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本文通过 X 射线衍射(XRD)、差热分析(DTA)、发射光谱分析(ESA)、扫描电镜(SEM)和能量色散 X 射线分析(EDAX)的方法,对古耀州青瓷所用原料及其矿物组成,古瓷器的烧成温度和显微结构进行了分析研究。得出耀瓷乃是使用当地高岭石和伊利石粘土矿物为原料烧制而成,烧成温度在1200℃以上的结论.  相似文献   
古砖的烧制温度决定了其物理力学性质。本研究提出基于磁化率来确定古砖烧制温度的方法。通过对古砖重新加温,测量不同温度下古砖的磁化率,得到磁化率差值的平方-温度曲线图。图中第一个较大的偏差对应的横坐标即为古砖的烧制温度。利用上述方法测得实际烧制温度为700℃、800℃和900℃的黏土砖的烧制温度分别为690℃、810℃和870℃。二者误差较小,认为利用该方法确定砖的烧制温度可行。本研究利用该方法确定了平遥古城10块古砖的烧制温度,发现其烧制温度在650~690℃和850~870℃两个区间范围内。据此推测平遥古城古砖是以秸秆和木柴为燃料烧制而成。本研究实验结果可为古建筑修复和保护提供理论参考。  相似文献   
This paper presents the findings arising from neutron activation analysis (NAA) of northern Chilean domestic ceramic samples from Caleta Vitor (n = 38) and clay samples (n = 15) from nearby valley, coast and highland contexts. This study presents the first NAA data set of ceramics spanning a temporal period of 1500 years (c.2000 to c.476 bp ) from the Vitor Valley as well as the first attempt to use NAA to characterize potential clay sources in the region. On the basis of this study, we argue that the majority of domestic ceramics from Caleta Vitor share compositional similarities with clay samples collected from nearby valleys, allowing us to infer that the Caleta Vitor populations primarily procured their clay for domestic ceramics from local sources throughout a 1500‐year period. Thus, despite the fact that there were inter‐regional interactions during this period that included the influence of powerful Andean polities, it would appear that domestic ceramics continued to be produced locally, and by implication it can be argued that such interactions did not substantially affect this sphere of material culture production. Further, the apparent continuities in domestic ceramic production allow us to reflect on local decision‐making processes throughout the cultural phases considered in this research.  相似文献   
To obtain accurate results in the RHX dating of ceramics, it is essential that the RHX measurements are continued until the rate of mass gain is constant with (time)1/4. In this paper, we discuss how the initial stages of mass gain are affected by the specific surface area (SSA) of the ceramic material. The paper provides guidance on experimental protocols to avoid dating results being distorted by relatively early‐time mass gain data.  相似文献   
Ceramic amphorae have been the most popular transport and storage containers for a large variety of liquid and solid products. The amphorae of the present study were used as transport containers for wine from the island of Kos (East Aegean). Therefore, they had to fulfil certain requirements in terms of mechanical strength and toughness but also in terms of standardization of vessel size and shape. An assemblage of amphora fragments from the excavation of ancient Halasarna, an amphora production centre, will be presented. The ceramics were studied by means of their chemical and mineralogical composition and fabric. Furthermore, their material properties were measured and their mechanical performance was simulated in computer models.  相似文献   
本工作利用热释光法对9件青铜器中的陶范进行了间接青铜器年代测定,揭示了这些青铜器的真实年代,并为青铜器定代提供了重要的科学依据。由于大部分中大型的青铜器中都存有陶范,并在取样过程中一般不会对器物造成伤害而为文物界所接受,使得这一方法在青铜器的真伪鉴定中具有广阔的应用前景,也是目前青铜器真伪鉴定中最有效的科学方法之一。  相似文献   
为了对山西省忻州市河曲坪头遗址出土的龙山时期的陶器以及制陶原料中的粘土原料的种类和来源进行相关探讨,利用ICP-OES对出土的陶器、坯料,以及遗址附近采集的土样进行了化学成分测试,并使用SPSS软件对分析结果进行了降维处理和主成分分析。结果显示:坪头遗址不同质地的陶器陶土原料相同,只是在钙含量方面存在细微差异。制作陶器所用的粘土原料很可能取自附近的红色古土壤层。该遗址是古人在当地制作陶器的一个场所。  相似文献   
皖南地区的土墩墓及其出土文物反映了当时社会的生产、生活面貌,耕作农业有所发展、纺织等手工业初露端倪、原始青瓷生产日渐成熟、青铜冶铸业颇具规模并形成自身特色、社会分工日益细化。这些都是了解和探寻商周时期皖南先民经济生活状况的重要参考,具有重要的研究价值。  相似文献   
为研究出土墓葬青铜器铸造地,利用X射线荧光光谱法对湖北襄樊的余岗、沈岗、团山、陈坡四处墓地出土的部分青铜器泥芯、陶片进行测试分析,试验结果与山西侯马、武汉盘龙城遗址进行比较分析。对比研究显示,襄樊地区泥芯与当地墓土、陶片在常量元素上具有高度一致性,而与黄河流域的侯马和长江中下游的盘龙城有明显区别,说明襄樊地区这部分铜器应为本地铸造,暗示江汉流域存在自己特有文化。本项研究工作首次尝试利用同墓葬陶器化学成分探索青铜器铸造地,是泥芯研究青铜器铸造地的重要补充,泥芯和陶器相互配合,为青铜器铸造地研究提供了一种新思路。  相似文献   
This study addresses buff-firing clay sources in dynamic alluvial settings along Arizona’s Gila River in the U.S. Southwest. We establish clay resource distribution relative to the geomorphic histories of the Lower and Middle Gila River based on 38 clay samples and ethnographic data from two US Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) projects. Buff-firing clayey alluvium, deposited in the Gila River floodplain 800 to 1,500 or more years ago, was a surficial ceramic raw material source for prehistoric Hohokam and lowland Patayan potters. This geomorphic unit was later removed in some places and buried by up to 3-4 m of sediment in others, reducing the availability of buff-firing clays in the Hohokam Classic period and requiring historic Pee Posh and Akimel O’odham potters to dig pits to access it. Sources were further destroyed in catastrophic floods in the late 19th and early 20th century, affecting ceramic manufacture patterns and ultimately contributing to the decline of pottery production by the O’odham living in the Gila River Valley. Our results contribute to regional ceramic ecology and should also be of interest to others investigating alluvial clay use in general or buff-firing alluvial clays in particular. The study also illustrates the value of combining geomorphic and ethnographic data to examine major changes in resource distribution and use.  相似文献   
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