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韦亚  张虹 《人文地理》2022,37(4):166-174
选取风险源、风险受体状态、风险响应三个方面16个指标,以外部自然、人文因素、传统村落内部景观和建筑结构等为切入点,构建山地传统村落空间系统风险评价体系,分析重庆市110个传统村落空间系统风险,并针对性地提出保护建议。研究表明:(1)构建的风险评价体系能够综合反映山地传统村落空间系统外部压力和内部脆弱性,体现其空间差异。(2)重庆市传统村落空间系统风险属较高及以上等级的有42个,占村落总数的1/3以上,主要分布于渝东南武陵山中山地区,如酉阳、秀山等地。(3)风险等级较高及以上的传统村落,应提升主体风险防范能力,合理规划村落发展,避免城镇边界扩张挤压传统村落空间,导致其非自然性衰落。山地传统村落空间系统风险研究从宏观揭示风险驱动因子,识别风险胁迫大小,对传统村落精准保护具有重要意义。  相似文献   
重庆合川市南屏东汉墓葬群发掘简报   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
合川市位于重庆以北长江水系的嘉陵江、渠江、涪江汇合处。南屏汉墓分布在涪江南岸南津街南屏乡的南屏、中南、牌坊村一带,与合川城隔岸相望。80年代末考古调查发现该地区分布着二十几处高出地面2米.3米左右的大小土丘,并且有为数不少...  相似文献   
张瑾 《史学月刊》2000,12(3):110-115
民国重庆城市现代化起步于刘湘“军人干政”时期。而川江航运的繁荣,城市精英的觉醒以及刘湘政权的若干举措,为“上海模式”输入重庆提供了重要条件。作为后发外生型条约体系城市,重庆的现代化不仅依靠西方现代性要素的刺激,而且更直接地受到“上海模式”的辐射和拉动。“军人干政”的负面效应致使以“上海模式”为蓝本的重庆城市现代化呈现畸变态势。在“上海模式”的冲击下,在本社会还缺少现代性因素积累的情况下,重庆城市现代化于20年代末期启动。  相似文献   
In 2008 a new notebook manufacturing cluster was established in Chongqing in western China. By 2013 it accounted for some 25% of world output by volume. Chongqing’s ability to attract this manufacturing supply chain was driven by several factors that permitted strategic coupling: the existence of complex networks of cooperation and economies external to the firm but internal to contemporary global production networks; changed conditions in southeast and east China; and the creation by Chongqing Municipal People’s Government with central state support of hard and soft infrastructures and externalities that drove down logistic and production costs and permitted constant product innovation.  相似文献   
清宣统二年庚戌,乐嘉藻北游京城,又南下津沪,日记中留下了交游和对所经之地社会风貌的记录。  相似文献   
清宣统二年庚戌,乐嘉藻北游京城,又南下津沪,日记中留下了交游和对所经之地社会风貌的记录.  相似文献   
In Quebec, 75% of the province's elected municipal officials hold office in municipalities with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants. While we know that the demographic size of a municipality is likely to influence the career path and profile of elected officials and, more generally, the professional nature of elective office, to the best of our knowledge, little has been written about this relationship in Quebec municipalities with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants. This is surprising given the institutional, political, and financial context can vary greatly depending on the size of the municipality and is thus likely to influence the nature of the day-to-day elective office. Using a methodology based on semi-structured interviews with roughly 30 elected officials, our study highlights two specific characteristics. Some believe the nature of their elective office to be the same as that held by their counterparts in large municipalities, so they feel that they are not equipped with the same tools to meet the needs of their office. Some perceive the conditions under which they exercise their office are different, so they note the scope of their task is heavy, impacting their daily lives. These findings point to the need for further studies on the management of these smaller municipalities.  相似文献   
2003年2~4月,河南省文物考古研究所受重庆市文化局委托,对万州铺垭遗址进行钻探、发掘.该遗址始于东周,历东汉、唐宋,一直延续到明清,其主要文化遗存为东周文化,发现有房址、陶器等.东汉和唐代的遗存次之,发现有灰坑、墓葬,以及陶、瓷器.  相似文献   
重庆市云阳乔家院子遗址是三峡库区需要抢救发掘的重要遗址之一。本着重报道了该遗址第四次发掘的唐宋时期遗存,其中以唐代瓷器和建筑材料为主。特别是瓷器,其形制与釉色兼具当地和北方地区特色,既反映了当时该地区的制瓷水平,也反映出大一统化面貌下的地区化交流。大量的唐代遗存证明,乔家院子遗址在这个时期是一个较大村落,对于当时的村镇聚落考古研究有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   
2000年9月,山东省博物馆考古队为配合三峡库区建设,对重庆万州区上沱口墓群进行了抢救性发掘。清理 了3座南朝墓,墓葬形制呈刀形,墓室、券顶均遭破坏,但随葬品保存较好,出土陶器、瓷器、铁器、钱币及装饰品46件。 上沱口南朝墓出土的较丰富的青瓷器,为重庆市南朝墓的研究提供了新资料。  相似文献   
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