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Understanding young mothers’ emic, or insiders’, spatial experiences is critical to realizing how their agency manifests in constructing and producing spaces, as opposed to common images of them as passive, vulnerable women living in deprived neighbourhoods. Set in the shrinking region of Parkstad Limburg in the Netherlands, this article draws on in-depth interviews and long-term participant observation in order to explore which modalities of agency emerge from young mothers’ spatial engagements with their neighbourhoods and homes. This article contributes to greater diversity and more agentic representations of young mothers than commonly perceived, and to a nuanced understanding of agency. The findings reveal that these women are continually navigating the social, physical and economic–political dimensions of space, from which four modalities of agency emerge: (1) ‘adhering to norms’, (2) ‘defining dreams’, (3) ‘challenging rules’ and (4) ‘considering options’. Contrary to understandings within a dominant independence-oriented discourse of agency as taking subversive action, this article shows that agency occurs in tacit, routine spatial practices, whilst navigating through individual circumstances and sociospatial structures and norms.  相似文献   
Archaeological fieldwork conducted on a plot of land near the town of Chia (Colombia, South America) uncovered the remains of a small Muisca settlement occupied from the late Prehispanic period to the colonial period. The excavation program documented particular sets of features including postholes, pits, colored floors, and a burial. These elements provided a baseline for reconstructing the ground plans of perishable structures and architectural spaces. The components of built areas were key cultural referents for the peoples who lived in La Maria during the Prehispanic period. Important changes in the arrangement of the elements that comprise architectural space are observed during the colonial period, arguably as the result of important transformations in native culture.  相似文献   
This technical note presents a refined technique for photo‐documenting archaeological mortuary features using High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging. Mortuary features in archaeological context can be complex and delicate given the wide variability in grave constructions and preservation of human skeletal remains. It is therefore critical to obtain the greatest detail possible when photo‐documenting these features. HDR techniques represent more contrast in photographs and provide greater detail across the DR of illumination within mortuary features—where complex arrangements of human remains can obscure or darken other elements or associated funerary objects, making them difficult to identify in traditional photographs. HDR can be employed with most standard digital single lens reflex cameras used for archaeological field projects, is easy to learn and employ (as described here), can be processed and produced with commonly used photo editing programs, and is ideal for use in unpredictable conditions that are often encountered with archaeological mortuary features and in field conditions. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
杨华 《东南文化》2007,(6):6-13
通过对三峡地区长江沿岸的考古发掘,发现了远古时期人类居住遗址的所处位置、海拔高度,尤其是遗址地层堆积中往往还叠压有洪水过后的淤积,根据这些洪水淤沙层的位置以及其上、下堆积层中包含物的年代,我们可推测出远古时期三峡地区长江发生洪水的大致年代,洪水水位的海拔高度,看看那时的河床究竟是比现在高、还是低,从而为当今人们治理长江、开发长江提供科学的证据。  相似文献   
建国初期到中共十一届三中全会以前,中国的宏观经济从总的时间序列上看,可划分为第一个五年计划时期、第二个五年计划时期、调整时期和"文化大革命"时期四个阶段,每个阶段都有其各自的特点.这个历史时期的经济发展战略是以优先发展重工业为主导,强调发展速度;战略推行的结果虽然成功地建立了一个比较完整的国民经济体系,但在产业结构、积累和消费的关系、增长方式、增长的波动性方面存在不少问题.与此相适应建立起来的集中计划经济体制对于集中力量搞建设是起了作用的,但从效率上讲是失败的.十一届三中全会以来中国的经济体制和经济发展模式发生了深刻的变化,但传统计划经济体制的影响依然对今后的改革与发展构成一定的障碍.  相似文献   
本文提出法律文本的翻译技巧。希望翻译将能够获得翻译策略一个很好的命令,以及其有很大的贡献,以提高翻译法律文本的质量具体的翻译技巧。  相似文献   
学术规范建设关系到中国学术的发展和繁荣,对于世界史研究具有同样重要的意义。开展学术规范的建设,既要考虑学术规范自身的系统性,又要照顾不同学科的特点;既要引进欧美学术界的成功经验,又要结合中国学术的传统和实际。世界史作为中国学术的一个分支,其发展需要学术整体进步的带动,同时在学术规范建设中也能发挥某些独特的作用。世界史学科的特点是具有跨文化了解的性质,需要大量使用外文文献,其研究的难度较大,因此,在研究取向、资料运用、引用方式、标注形式、防止抄袭和剽窃各个环节,均有特别的要求。学术规范建设只有顾及世界史的这些特点,才能对其研究水平的不断提高产生有力的推动。  相似文献   
体育活动,是人类在社会生产和社会生活的实践中不断创造、丰富和发展起来的,构成人类社会生活的一个有机组成部分。现代社会如此,古代社会也如此。古代体育活动,既是古代社会生活的一个重要方面,也为现代体育的发生和发展奠定了历史的基础。中国古代体育活动有着悠久的历史和  相似文献   
考古发现与唐宋时期的体育活动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国古代体育活动,自秦汉时期出现了中国历史上第一个高潮之后,经过魏晋南北朝的一段沉寂,到唐宋时期又出现了中国古代体育发展史上一个新的鼎盛时期。自唐伊始,随着国家大一统局面的再次形成和发展,社会生活趋于稳定,有力地促  相似文献   
在文物修复的过程中,首先的工作就是对器物进行清洗,虽然现阶段清洗工艺的效果不错,但使用的试剂与手段造成污染较大,对人体与环境都会造成损害.因此,寻找新的清洗材料与清洗手段,对于文物修复工作的持续发展非常重要。为此,本研究应用干冰清洗技术,工业级清洗机器对在一件晚清胎质较厚、釉质较好的瓷器上进行了清洗实验,并对清洗工艺进行了实验与评估。实验结果表明,干冰清洗技术应用在清除瓷器表面的环氧树脂及污迹效果显著,可谓立竿见影,对瓷器的釉面未造成损害,并且整个清洗流程非常的环保、无污染,清洗完毕只剩下污迹。虽然深层次的环氧树脂清洗效果不明显,但随着今后进一步改善操作技术与清洗工艺,为最终实现环保而可持续的文物修复流程提供经验。  相似文献   
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