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本文分析了隋代书法在中国书法史上承前启后的特殊状况,指出隋代北方铭刻的主要成就是逐渐摆脱了前朝篆隶书体而形成了楷书书体,南方的纸书在跃出章草畦径的过程中初步酝酿出草书的章法,楷书已成熟定法。“书”之所以能够有“法”并且成为一门高雅的艺术,是因为隋代完成了“普法阶段”,最好的例证就是智永和隋贤的存世之作。  相似文献   
《云笈七签》卷——三(上)收录的14则仙传,通常以为《逸史》佚文,李剑国先生《唐五代志怪传奇叙录》虽曾怀疑为《神仙感遇传》内容,但经过分析,还是归为《逸史》佚文。本文在此基础上进一步对比考察,认为这14则仙传乃是杜光庭改编自《逸史》的篇目,与《逸史》原文已经有很大差别,应属在《神仙感遇传》名下。  相似文献   
According to Yue Fei’s biography, when the legendary general was slandered and interrogated for treason, he tore the shirt off his body, exposing four characters tattooed on his back: “Exhaust one’s loyalty in service of the state.” This study looks at two components of the Yue Fei story—patriotic tattoos, and tattooed generals—and examines their meaning in the broader stretch of Song dynasty history. Yue Fei was not the Song dynasty’s only tattooed general who came to a tragic end. The Northern Song’s Di Qing was a tattooed soldier whose military merit allowed him to rise to the highest levels of power in the empire. Di Qing’s story makes it clear that tattooed generals were objects of suspicion and ridicule at court due to their military tattoos, a trait that linked them to the criminals and lower class men that manned the Song armies. Though military tattoos sometimes had a loyalist ring to them, they were carried out on a mass scale, and were a characteristic of coercion rather than fervent loyalism. This study shows that underneath the nationalist historical narrative of the Song dynasty, of which Yue Fei is a famous example, there lies a different story of social conflict within the Song state. Rather than a story of Chinese fighting non-Chinese and of traitorous and cowardly officials struggling with loyal patriots, this study offers a narrative of a social conflict between high-born clear-skinned officials and low-born tattooed military men.  相似文献   
对《列女仁智图》的新认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2001年在大英博物馆举办的《女史箴图》国际学术讨论会上,我曾从山水画的发展脉络并辅以服饰、器具等图像资料,论证了《女史箴图》非顾恺之作,而应是一幅北魏孝文帝当政时期的宫廷绘画作品。在认识传世早期绘画作品的过程中,当文献严重失载的情况下,借助考古发掘图像资料是解决一些问题的惟一办法。从这一方法入手,我认为传为顾恺之的《列女仁智图》虽然被公认为宋人摹本,但是它的原本要早于《女史箴图》,这不但有司马金龙墓出土的漆屏风画《列女古贤图》为证,而且从衣冠服饰及其它器具的图像也可证明,它的原本可以早到东汉时代。从反复传模中能保存这样久远的图像并且能真实地反映当时的生活,这件摹本的价值就非同寻常了,至于是否顾恺之作,就不甚重要了。  相似文献   
胡安国是两宋之际名的经学家、理学家,其政治思想和学术思想相互影响、相辅相成。他一生不畏权贵.个性鲜明。其政治思想多秉承春秋大义,主张尊王攘夷、尊君抑臣;反对对金和议,关心国家命运;反对朋党,主张树立正常的用人风气;与秦桧一度关系密切,但贤奸迥异,本质不同。  相似文献   
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