酒店筹建到经营管理全过程、融合业主与管理方文化的共赢合作模式,以期为预防和化解国际酒店管理集团与中国业主合作中存在的矛盾提供新的思路。  相似文献   
The bodies charged with identifying and protecting England’s built heritage have not addressed the needs and aspirations of ethnic minority groups, thus marginalising their cultural identity. The Bangladeshi (Bengalee) community is the largest minority group in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, and it has developed a distinct cultural and commercial identity within a defined geographical area. New and adapted buildings and streetscapes give a physical expression of British Asian culture in streets such as Brick Lane. Through consultation with community workers and leaders within the Bengalee community key areas, sites and buildings of significance are examined. Comparisons are drawn between those buildings and areas identified as being of special interest by English Heritage and the London Borough of Tower Hamlets with the Bengalee community’s values and view of built heritage. Possible mechanisms for the identification and protection of sites of importance to the Bengalee population are put forward.  相似文献   
安徽铜陵谢垅窖藏出土青铜器因其出土单元明确、器物组合完整、器形风格新颖,是皖南青铜器研究的重要资料。根据器物组合、形制和纹饰的比较分析,可拟定其年代为春秋早期,其形制特征则可说明江淮群舒族群和文化的向南迁播。  相似文献   
李皓  周晓薇 《文博》2021,(1):74-77
新出隋开皇三年(583)《折娄罴墓志》是一方值得引起重视的中古胡族姓氏新史料,结合之前同地所出土唐永隆元年(680)《折娄惠墓志》,展现出史籍不存的折娄氏一族在中古时期的社会地位与生活辙迹,为研讨中古民族融合与姓族迁变提供了珍贵信息。  相似文献   
上古中国西部族群多源于氐羌,其酋豪曰"大",死则火葬,灵魂"登遐"升至山上(祖山)谓之"天"。甲金文"天"字即"大"上加一横或圆圈,表示在上、上面、神灵之意,是以又有"天在山中"之说。文献如《墨子》《荀子》《吕氏春秋》等记载西方羌戎之人对于被俘本身并不特别担忧,最为担心的是死后灵魂能否"登遐"升天,即回归祖山圣地,此即西部族群的"敬天"传统。上古人认为族与族之战也是神与神之争,因此东方殷人、夷人西征夏、周要"射天"、射山、搏木偶"天神"。这个习俗远可追溯到尧时的羿"射日(天)",晚则战国宋王偃还在"射天笞地",都是对于西部族群神灵之"天"的厌胜之术,所谓"威服天下鬼神"。汉民族融合早期主要是西部诸夏族群与东部商夷族群之间交合的历史,长期交往中伴随着征战与杀伐,最后形成血的凝聚。新石器时代以来考古学文化区系的逐渐明晰,让我们进一步看清了这一点。  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of languages in the constitution of geographical knowledge. We argue that the fact that people speak different languages is significant to the ways in which they engage with geography as a subject. We unpack some of the processes through which languages make a difference to geography through an empirical project based on students at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, where geography is taught bilingually through Welsh and English. Student geography is a particularly interesting arena to further this theme, because of students' mediating role in translating professional geography into the popular sphere, which in the case of students at Aberystwyth is also a different linguistic sphere. Our empirical work suggests that the use of Welsh creates a particular linguistic culture of geography, because of the shared experience of specific practices and politics in bilingual education. This makes a difference to the kinds of geography consumed and produced by bilingual students. Through a discussion of the linguistic identity of Welsh geography, we address some of the implications and limitations of this social formation. We conclude by arguing that a focus on language has the potential to open up new ways of talking about geography.  相似文献   
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