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Being genealogical in digital geographies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this intervention, I trace the genealogies of the recent heralding of digital geographies as a boundary object for scholarship and scholars foregrounding the digital in geography. Building off of previous efforts to be technopositional in digital geographies, I make an entreaty for further being genealogical by attuning to the insider/outsider positionalities that have informed this particular endeavour of intellectual community‐making in Anglo‐American geography. While genealogy is not an exercise in historical narration, it works against dehistorical narratives of digital technologies and of the disciplinary frameworks within which they are engaged, destabilizes technopositional privileges, and has the potential to engender more inclusive digital geography futures.  相似文献   
Here the object biography of a scale model of an old Dutch colonial sugar factory directs us to the history of an extended family, and demonstrates the connectedness of people and identities across and within European imperial spaces in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This case study shows how people in colonial Indonesia became ‘Dutch’ through their social networks and cultural capital (for instance a European education). They even came to belong to the colonial and national Dutch elites while, because of their descent, also belonging to the British colonial and national elites. These intertwined Dutch and British imperial spaces formed people’s identities and status: the family discussed here became an important trans-imperial patrician family with a broad imperial ‘spatial imagination’, diverse identities and social circles. It was mostly women who played important roles in these transnational processes— roles indeed that they played well into the early twentieth century when colonial empires ceased to exist and the nation-state became the ‘natural’ social and political form of the modern world, obscuring these transnational processes.  相似文献   
‘Imperial culture’ is a concept coined by British historiography to describe the influence of imperialism on metropolitan British culture. Although it is now used in other national historiographies as well, it would appear that we have not yet realised the concept's full potential. This article, drawing on recent scholarship emphasising the transnational connections in European imperial cultures, investigates the implications of seeing imperial culture as a European phenomenon and as a European mentality. For this purpose, this article uses the narrative that was propagated at a specific national practice where empire met a metropolitan European society as a case study: missionary exhibitions in the Netherlands in the first half of the twentieth century. Here, Catholic and Protestant missionaries displayed objects from the indigenous, colonised populations who they were trying to convert and hereby legitimised and underpinned imperialism in Dutch culture. However, their significance went deeper than that. This article argues that the missionaries’ narrative transcended the national level and promoted ideas of Christianity as a European religion and civilisation as a European trait. A European community based on religious, cultural, and racial traits was set against a generic non-European heathen world. However, national and denominational frames of reference also remained in place. With this case study, the article explores the possibilities and difficulties that arise from studying imperial culture as a European mentality.  相似文献   
作者在多年积累的考古实物资料的基础上,结合历史文献,探讨了与南宋官窑密切相关的诸问题:如南宋陶质祭器的使用与特征,王晋锡、邵谔与礼器局、邵局、修内司官窑的关系,南宋官窑生产的仿青铜礼器瓷的性质与用途等。作者认为,王晋锡之陶质祭器的烧造与邵谔之修内司官窑的建立,是先后发生在南宋绍兴年间的两件不同的事件,两者之间并无直接或间接的关系,南宋陶质祭器与官窑仿青铜礼器瓷在形制及用途上有本质的区别。  相似文献   
本文在红山文化的特殊历史背景、宗教信仰以及文化传承的条件下,对红山文化玉三孔器的造型、纹饰、出土情况、结构等几方面进行了详细的阐述。结合已有的考古发掘报告,参考了有关的历史文献,从玉神学、玉文化的角度说明了红山文化玉三孔器使用功能为巫师通神的法器,同时对相同和不同的观点都作了分析,进一步阐明此说的合理性。  相似文献   
契丹族建立的辽朝(907-1125年)雄踞北方100多载。其自北魏始与中原王朝有往来,及至隋、唐、五代、宋等,政治、经济、商贸往来连绵不绝,并与中亚、西亚诸政权也有交往,从而形成了其所创造的文化和艺术的独特性。本文通过对几件兼具实用和装饰功能的玉盒佩的介绍,以揭示辽代玉器独特的草原风貌及中原文化、佛教文化对其的影响。  相似文献   
本在对多年来搜集的26l例散见于荆州现存古城墙上的勒名砖整理、分类的基础上,对其中有代表性的勒名砖进行考证说明,并附有列表及典型砖例的实物拓片,还根据实物材料对荆州有砖城以来的筑城史及城砖的“物勒工名”制度的发展轨迹进行了初步探讨以期有助于加深对荆州古城的认识。  相似文献   
曲江县白土下乡宋窑经过发掘清理,出土了一批宋时期风格的陶瓷器物和窑具,丰富了对当时粤北地区陶瓷制作业的认识,为研究当地宋窑的形制特点提供了重要的实物资料,尤其是窑内出土的各式精美的浮雕莲瓣炉极具特色,为研究北宋时期粤北佛教的兴盛提供了一个难得的辅证。  相似文献   
经典注释活动是古代经典传承的重要方式之一.此类传承活动,须经过注释主体的理解、解释两个不同阶段,是一传意的过程.无论是在理解还是解释的过程中,受传意目标的影响,往往形成不同的注释结果及对此的评论.这既是学术的论争,也是以经典为依傍的学术发展路径.不同历史时期的经典注释目标,按主观性大小分为重主观性、重客观性、将主观性与客观性结合起来三类.任何一类目标的确立都是对前代的批判与否定.研究经典注释史不可轻信某一目标下的评论及断语,因为典籍注释均是主观性与客观性相统一的行为,只是存在客观性程度上的区别.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT This paper takes up the call by scholars such as Alfred Gell to consider objects of material culture as objects, by examining them in the context of production, circulation and reception. Because they are unadorned and without visual interest, langarol, the hand‐held artefacts used in some New Ireland dance performances, do not lend themselves to modes of analysis that see cultural objects as surrogate texts, the hidden meanings of which can be ‘read’. This very ‘lack’ enables us more readily to discern their significance, which lies in their magical potency and in the performance of their creator, the shaman, in attracting, wielding and revealing his awesome power. The power sought is less power over others and more power to — the ability to realise projects that can elicit effects. If consciousness and body are one, such achievements are to be understood as embodiments of intentionality and agency. It is through the production and wielding of such objects that people make themselves.  相似文献   
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