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唐代校书郎之员数和设置时间,诸书所栽多有出入,《新唐书》错讹尤多。校书郎实为有唐一代士仕进之初阶,秘书省校书又为其最。与校书郎相关的诗歌,丰富了唐诗的内容也促进诗艺的提高。唐传奇的发展,也与校书郎有着某种联系。  相似文献   
高寿仙 《安徽史学》2010,(2):66-71,89
关于朱元璋的出生地,存在着不同说法,其中以钟离说(主张在今凤阳县境内)和盱眙说(主张在今明光市境内)流传较广,近年还发生了热烈的讨论。这个问题争讼不已、相持不下,与史料使用的随意性不无关系。朱元璋十分明确地说明自己生于钟离或钟离之东乡,参酌各种资料,此东乡无疑是在钟离县境内。盱眙说对有关史料的解释存有疏误,其立论主要建立在民间传说的基础上,而传说内容神奇怪异,显然难以据为信史。不过,这些传说本身也是一笔十分宝贵的文化财富,有其独特的魅力和价值。  相似文献   
夏玉润 《安徽史学》2010,(2):90-100
朱元璋的出生地,近年来出现了凤阳、盱眙二说。其实,早在朱元璋在世时,凤阳说是唯一一说。永乐以后,围绕朱元璋出生前后所发生的圣瑞之象,在社会上被炒作得越发神奇,在以讹传讹的过程中,泗州盱眙地方官员采用编纂地方志等方式,将这些圣瑞之象拉入盱眙县,从而产生盱眙说。盱眙说从产生之日起,一直是作为社会上流传的小道而存在,而凤阳说在明清两代一直是全社会及史学界的共识。近年来,盱眙说再次抬头,向凤阳说挑战。  相似文献   
水族端节习俗中,农耕稻作文化的特征,节日的时间、庆典活动内容等,都反映水族同胞丰富多彩的民族文化。  相似文献   
通过疏理讶鼓、叫声、耍曲、鼓板、唱赚、诸宫调等民间艺术的流变,着重探讨民间俗曲对元曲艺术的渗透与影响,分析元曲与民间俗曲传统艺术形式的密切关系,考证元曲曲调及曲体多方面的源头谱系。认为元曲同时受到大小传统文化的影响,是文人词曲与各种流行俗乐相互碰撞,相互渗透,相互交融的产物。  相似文献   
Focusing on politics of culture in early socialist era, this article explores struggles for imposing particular visions of “folk” during the revolutionary zeal characterizing the post-1948 period's development in the discipline of Czechoslovak ethnography. It examines the self-proclaimed turn from previous ethnographic traditions, accused of bourgeois nationalism, to socialist orientation towards studying “true folk”. By tracing struggles around the re-conceptualization of constitutive criteria and boundaries defining the essential object of ethnographic inquiry, the socialist ethnographers readjusted to the changes by focusing on more “progressive” traditions and shifted towards the “working-class” seen as possessing revolutionary spirit and the true authentic essence of the nation. The article argues that the new ethnographic wave ultimately re-inscribed the essentialist categories they virtually combatted by embedding them within the same structural framework rooted in the national order of things.  相似文献   
During the heightened cultural activity of the Celtic Revival, the moral ownership and utilisation of Ireland's literary remains became an important cultural issue. At the same time, many nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Irish writers were concerned to ‘retell’ ancient stories in ways which explored their relevance to the modern world. One of the most retold tales from the period was the story of Déirdre and the Sons of Usnach. The story of Déirdre broaches one of the most ubiquitous of human experiences – betrayal – and it does so in relation to both political and interpersonal behaviour. This essay examines two dramatic treatments from the early years of the century: W.B. Yeats's one-act Deirdre (1907) and J.M. Synge's Deirdre of the Sorrows, unfinished at the time of his death and finally published in 1910. This essay looks to account for the particular ways in which each author inflects the legend in terms of their own concerns, and in particular how both Yeats and Synge engaged with a discourse of betrayal that – although always significant in Irish cultural history – was moving to a position of centrality in Irish national life in the years leading up to the revolutionary period.  相似文献   
民俗文物与非物质文化遗产的联系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民俗文物和非物质文化遗产关系密切,二者是你中有我,我中有你的格局。它们同属人类文化遗产。在全球经济一体化、文化多元化和强势文化不断削弱弱势文化而急需保存我们文化多样性的形势下,加强二者的保护、传承和研究,特别是二者的结合研究,对保存我们文化的多样性,将更具有现实而又深远的意义。  相似文献   
毛巧晖 《民俗研究》2020,(1):90-98,158
1949-1966年民间文学被纳入现代民族国家建构的进程,成为文学领域接驳、实践国家话语的重要场域。1962-1964年中国民间文艺研究会研究部编纂了九辑《民间文学参考资料》,它们除了展示全国民间文艺实践外,还集中呈现了《一九五六-一九六七哲学社会科学规划纲要(修正草案)》对民间文艺发展规划、组织以及民间文艺学新体系的设想。一方面,它们呈现了新中国初期民间文艺的研究宗旨;另一方面,既有对民间文艺概念、范畴、价值以及基本特性之讨论,亦有对苏联民间文学理论的集中引入,同时译介欧美民间文学理论现状,形成了与苏联、日本等"新中国的民间文学研究"对话的局面。  相似文献   
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