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韦正 《东南文化》2016,(4):6-10
政治史取向和类型学方法在保证汉唐考古取得很大成绩的同时,也制约了汉唐考古的研究范围、理论建设,并影响到汉唐考古研究者的知识结构和思维方式。新出土资料的减少迫使汉唐考古改变"能源型"发展模式,其他人文学科的发展则为汉唐考古向"技术型"转变带来机遇。汉唐考古研究者的主要工作从归纳总结考古资料,转变为以历史文献为基础,借鉴其他人文学科的方法论,对汉唐考古材料的内涵和意义进行解释,是汉唐考古研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   
陈畅 《华夏考古》2006,(1):88-101
类型学作为认识工具,只涉及科学发现与检验的原理和逻辑,并不涉及具体事实。考古类型学由分型和分式两部分构成,分型即分类,分式即排序。本文借《元君庙仰韶文化墓地》和《试论殷墟文化分期》两篇论著,以集合论的原理和知识说明分类的逻辑,得出穷尽性、排他性、同一性三条原则;以函数的思想说明排序的逻辑,得到同一性原则。  相似文献   
The community energy sector is widely understood to be a pluralistic sector, encompassing a broad range of aims, motivations, and practices. This heterogeneity is, however, still not very well understood. Dominant analytical frameworks in the study of energy geographies offer little in the way of exploring the diversity of motivations, visions, and social relations that are present within the community energy sector, nor their causes or consequences. Drawing on the notion of ‘critical pluralism’, this paper aims to highlight the diverse range of sociotechnical configurations that make up this sector in Scotland, and begins to discuss some potential causes and consequences. To do so, it presents a novel community energy typology, based on an analysis of technical and social dimensions of 367 projects in Scotland. This shows that whilst the Scottish community energy sector contains a broad range of motivations, technologies, and social practices, the sector has become dominated by groups for whom energy generation is a means to achieve local socio-economic development. The paper discusses the community-level and policy drivers that may have contributed to this. It also discusses how we can begin to understand a diverse sector’s ability to affect the wider structures in which it operates.  相似文献   
Is the clustering of audio-visual companies in London’s Soho really the same as the clustering of Berlin’s new media industry? The media cluster approach has gained a lot of attention not only in academia, but also in political discourse. But, as appealing as the media cluster concept is, one of the most fundamental issues is the comparability of the phenomenon. This article tackles this issue and an analysis of 43 case studies has been conducted. The case studies have been grouped to find a new typology for media clusters. The research revealed six different types: The Creative Region, the Giant Anchor, the Specialized Area, the Attracting Enabler, the Real Estate and the Pooling Initiative. The typologies showed that they distinguish especially in their geographical scale and specialization in media activities, while at the same time cluster types can be found in the same area. They are driven by four rationales: agglomeration, urbanization, localization economies and artificial formation.  相似文献   

Radiographic imaging is used to determine the techniques used to form vessels from two contemporaneous Late Archaic shell rings in coastal Georgia. These data, in concert with decorative and technofunctional data, suggest that different potting communities occupied each ring. The presence of different communities at each ring corresponds with larger regional patterns in which localized socio-political bodies developed during the Late Archaic. The findings offered in this paper suggest that localized groups did not exist in isolation but rather lived near one another for centuries.  相似文献   
云冈石窟主要雕凿于北魏中后期,分为三期。第一期及第二期造像为太和改制以前流行的佛衣,多沿袭印度传统,其中勾联纹覆肩袒右佛衣可能是在云冈形成的样式。第二期太和改制以后及第三期盛行的佛衣,偏重汉地传统,大概多与南朝的影响有关。甘肃天水麦积山石窟与敦煌莫高窟早期洞窟中流行勾联纹覆肩袒右佛衣,推测两地早期洞窟中佛像始凿的时间不早于云冈第一期。北魏迁都洛阳后,云冈的佛衣在龙门石窟继续发展。  相似文献   
The domes studied, widespread in a large area of the Mediterranean, constitute an architectural heritage of great value to the history of architecture and construction. They were all built using brick masonry and ceramic tile roofs. Restoration work has made it possible to define their geometry, including the construction layouts of the buildings. In addition, on inspection it can be seen that common construction problems tend to be located at specific critical points. The restoration process of different cases sharing the same methodology, construction criteria, and solutions is accurately described. Following international charters, there is minimal intervention and maximum respect for the original solutions, but also a carefully considered incorporation of new materials and technologies to improve the critical points.  相似文献   
莫慧旋 《华夏考古》2004,(3):102-108
从上个世纪30年代起,欧美不断有考古学家著文对长期停留于文化史研究的考古学及其类型方法提出强烈的批评,塔尔格伦教授的<史前考古学方法>就是其中较具代表性的一篇.我国的考古类型学也经历了类似的发展历程.虽然已有不少学者对类型方法进行过探讨,但其中仍存在一些不足之处分型分式的标准不严、实践滞后于理论和研究方法过于单一等.我们应该建立一个客观的研究方法和理论体系以促进中国考古学的进一步发展.  相似文献   
秦汉时期的马车分单辕马车和双辕马车两种,单辕车为主,双辕车次之。本文依据车舆以及马车结构上的变化进行类型学上的分类,以期获得马车在该时间段内演进的大概脉络,同时也能提供考古发掘中所发现的类似马车时代的判定标准。  相似文献   
The lithic assemblage from the Middle Palaeolithic site of Payre (Rhone Valley, France) contains a large number of convergent tools and pointed tools of various shapes, sizes and retouch types. These were excavated from several archaeological units, dating from marine isotopic stages 8–5, which also yielded human skeletal remains. Consideration of this large tool kit has led to an improved analysis of Middle Palaeolithic tools with two retouched convergent edges. The 350 tools were not described within the classical typological framework, but, rather, from a lithic technological perspective in relation to a discoid debitage. In addition, an initial macroscopic use-wear analysis aided in establishing whether they were used according to their technical and/or morphological features. The Middle Palaeolithic convergent tools from Payre are shown to be quite diversified, and the question of the significance of the retouch and the definition of the various types is addressed. Initial functional results indicate that a clear relationship between shape and function cannot be easily established, and that these tools were used as hand tools. This study contributes to the debate on the use of stone tip spears in the Early European Middle Palaeolithic.  相似文献   
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