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The ritualized memory of genocide has been a cornerstone of Roma political mobilization during at least the last three decades. A uniqueness paradigm has been developing for some time, applying a memorial discourse inspired by the Jewish Holocaust model. While paralleling each other in time, the mass murders of Jews and Roma during the Second World War differed on several points. In the General Government of the Occupied Polish Territories and the territories occupied by Nazi Germany after Operation Barbarossa, the persecution of Roma took place largely in local initiatives. Consequently, the Nazi policies varied considerably, leading to territories in which Roma were annihilated and those in which about half of the Roma population survived. Considerable differences could also appear within the same administrative unit. In Distrikt Galizien, the southeastern-most district of the General Government, Roma were persecuted violently in the countryside, while the district capital of Lemberg (Lwów, Lviv) saw a different course of events. The picture that appears from the available documents also diverges from survivor testimonies and general accounts of the persecution of Roma as being similar and parallel to that of Jews. Roma were present in Lemberg throughout the Nazi occupation and the authorities were aware of their whereabouts. Roma were not confined to the ghetto, but many, along with Poles and Ukrainians, remained within the territory of the ghetto, parts of which had constituted areas of Roma settlement in Lemberg since the mid nineteenth century. Several Roma also lived in wagons in various locations in 1942–43, as well as in quarters close to the town’s centre. Altogether, several hundred Roma lived in Lemberg, and their treatment by the local courts was different from that of Jews, bearing more similarity to the way in which Polish and Ukrainian cases were handled.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the understanding of “Common Good” that has been used by the Church of England, especially over the last five years. It suggests that its implicit universalism and identification of Christian morality with the ethical norms for the nation is premised on an understanding of the role of the Church which is no longer realistic. After a brief discussion of the latest statistics for church attendance and a comparison with other national churches in Northern Europe, I suggest that the Church of England is a “small church” and even that Christians constitute a religious minority. This means that the pursuit of the “Common Good” as defined by the church may simply be a piece of nostalgic longing for the time of the “big church.” The recent exclusions for the churches on same-sex marriage legislation indicate that the gap between most of the churches and the wider society. Rather than defining the common good, I suggest that in a pluralist society the churches which recognize their limited role will need to build alliances and common causes with other groups, both religious and secular.  相似文献   
民国《贵州通志·艺文志》著录黄彭年撰《尔雅集韵》一书。而追索《艺文志》著录的史源,并取其他史料相印证,推寻其致误的原因,证明黄彭年曾批校《尔雅》《集韵》二书,但并未撰《尔雅集韵》一书。此外,又据各家书目题跋,梳理了黄彭年批校《集韵》的经过及其批校本流传情况。  相似文献   
唐开元年间先后在渤海北境、黑水靺鞨地方设置勃利州、黑水军、黑水都督府。从文献与考古材料双重视角入手,可以对与黑水都督府建置有关的勃利州(渤州)、黑水靺鞨道、渤海都督府、安静都督府、黑水靺鞨思慕部等问题进行梳理和考索,又结合渤海与黑水靺鞨军事对抗导致黑水靺鞨自牡丹江中下游不断北移的历史背景,再考黑水都督府的具体地望。研究渤海都督府、安静都督府辖区以及黑水靺鞨思慕部相对位置关系,又考虑其为具有地区战略意义的和扼守渤海上京以北、贯穿南北黑水靺鞨交通孔道的军政重镇,萝北县江岸古城当为唐开元年间设置的黑水都督府治所所在。  相似文献   
This article explores the questions and intrigue arising from the appearance of the Russian ship Shilka at the port of Seattle in December 1917. The first Russian vessel to reach American shores since the Bolshevik seizure of power, the Shilka raised both local and national fears of collusion between Soviet agitators and domestic radicals, especially the militant Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). The article challenges the conclusions of an earlier article which argued against any substantive contact or understanding between the Russian seamen and locals. Relying on the memoirs of a Bolshevik crew member, the recollections of Seattle radicals and the reports of US Bureau of Investigation and Naval Intelligence agents, this article instead demonstrates the genuine presence of Bolshevik agitators and propaganda aboard the Shilka and their secret interaction with IWW activists. It also reveals a leak on the Russian end, a leak that both stimulated and perplexed American investigators.  相似文献   
《河南通史》是河南省“八五”社会科学规划重点项目成果,填补了河南地区没有地方通史的空白。该书在研究特色上有自己的特点和优长之处,也有较高的学术价值。主要表现在:既在全国整体中写河南,又注意突出河南地方特色;注重中国古代历史上的一些重大问题的研究;资料翔实,既广泛运用典型的正史资料,又充分使用方志资料,并重视使用考古资料,实现了考古与文献资料的结合;注意吸收学术界的最新成果,观点多有创新。不足之处是,某些观点还有可商榷之处,各卷之间的布局不够均衡,某些部分显得单薄。  相似文献   
论通史   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
在中国 ,“通史”是一个常用且易解的词。中国学者写的关于中国史、世界史的书常题名为“中国通史”、“世界通史”。而英国人写关于世界史或英国史的书就叫“世界史”或“英国史” ,其中并无一个“通”字。西方语言里有好几个看来与“通史”相近的词 ,但其真实含义并非“通史”。西方的普世史传统来自古希腊 ,据柯林武德分析 ,这种传统与“实质主义”思想有关。中国的通史传统来自先秦诸子的富有历史倾向的思想 ,这种思想恰好是反实质主义的。中国的“通史”精神就在于通古今之变  相似文献   
《通典》是第一部为吐蕃设立专传的史书 ,包括三个方面的内容 :第一 ,吐蕃的族源风俗与典章制度 ;第二 ,吐蕃大事记及唐蕃关系大事纪年 ;第三 ,吐蕃大相论钦陵与唐朝使者郭元振的长篇对话及郭元振上疏文。本文认为《通典·吐蕃传》是唐代人所著唐代吐蕃史 ,可靠性更高 ,同时也保存了不少为两唐书“吐蕃传”所忽略的珍贵史料 ,值得研究者给予新的重视。  相似文献   
大预应力锚索在将军崖岩画保护中的选择与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了大预应力锚索在将军崖岩画保护中的选择与应用,强调了科学技术在文物保护中突出作用。  相似文献   
皮锡瑞《经学历史》的编纂特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《经学历史》对于经学通史的编纂有许多开创性。该书不仅从时间的跨度和内容的广度继承和发展了传统经学史的编纂特点 ,且吸收了西方史学的章节体体例 ,将经学在传统社会的发展史用一主题思想贯穿起来 ,从而成为第一部完整意义的经学史并对近代的经学史研究产生了一定的影响。但由于作者门户之见的限制 ,使得书中在探寻经学发展的原因时 ,在对经学史上各流派、重要的经学人物的评价上又表现出很大的局限性  相似文献   
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