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本文介绍了《可移动文物病害评估技术规程瓷器类文物》标准的编制背景、原则、依据、结构、主要内容以及对标准编制工作的思考。本标准的制定是科学评价瓷器类文物病害现状的必要工作,对于更有序地、科学地开展瓷器类文物的管理、保护与修复等具有重要意义。  相似文献   
砖石建筑是指利用砖石材料以一定的结构形式砌筑的建筑物或构筑物,这是中国传统建筑营造的一大类型,在中国建筑史上具有悠久历史和重要地位。我国现存砖石建筑分布地域广、数量多,本文从保护角度出发,介绍了砖石建筑历史及类型,并结合具体案例,对砖石建筑的保护与修复过程中的病害类型、原因、治理方法等进行了概述。  相似文献   
云冈地区周边经济发展、工业开发等因素使当地自然环境发生了很大变化;石窟本身成为旅游热点,也使石窟内的病害类型、特征、面积、危害程度等都发生了变化,尤其是各种污染物病害对石窟的破坏作用明显加重。为了更加有效地保护石窟文化遗产,从2010年1月起,浙江大学文物保护实验室会同云冈石窟研究院和西安文物保护修复中心,共同对云冈石窟45个有石雕艺术品的洞窟内的污染物病害进行了系统调查,对污染物种类(包括内源性和外源性)和污染程度进行了分类统计。该工作属于国家科技支撑计划"石窟文物表面有害污物清除技术研究"课题的一部分,同时也是石质文物化学清洗研究的需要。本次调查对于污染物病害分类及命名依据国家标准WW/T0002-2007:石质文物病害与分类图示。调查结果表明,窟内至少存在表面污染与变色、表面层风化、表面生物病害、修补残留及水斑等5大类污染物病害,具体包括粉尘污染、烟熏结壳、黄斑、涂鸦刻画、触摸油脂等12小类,总污染面积达7059.66m~2。同时,分析研究了主要污染物病害的成因和危害性,研究结果为进一步开展清洗和保护研究提供了基础科学数据。如何判别各种污染物对石窟造像的危害?是否需要去除?如何在"最小干预"的原则下最大限度地保护好云冈石窟?这些仍然是有待研究的重要课题。  相似文献   
The eponymous legacy of Sir William Richard Gowers (1845–1915) was the subject of a comprehensive appraisal first written for this journal late last year. Since the completion of that work, a revealing February 1903 letter has come to light recording, amongst other things, Gowers’ firsthand and somewhat private opinions concerning some of his own eponymous contributions to medicine. This addendum to the primary author’s original article will review and contextualize this very interesting find as it relates to Gowers’ eponymous legacy. Gowers’ “ataxic paraplegia” (referred to as “Gowers’ disease” in the letter) and “syringal hemorrhage” are specially considered, and his broader neological contributions are also briefly addressed. For completion, a number of other previously unnoticed eponyms are added to the already impressive list of medical entities named in Gowers’ honor, and a more complete collection of eponyms found in Gowers’ Manual are tabulated for consideration.  相似文献   
我国古建筑大多采用木材作为建筑结构的主要材料,木材为生物材料,很容易遭到各种损害,主要有自然糟朽和各种病虫害,其中最大的损害来自于病虫害.九华山是中国佛教四大名山之一,遗存了大量的古寺庙建筑,作为不可移动文物,古代建筑在各级文物保护单位中占有重要的地位.目前,除自然糟朽之外,对九华山古建筑结构造成生物损害的主要有白蚁、粉蠹虫、黄蜂等有害昆虫.因此,做好病虫害防治是保护古建筑的一项重要工作内容.  相似文献   
在对新疆境内主要石窟进行调查分析的基础上.总结了新疆石窟的主要病害类型及造成原因,结合建国以来我国对敦煌、麦积山、龙门、云岗等石窟进行加固经验.以新疆克孜尔千佛洞为试点.提出了一套适合于新疆石窟病害特点的治理方法.同时对库木吐拉千佛洞的壁画保护工作也提出了一些初步设想.探讨了新疆石窟维修保护的途径。  相似文献   
A century since his passing, the legacy of the great Victorian clinical neurologist, Sir William Richard Gowers (1845–1915), remains traceable to students and practitioners of medicine worldwide through eponymous medical terms named in his honor. Popular designations like “Gowers’ sign” continue to lead curious minds to learn more about the pioneering neurologist’s lifework and influence, and yet Gowers himself was not fond of medical eponyms. Memorably remarking that eponyms were an educational “inconvenience in medicine, Gowers was apt to disfavor the system in the very same lecture in which he reportedly first referred to the spinal cord fasciculus that later took his name. This article will examine Gowers’ own use of eponyms alongside the eponymous medical terms named for him, and, in the process, will show how Gowers’ “inconvenience” may be of great service to the historically inclined modern clinician today.  相似文献   
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