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Mechanisms for the maintenance of Zapotec ethnicity in Tlailotlacan, an enclave of Teotihuacan, Mexico, are reconstructed using oxygen-isotope analyses of bone and enamel phosphate. The data indicate continual interaction among the enclave inhabitants, their Oaxacan homeland, and other diaspora colonies, with no dominant post-marital residence pattern. There is no apparent association between social status and place of origin, and individual agency is indicated by variable acceptance of Teotihuacan traditions. Striking patterns of movement include the sojourning of children in other regions and the relocation of breastfeeding women. These segments of the population would have played major roles in the social and political articulation of diaspora colonies. Foreign signatures in primary burials indicate that some immigrants died shortly after their arrival in Tlailotlacan. Data from secondary burials indicate the transportation of dead relatives or ancestors to Teotihuacan for burial. We conclude that the behaviour of immigrants in ancient and modern cities is analogous in many ways.  相似文献   
During the Late Intermediate period (LIP, c. A.D. 1000–1400), the central Andes experienced the decline of the Wari and Tiwanaku states, as well as processes of state formation, regional population growth, and competition culminating in the imperial expansion of the Chimú and Inka polities. The LIP holds the potential to link the archaeological features of early Andean states with the material signatures of the later ones, providing a critical means of contextualizing the intergenerational continuities and breaks in state structures and imperial strategies. The recent proliferation of LIP research and the completion of a number of regional studies permit the overview of six LIP regions and the comparison of highland and lowland patterns of political and economic organization, social complexity, and group identity.  相似文献   
This article examines the impact of international integration on ethno-regional relations in multiethnic states. It argues that when ethno-regions in such a state have different geographic patterns of foreign ties, national unity suffers. “Asymmetrical international integration” (AII) hinders national cohesion by reducing the cultural similarity of the ethno-regions, sharpening their disputes over foreign policy, and intensifying their disparate identities. This argument is evaluated using the case of Ukraine. Analysis of a survey distributed to approximately 1000 elites in two key Ukrainian cities in 1994–95, as well as of other data, demonstrates that AII exists, is believed by Ukrainians to weaken national unity, and in fact does weaken national unity.  相似文献   
Artefacts and burial rites in the late Roman cemetery at Lankhills School, Winchester, southern England, were used by Clarke (1979) to distinguish between local Romano-British individuals and migrants thought to be from the Danube region, a suggestion tested through isotope analysis by Evans et al. (2006a,b). This paper reports strontium (87Sr/86Sr) and oxygen (δ18O) isotope data for tooth enamel sampled from a further 40 individuals from more recent excavations on the same site. Results suggest that up to a quarter of the sampled Lankhills individuals were incomers, with several individuals possibly originating from the Hungarian Basin and the Southern Mediterranean. However, there was no clear link between isotopic signature and archaeological origin attribution, suggesting that in many cases burial practice was dictated by factors other than ‘ethnicity’, such as kinship, marriage or cultural and political preferences.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the ongoing reappraisal of the 'publicness' of public space, a project begun in relation to many different spaces and from a variety of perspectives. The research presented here examines the major motivations and debates leading up to the creation and consequent opening of two of Liverpool's most prominent urban parks, Sefton Park and Stanley Park, in the late 1860s and early 1870s. Evidence is taken from the Minutes of various Town Council Meetings and Sub-Committee Meetings as well as from Liverpool's news media of the period (1858–1872). Attention is therefore focused on the contests and debates that are connected to official action and policies, highlighting the differing values which were seen to attach to the public space of urban parks in Liverpool and the roles it was believed they could play. There are obvious inequalities in the provision of public space in Liverpool in the nineteenth century, illustrating how the city built class parks. Interlocking systems of oppression of gender, class and ethnicity meant that accessibility to Liverpool's urban parks was, and still is, subject to the complex ways in which these worked together. Indeed there are many parallels between the nineteenthcentury urban experience and ongoing contemporary debates regarding public space and its accessibility. Cet article ajoute aux discussions courantes visant à réexaminer la notion de 'public' en ce qui àtrait à l'espace publique, un projet relié à différents espaces et différentes perspectives. Les recherches ici présentées examinent les motivations principales et les débats qui ont menéàla création et ouverture de deux des plus importants parcs urbains de Liverpool, les parcs Sefton et Stanley, à la fin des années 1860 et début des années 1870. Le matériel àl'appui est tiré des notes de réunions des Conseil and Sous-Conseil Municipaux et des médias de Liverpool de l'époque (1858–1872). La discussion porte principalement sur les conflits et débats rattachés aux actions et politiques officielles, mettant l'emphase sur les valeurs divergentes associées à l'espace urbain de Liverpool et au rôle que cet espace devrait jouer. Il est évident qu'il existe des inégalités marquées dans la distribution de l'espace publique à Liverpool au dix-neuvième siècle et ceci démontre que la ville a bâti des parcs destinés à certaines classes. Des systèmes d'oppression inter-reli´s axés sur la classe, le sexe et l'ethnicitédémontrent que l'accès aux parcs urbains de Liverpool était, et est toujours, sujet à l'imbrication complexe de ces éléments. Este papel contribuye a la continuada nueva apreciación de la 'naturaleza pública' del espacio público, un proyecto iniciado con relación a muchos espacios diferentes y desde una variedad de perspectivas. La investigación que presentamos aquí examina los principales motivaciones y debates que llevaron a la creación y consecuente inauguración de dos de los parques urbanos más importantes de Liverpool; el parque Sefton y el parque Stanley, a finales de los años 60 y a principios de los años 70 del siglo diezinueve. Las pruebas vienen de las actas de varias Reuniones del Consejo Municipal, de reuniones de la subcomisión y también de la prensa de Liverpool de la época (1858–1872). Por lo tanto el enfoque es sobre las contiendas y debates, unidos a acción oficial y políticas, que destacan los diferentes valores atribuidos al espacio público de los parques urbanos de Liverpool y los papeles que se creía que tenían. Hay desigualdades muy evidentes en la provisión de espacio público en Liverpool en el siglo diezinueve, lo cual demuestra que construyeron parques distintos para las distintas clases sociales en la ciudad. Los intertejidos sistemas de opresión de género, clase y etnicidad hacían que el acceso a los parques urbanos de Liverpool fuera, y siga siendo, sujeto al complejo funcionamiento de éstos en conjunto.  相似文献   

This article argues that the essentialist and the constructivist positions within theories of ethnicity are in fact compatible if one introduces a concept here called “internalized fluid capacities”, connoting that which is inherently (genetically) dispositional – and in that sense biologically “anticipated” – but which remains to be developed into observable social characteristics through sociocultural impact. This perspective is based on the genetic capacity to mold or “instruct” the development of an organism from its embryonic state and onwards by using prior stages as points of departure for further instructions. In this way, certain fluid capacities become imprinted in individuals and collectivities through reinforcing interaction with the ambient society. These capacities may then harden and develop into apparent “essentials”, forming a group's collective self-image. The article concludes with the suggestion that this explanatory model can be usefully applied to the debate around Swedish governmental definitions of Saamihood.  相似文献   
The article examines the developments that made the legend of an Asian migration into Europe part of mainstream historiography during the eighteenth century. It was believed that the Norse god Odin was in fact a historical person, who had migrated from Asia to with the north of Europe with his tribe. The significance of this legend to how medieval poetry was received and debated in England has received little attention. The study falls into three sections. The first will trace the significance of the Odin migration legend in discovering Germanic cultural origins. The second section examines the impact of the legend on philological studies, primarily in establishing a new category: the Gothic (i.e. Teutonic/Germanic) poetic tradition. The final section will focus on the debate between two of the most important eighteenth-century pioneers of vernacular poetic tradition: Thomas Percy and Thomas Warton. Their discussion over whether the Asian foundation of Germanic (and thereby English) tradition had paved the way for later Arabian influences is instructive, as it shows how Eastern “others” were negotiated in the discovery of cultural and national roots.  相似文献   
Explaining culture change requires a multi-dimensional approach, and so does explaining cultural continuity. I combine several approaches to explain why the account given of a Mexican town's history changed between 1879 and 1992. I also identify and explain what did not change during the period, as well as during the subsequent period of fieldwork itself, 1992–2005. Rather than treat cultural continuity as the result of inertia, I follow Urban ([2001], Metaculture: How Culture Moves Through the World, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, MN) in looking for what motivates the transmission of culture as well as what pathways it takes, although I prefer to stress human agency in writing of the trajectories along which people propel culture, in this case a town's history. One approach which I draw, for explaining the trajectories of culture, is Malinowski's seminal study of Trobriand myths (1926), but I combine it with the more recent approaches that link versions of history to the interests of social groups; highlight the density of ties between person, people and place; pay attention to the genre of narratives being transmitted, and to the skewing of culture towards central places; and finally, consider shifts not just in the figure of particular narratives but in the grounds that underlie them, such as the criterion of truth against which narratives are measured.  相似文献   
This paper explores the imaginative spaces in which world heritage is constructed and consumed: on the one hand, as the landmarks of a 'global landscape' mediated through the virtual mobility of cyberspace, essentially freed from 'place' or location; on the other hand, as the place-bound focus of nation-building projects, where the narratives of 'destiny' of nationalist mythology confront the serendipity of modern state boundaries. The paper links these two aspects of 'World Heritage' to two contrasting models of citizenship, one of which is rooted in the ideal of an inclusive democratic world citizenry, whilst the other is tied to more exclusive notions of citizenship attached to membership of specific nation-states and riven by boundaries of ethnicity, religion, state and class. Taking the case of Cyprus, the paper examines the ways in which these discourses of the global and the national, of heritage and citizenship, are mobilised by different groups as symbolic resources in the politics of this divided island.  相似文献   
The task of rebuilding a city after war-time destruction can take many forms. In addition to the obvious signs of refurbishment and new buildings, there are more subtle forms of renewal involving a re-creation of the city’s identity and changes to its inhabitants’ views of the world. For Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia and Hercegovina, the cessation of the struggle for control of the city, involving various ethnic groups in the former Yugoslavia, has brought about several forms of renewal, many of which have been closely related to the altered political status of Bosnia. This paper investigates ways in which the changing face of Sarajevo is associated with attempts to establish the state of Bosnia and Hercegovina subsequent to the signing of the Dayton Accord that guaranteed some measure of security to Sarajevo and to Bosnia itself. In particular, manifestations of a growing Bosnian nationalism are analysed in the context of the new state’s attempts to establish a clear identity within the deeply disturbed geopolitical setting of the former Yugoslavia. Special attention is given to the renaming of many streets within Sarajevo and to the symbolism on the newly-issued banknotes. Consideration is given to theories of nationalism and to the manifestations of nationalism in the specific context of the former Yugoslavia. There is particular focus upon the position of the Bosnian Muslims in the newly-established state and the emergence of a Bosnian nationalist agenda.  相似文献   
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