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澳门主权问题的提出主要是在中国鸦片战争失利以后。1862年条约是葡人居澳以来中葡两国签订的第一个条约。由于葡萄牙代表在议约中采取了欺诈手段,清政府未予批准。自1864年换约失败至1887年条约谈判之前的20余年时间里,葡萄牙为了以订立条约的形式达到“合法”占据澳门的目的,曾经串通列强及其驻京公使,多次与清政府进行交涉。  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to investigate whether the ceramics from the Goguryeo fortified sites of the Han River region in central Korea were manufactured and consumed locally during the southern expansion of the Goguryeo State (475–551 ce ). For this research, 88 ceramic samples from seven contemporary sites in the southern territories of Goguryeo were sampled and analysed by ceramic thin‐section petrography and neutron activation analysis (NAA). In addition, to establish a possible chemical fingerprint at Hongryeonbong Fort 2, five clay specimens were also gathered and analysed from the pottery firing structure. The results of this analytical study indicate that the majority of the ceramics from the Goguryeo fortified sites of central Korea were produced and circulated within this newly acquired region. In addition, it is highly probable that Hongryeonbong Fort, which contains the remains of what may be ceramic firing architecture, is the place of production for the ceramics.  相似文献   
This research examines the evidence for prehistoric ceramic exchange networks over the last 2000 years in northwest Alaska through the use of neutron activation analysis of ceramic artifacts. Results from ceramic analysis on eight coastal and inland archaeological sites identified three source macrogroups and three associated subgroups. Clay source diversity and shared source macrogroups between geographically distant sites suggest the use of multiple sources and/or the movement of pots between production locales, mirroring related patterns in pottery stylistic data. Although additional analytical work is needed to fully understand the changing character of clay procurement and ceramic distribution across this time period, this study provides exploratory data on past ceramic production and distribution that hints at changes in exchange and territoriality in northwest Alaska during the late Holocene.  相似文献   
琥珀制品在两汉时期风靡一时,琥珀印在琥珀制品中颇具特色。本文在对中国境内考古发现所见两汉琥珀印资料收集与整理的基础上,对其出土地域、自身特征、出土位置及伴出物品等问题进行了探讨。研究表明出土琥珀印的墓葬等级较高,且出土位置特殊,并伴随有水晶、玛瑙、海蓝宝等贵重宝石。这些宝石的产地可能源自南亚或东南亚地区,而这类随葬品在两汉墓葬中的流行亦体现了当时物质交流的成果。  相似文献   
In this paper we examine the enigmatic but plentiful hand-molded, baked-clay objects known as Poverty Point Objects (PPOs) from a number of different facets. Although the vast majority of these Terminal Archaic artifacts are found in the Lower Mississippi Valley, they also are found at sites as far north as Clarksville, Indiana, and as far east as the Atlantic Coast of Florida. Although most archaeologists generally assume PPOs were used primarily for roasting food, we consider a variety of other possible functions, including their use in boiling water and as symbolic tokens linking the far-flung Poverty Point culture area. We demonstrate that even though a few other archaeological cultures in the world used round clay balls for cooking, the Poverty Point culture was unique in the care, variety, and standardized forms of its baked-clay objects. We discuss the various PPO types and their possible functions in nine distinct regions in the southeastern United States and, based on our thin-section analyses of 66 samples, we demonstrate that PPOs circulated among different sites in these regions.  相似文献   
六朝石刻辟邪是六朝时期文化和艺术的载体。六朝石刻辟邪的艺术图像的构型要素以狮形头、张口露舌、体侧刻划羽翼等为主要特色。通过对这些艺术要素源头的追溯,笔者认为:六朝石刻辟邪是中西经济文化交流及中国传统丧葬礼俗的产物。  相似文献   
This article explores the relationship between craft production, exchange, and power in the pre-Incaic Andes, with a focus on recent archaeological evidence from Chavín, Nasca, Tiwanaku, Wari, and Moche. I argue that craft production and exchange in concert with materialized ideologies played vital roles in the development of political power in the Andes. In later state societies, craft production, exchange, and materialization were critical in maintaining and legitimizing established political power.  相似文献   
古代洛阳与南海丝绸之路   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
南海丝绸之路的开辟,始于西汉时期。宋元明时期随着经济重心的南移,陆上丝绸之路衰落,南海丝绸之路则得到长足发展。古代洛阳连接南海丝绸之路的陆上通道有三条,即从会稽、东冶至洛阳,从广州至洛阳,从缅甸经云南、四川至洛阳。沿着这三条路线,古代从海路来华并到达洛阳的国外使、商人、僧侣,主要来自柬埔寨、缅甸、印度尼西亚、印度、埃及等地。  相似文献   
本文系作者赴台参加《十全乾隆——清高宗的艺术品味特展》开幕式之后的问答式的专访性文章。全文围绕北京、台北两故宫的合作交流,回顾了近五年来以文物展览为中心的交流合作成果,展望了未来的合作前景及其活动计划。  相似文献   
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