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Soon after its formation, the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) was tasked by the Communist International with assisting their Irish comrades to develop their organisation. This article outlines the relations between British and Irish communists from 1920 to 1941 and argues that, notwithstanding the selfless work of some British communists, the CPGB on the whole exhibited a patronising and paternalistic demeanour towards the Irish that failed to consider the latter’s perspective on an equal footing to its own, even in their own affairs. This attitude, combined with its position within the heart of the British Empire, is indicative of ‘cultural imperialism’.  相似文献   
自中共建党后,陈独秀在担任长达六年五届的中共中央最高领导职务期间,中国革命的进退行止,一直在莫斯科导演之下。先天不足的中国大革命由盛而衰的全过程,无不与陈独秀和莫斯科的指挥者密切相关。在中共早期历史研究中,抓住陈独秀与共产国际这一环节,就找到了解读许多难题的锁钥。李颖所著《陈独秀与共产国际》一书,对陈独秀与共产国际这一课题的研究,多有新义,不同凡响。  相似文献   
"革命局"辨析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
据苏俄、共产国际的有关档案记载。1920—1921年间在上海和中国其他几个大城市曾出现过“革命局”(ревбюоро)。对于“革命局”究竟是什么组织。目前已有几位党史学者发表了不同的意见,分别视其为:中共上海发起组及各地共产主义小组、社会主义者同盟的领导机构、具有统一战线性质的机构和俄共在华组织。这几种看法均值得商榷。从档案原文和“革命局”的名称、组织系统、自身结构与功能任务等方面来看,1920年夏成立于上海的“革命局”实际上是直属共产国际东亚书记处的具体负责中国共产主义运动的机构,而在其他城市的“革命局”则是设于上海的“中央局”的分支机构。虽然革命局后来的隶属关系、组织机构有所变化,但其作为共产国际的在华一级机关的性质却始终如一,在指导建立共产党、推动各革命团体的活动、实施共产主义宣传等工作上发挥了重要作用。随其主要使命的基本完成和中共的成立,革命局也归于消失。  相似文献   
共产国际、陈独秀与中国共产党的创建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李颖 《安徽史学》2005,1(2):95-101
中国共产党的建立是中国革命史上开天辟地的大事变.自从有了中国共产党,中国革命的面目就为之一新了.本文主要根据俄罗斯国家社会政治历史档案馆的俄文馆藏档案、最新公布的共产国际档案以及其它相关材料,详细解析了共产国际、陈独秀在中国共产党创建过程中的作用.  相似文献   
二十世纪三十年代,由于存在共产国际这个信息传播中枢,中国的红色革命信息,不仅在国内、而且在国际上得到了持续传播。《共产国际》、《中国论坛》、《今日中国》等英文刊物,是传播中国苏维埃运动信息的主要途径。此外,中国红色革命信息也曾通过一些公开出版的著述、共产国际和中国党之间的联络人员的报告、公开播音的广播电台等途径得到了传播。  相似文献   
The early Chinese Marxist, communist leader and martyr, Yun Daiying was an avid reader and collector of books. His intellectual and political endeavors started with reading and collecting various books and magazines on current affairs and social sciences from home and abroad. Yun Daiying founded his own private library in 1917 and expanded it into a public library while he was a student of Wuchang National Normal University. Later Yun established a reading club christened the “Mutual Aid Society” under the disparate influences of Kropotkin, Mushanokōji Saneatsu, and the YMCA. Yun's founding of the Beneficent Group Bookstore in 1920 epitomized his ideal of combining reading and the book trade with the dissemination of new knowledge and the reconstruction of society from the bottom up. Yun kept his distance from the other Comintern-influenced Wuhan Marxists, and it was rather upon the organizational foundation of the Beneficent Group Bookstore that Yun Daiying co-founded a more radical “Co-Existence Society”, whose members were eventually converted to communism in 1921.  相似文献   
李颖 《安徽史学》2004,(2):91-96
中国共产党第五次全国代表大会召开于大革命危急时刻的 192 7年 4月 2 7日至 5月 9日。几十年来对五大的评价及陈独秀在五大的连任问题一直是史学界争论的焦点之一。本文主要根据新公布的共产国际档案 ,通过梳理陈独秀与中共五大的关系 ,得出与传统看法不尽相同的结论 :五大的实际主导者不是党的总书记陈独秀而是共产国际及其代表 ;五大有明显的缺陷 ,但不能全盘否定 ;陈独秀在五大的连任是历史的必然 ,并不是大革命最终失败的决定因素。  相似文献   
The article sets out to map militant Soviet solidarity with the Republicans during the Spanish Civil War (1936–9). It is based on recently declassified letters that ordinary Soviet citizens addressed to the Comintern, asking its head, Georgi Dimitrov, to send them as volunteers to fight against Fascism in Spain. The articles evaluates the social profiles of these would-be volunteers, their rhetoric of militant solidarity and the social climate in which they formulated their pleas to fight abroad – namely the onset of Stalin's purges in the Soviet Union.  相似文献   
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