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K. Samanian 《Archaeometry》2015,57(4):740-758
The technique of oil painting was introduced to Iran via a cultural exchange with Europe in the Safavid period (ad 1501–1736). Since the first attempt at scientific conservation of wall paintings in Iran in the 1960s, the nature of green pigment used in Persian wall paintings has not been clear, although work on contemporary miniature paintings has identified malachite and verdigris. PLM, FT–IR, SEM/EDX, GC–MS and the study of contemporary historical treatises of the Safavid period were the main tools used in the present study to identify the green pigments in Persian (oil‐based) wall paintings. Eight samples taken from the two famous Safavid buildings, Chehel Sotoon Palace and the Sukias House in Isfahan, were analysed. Here, the identification of copper‐based pigment and of verdigris in oil as oleate amends the existing knowledge of the green pigment used in these paintings. It also suggests that oleate was introduced to Persian artists via the European influence on Persian painting as a result of cultural exchange in the Safavid period, when the technique of Persian painting changed from tempera to oil painting. However, as verdigris in oil and resin can appear as oleate over time, it is unknown whether the Persian artists did this deliberately or accidentally.  相似文献   
Recent findings in the city of Reims have lead to the discovery of manufactured bone objects coloured in green throughout their entire volume. In order to discover the intentional nature of the colouration and to propose a colouration mechanism, modern ox bones have been coloured in the laboratory. Bones with a hue similar to that of the archaeological artefacts have been obtained by boiling in an acidic brine in a copper vessel. A combination of infrared spectroscopy, X‐ray diffraction and transmission electron microscope observations did not reveal the speciation of copper, but allowed us to validate the colouration process and to discuss the intentional origin of the colouration.  相似文献   
本文在考辨官员引见资料的基础上,结合相关史料,对雍正朝引见的绿营武官的籍贯、民族、身份、年龄等问题作了详尽的数据表列并进行分析,说明了当时选武官轻视武举人、重视战功等现象,揭示了武官的区域分布和民族构成及其与政治社会的关系。  相似文献   
Thomas Hill Green (1836–82) has been widely recognized for his contributions to Liberal political‐social theory and for his Liberal partisanship. Historians and political theorists continue to emphasize his advocacy of limited state interference and democratic localism, as well as his anti‐imperialist statements. Recent scholars of English nationalism, national identity and patriotism, including Peter Mandler, Julia Stapleton, Krishan Kumar, H.S. Jones, Roberto Romani and Georgios Varouxakis, acknowledge Green as an acolyte of Giuseppe Mazzini, a Cobdenite and a Little Englander. While they place Green's ideas within a continuum of Victorian Liberal nationalist ideas (blending into Conservatism and socialism during the 20th century), their investigations foster the view that Green placed little value in the nation as a focus of individual and collective identification. In their readings of Green, the abstract ‘community’, free of national peculiarities, was to him the antidote to both individual and national narrowness. However, examination of Green's statements about community, the moral ideal and religion reveals that his theorising was informed by a view of national character different from that of most contemporary liberal intellectuals. Green rejected the ‘Liberal anglican’ view that a national church or clerisy was necessary to guide the development of the English nation. He identified ideas and practices of protestant dissenters as progressive forces in English history and endorsed them as means of national development. Religious pluralism and forms of ecclesiastical organisation promoting democratic localism were to Green among the essential characteristics of Englishness.  相似文献   
This article concerns the cross-interaction problem among multi-foundations on a linearly viscoelastic medium at very small shear strains. In the analysis, the foundations are discretized into a number of sub square-elements. The dynamic response within each sub-element is described by the Green’s function, which is obtained by the Fourier-Bessel transform and the precise integration method. Incorporating the displacement boundary condition and the force equilibrium of the foundations, it obtains the dynamic impedance and compliance functions of the foundations. Extensive results for two rigid circular foundations placed at different separations are presented. Parametric studies are carried out on the dynamic interaction among adjacent foundations. Illustrative results for several closely spaced foundations are also illustrated.  相似文献   
In the now burgeoning scholarship on memory, there is a discernible shift from considering the politics of dominant public memory towards sites of counter-memories where vernacular forms of memory activism take place. This paper contributes to this by focusing its attention on plans to preserve Green Ridge in Kampar, Malaysia, a tract of forested hill that was the location of a fierce battle fought between the Japanese and Allied forces in the Asia-Pacific theatre of the Second World War. Specifically, it details the rescaling strategies of one particular individual to enhance the reach and relevance of the site for Malaysians writ large, primarily aimed at lobbying for Green Ridge to be officially marked as local and national heritage. This paper then interrogates issues that have hindered this process with the potential to ultimately thwart the preservation of the site for posterity. In doing so, the paper exemplifies memory activism as ‘work’, where local actors–through the mobilisation of scale politics–represent proactive agents in effecting change in public memory from below. Second, it highlights the fragmented nature of vernacular remembering and how this can impede memory work as much as champion memory formally obscured.  相似文献   
三国西晋的越窑青瓷,品质、器类、装饰皆臻于顶峰。同时,生产工艺也达到极高的水准。文章以尼姑婆山窑址为例,从龙窑与窑具、装饰、成型、修坯、上釉、烧成等多个方面,论述了越窑青瓷的生产工艺,认为装饰、模制成型工艺最能代表当时的水平。这些复杂工艺在东晋以后失传,与北人南迁破坏了当地的制瓷传统,从而导致窑业萎缩的历史背景密切相关。  相似文献   
乾卦六龙态的天文含义研究--《左传》"龙纪"历法钩沉   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《左传》昭公四年的“龙纪”,是上古以苍龙星为历象的太阳历的记载。这个苍龙星星象在《易经》乾卦六爻爻辞中有形象的描述,根据寅月“见龙”、午月“跃龙”等记载,可知其观测年代当在夏代以前。这种借龙“以喻天之阳气”的龙纪历法流传至先秦秦汉,或称“易历”、“气历”;或称“律历”、“甲历”。它以天干记日,十日为旬,六旬为甲,六甲为岁,一岁360日;并通过不记在日序之内的56日的过年日使历年长度略等于回归年长度,从而形成了原始社会晚期一部较实用的历法。  相似文献   
三种含Cu、As绿色颜料的拉曼光谱研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析和确认古代颜料的成分是文物研究中的一项重要工作。为对四个来自不同地区的含Cu、As元素的绿色颜料进行鉴别,应用拉曼光谱仪并辅助以扫描电镜能谱分析仪(SEMEDX)和X射线衍射仪(XRD)进行研究。结果表明其分别为墨绿砷铜矿、氯砷钠铜石以及巴黎绿。对其来源分别进行了讨论,因巴黎绿在国内青铜修复和古建彩画当中的大量应用,过去对于含有Cu、As的绿色颜料通常鉴定为巴黎绿。墨绿砷铜矿和氯砷钠铜石为在文物彩绘中新发现的两种矿物颜料,为绿色颜料的鉴定提供了新的思路。  相似文献   
The emergence of green parties has injected new lines of competition into national party systems, with discernible issue competition effects for established, ideologically-proximate social democratic parties. Despite a burgeoning literature on green and social democratic issue competition tactics in settings where coalition government is common, we have less understanding of these same effects in settings where majority government is the norm. Using the case of the Australian Greens and the Australian Labor Party, we explore issue competition dynamics in a polity where the majoritarian electoral system reduces opportunities for coalition formation. We find that the absence of strong electoral imperatives for either party to enter coalitions has encouraged them to compete adjacent to one another, rather than in direct competition.  相似文献   
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