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Charles Morgan (1795 to 1882) was one of the most important figures in the development of steam packet service in the United States. Morgan's career spanned over a half century, during which he controlled some 117 steamships. Of the three known wrecks of Morgan Line steamers, two, the New York (1837–1845) and the Josephine (1867–1881), have been documented by the Minerals Management Service, a Federal agency responsible for overseeing the extraction of mineral resources on the Outer Continental Shelf. The two vessels document the changing technology of steam navigation through the middle part of the 19th century.  相似文献   
Canada’s Buxton Settlement National Historic Site is a striking illustration of the multi‐faceted conservation of a cultural landscape, from federal designation through to local action. Buxton is designated as a ‘continuing landscape’ distinguished by its establishment in 1849 as a 9,000 acre (3,600 ha) 1 [1] Imperial measures are given first in reference to the historic resource because the measurements are historically significant. terminus for black fugitives travelling north along the so‐called Underground Railroad, escaping the tyranny of slavery in the USA. A social experiment, in the form of a block farming settlement, waited for them at the end of their journeys. Over the intervening years inevitable shifts in agricultural practice and property ownership have transformed this rather ordinary but strongly evocative heritage resource. This is a case common to many other significant cultural landscapes—the management of the inevitable evolution that comes with a landscape that continues. This agricultural landscape confronts many of the challenges that are the focus of heritage studies today: how to give local people a voice while coordinating conservation across multiple scales of government policy.  相似文献   
在中国近代的思想家中,梁启超较早地认识了开办铁路的重要性。戊戌变法失败后,梁启超流亡日本,此间他先后发表了很多直接论述中国铁路的章,而学术界对这一问题鲜有论及,本认为梁启超铁路利权思想的发展经历了三个阶段,其中不乏珍贵之处。  相似文献   
自粤汉路权从美国合兴公司赎回以后,粤汉铁路进入粤湘鄂三省分省合办阶段。鉴于广东绅商的集股办法存在弊端,张之洞一再强调和坚持官督商办体制,岑春煊提出广东官商"合力筹款"的思路,由官向商征收台炮捐、船捐、酒捐、盐捐等,由官收存,作为官款、公款,发给商铁路股票。这个思路和做法遭到绅商的反对,由此而出现官绅分歧,1906年(丙午)年初引发官绅冲突,是为丙午广东粤汉铁路风潮。岑春煊指责绅商阻挠路政,申述征收捐费属于"就地收捐",争辩本省人集款建本省路的合理性。绅商则指责岑春煊苛捐虐民,扰乱路政。风潮发生后,岑春煊和绅商分别采取相应的措施,绅商逐渐加紧了招股、收股的行动,并有初步成效。一直注重商权的岑春煊在张之洞和广东同僚的调停下表达了"但愿路事有成"的愿望,释放了被捕的黎国廉,颁布了同意商办的告示,铁路风潮得以消解,广东粤汉铁路的自办实现了由官督商办到商办的体制转型。风潮的发生和体制的转型是粤汉铁路自办进程中必然发生的现象,也是粤汉铁路筹建进展的结果和表现。在这个过程中,岑春煊和绅商都在探索筹款办法和体制问题,他们都不是阻挠路政或扰乱路政者,而是粤汉路政的推进者。  相似文献   
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