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A monocotyledonous leaf macrofossil taxon from Golden Grove in Adelaide, South Australia is recognised as being close to several extant Australasian species of Cordyline, especially those in the C. stricta (Sims) Endl. / C. fruticosa (L.) A. Chev. complex. The fossil is assigned to the form genus Paracordyline, known previously from the Oligocene Kerguélen Islands. However, as the Golden Grove taxon differs markedly from the Kerguélen species, it is considered to be a new species, P. aureonemoralis Conran & Christophel.  相似文献   
“金张掖”来历及涵义考略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“金张掖”一称到底始于何时 ,其涵义又是什么 ,历来众说纷纭、莫衷一是。本文引用了许多文献资料 ,随着历史的变迁 ,对这一系列问题进行了考证  相似文献   
于阗是著名的西域古国,汉唐时期佛教及其艺术在其地兴盛一时。本文主要围绕一百余年来在新疆和田地区发现的多件地神图像,结合文献,探讨了此类图像的外在形式、文献依据及其所反映的思想内涵。作者认为,于阗佛寺的地神图像是据《金光明经·坚牢地神品》绘制,它影响了龟兹和敦煌佛教绘画的王族供养人画像,反映了出身为世俗人的王族供养人试图藉此神化自我,宣扬王权天授的思想。  相似文献   
The article reviews the situation of the critical edition of the “entremeses” and other comic short plays of Calderon, highlighting numerous textual and interpretative problems in the current editions, and proposing solutions for establishing the correct text of many passages. It also provides a number of explanations that clarify other references.  相似文献   
‘Peace’ has not lent itself easily to emblematic or mnemonic forms of representation. In Europe’s furnished urban landscapes of the 19th century peace was often personified in female allegorical form. She can be seen in many of the sculpted memorials that commemorate distant battles fought on the edges of Empire. Invariably, however, the figure of ‘Peace’ had a more modest role in the allegory of commemoration than that of ‘Victory’ or ‘Triumph’. As an ideal, peace and pacifism is more often regarded as a process, a long‐term goal that cannot be captured in single static form. To this end, the promotion of peace has most often been realised through intervention, occupation, and fluid, temporal forms such as campaigns, marches, songs, dances and other extended programmes. Peace has also been promoted through slow, evolutionary forms such as designed landscapes, parks and gardens. Drawing on international parallels, this paper examines in detail two community gardens in central London. Each owes its origins to radical local agendas set within the political climate of the Cold War of the 1980s, but both were born out of grand visions for world peace, multilateral disarmament, and global accord. Twenty years after their creation, the author explores their current condition and examines their value as sites of political value and heritage.  相似文献   
尺度重组理论视角下的粤港澳大湾区建设研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
粤港澳大湾区建设是由中央政府推行的新的区域发展政策安排,旨在调控国家、区域和城市尺度之间的关系进而引导资本流动以实现特定的空间发展目标,因此可视之为新一轮国家的尺度重组。借鉴西方的尺度重组理论,本文主要从大珠三角城市在经济上的空间联系以及香港问题在政治上的领域关系等两个方面,探讨关系空间如何影响到国家的尺度重组,以及国家的尺度重组对城市的尺度重组的影响。研究认为,粤港澳大湾区建设在于重塑资本流动的地方空间,为“资本固着”提供社会活动平台,继续参与国际劳动分工,深化经济合作,提高区域的全球竞争力。与此同时,国家也通过尺度重组来解决经济全球化过程中出现的领域政治问题,通过新的空间规划把边界问题纳入一体化的经济发展体系之下,保证政治稳定。中央政府把国家建设的尺度下移到粤港澳地区,促进了粤港澳的城市发生多元尺度重组策略,包括城市内部的尺度上推和尺度下移,城市外部的合作联盟和尺度政治。最后,文章从区域发展的角度分析粤港澳大湾区建设带来的影响,讨论粤港澳大湾区的建设与实践对尺度重组理论的补充和对认识国家政治经济发展的启示意义。  相似文献   
This paper summarizes phytolith analyses from four pre-Columbian agricultural raised-field sites of the coastal savannahs of French Guiana—Savane Grand Macoua, Piliwa, Bois Diable and K-VIII—and carbon isotope analyses from the first-named site. The combined phytolith and 13C isotope analyses evidence the transformation of the landscape from a relatively homogeneous wetland vegetation comprised of a mixture of C4 and C3 plants (the latter including Cyperaceae and other herbaceous monocots such as Marantaceae and Heliconia, Oryzoideae grasses, and other plants typical of frequently flooded areas) to the construction of raised fields that were dominated by C4 plants (maize and other Panicoideae grasses). Our analysis proves the utility of phytoliths for tracing the agricultural history of landscapes, showing that, as in other parts of the Central and South American lowlands, maize (Zea mays) was one important crop cultivated in raised fields. We also estimated the productivity of raised-field agriculture, showing that in combination with other subsistence activities, it certainly had the capacity to sustain sizeable populations.  相似文献   
The article deals with the largest mansion-type buildings in the Golden Horde towns of the Lower Volga region. These buildings had many rooms and walls made of hard-burned and adobe bricks. A large ceremonial hall was located at the center of the building; vestibule premises were located adjacent to the hall on the northern and southern sides; residential and utility rooms occupied the eastern and the western wings. Golden Horde mansions are compared with the palaces and mansions of China, Mongolia, and the countries of the Middle East. The infl uence of the architectural traditions of these countries led to the emergence of an original building type based both on a typical Western Central Asian layout, and principles of organizing space borrowed from Eastern Central Asia.  相似文献   
This study aims to analyse the determinants of successful school-to-work transition of young adults in Greater Jakarta. The study argues that the most consistent and significant influences on successful transition among young adults are micro predictors rather than mezzo predictors. Education has a strong positive relationship to successful school to work transition particularly in attaining stable job category. This study also found that traditional culture is likely to have negative influences on the successful transition of young women, while a positive transition is experienced by young men. Education is a key strategy in reducing the negative impacts of traditional cultural values and promoting successful school-to-work transition particularly if both young men and women are to attain stable employment.  相似文献   
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