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Burnt daga structures in Iron Age villages serve as proxies for severe drought on the plateau of southern Africa. The distribution of burnt daga remains in two other rainfall areas, KwaZulu-Natal and the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone over Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi, establishes a sequence of simultaneous burnings that parallels the severe droughts recorded for the interior plateau. These widespread correspondences suggest a common cause. Another correspondence with natural proxy data from South America indicates that intensive El Niño events most likely caused the droughts.  相似文献   
In the cover sand area of the NW European plain very little is known about fireplaces within Mesolithic settlement areas. Yet the frequent occurrence of burnt ecofacts (hazelnut shells and bone) and artefacts (flint and quartzite) clearly indicates the presence of (surface) hearths on nearly every campsite. Most of these hearths are non-structured and are thus barely visible in the soil. Furthermore in most spatial studies minimal effort has been made to locate these ‘invisible’ hearths as accurately as possible. This paper discusses the potential and modalities of detailed spatial analysis of burnt artefacts and ecofacts, using recently obtained archaeological and experimental evidences. It is concluded that such an analysis can offer interesting insights into the dynamics of Mesolithic hearths.  相似文献   
Many of the sediments analysed from Tel Dor (Israel) show structural alterations indicating that they were exposed to high temperatures. This observation is consistent with the abundant evidence for use of pyrotechnology from the earliest exposed Middle Bronze Age strata through the Roman period. Such structurally altered sediments may well represent one of the more widespread and durable records of pyrotechnology, and as such could be invaluable for reconstructing past human activities. The specific aims of this research are therefore to develop the means for identifying local sediments that were altered by different pyrotechnological activities and to elucidate the varying circumstances whereby sediments were exposed to high temperatures in a Late Bronze and Iron Age 1 section.  相似文献   
中国古代失蜡铸造起源问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
迄今为止,中国发现的最早期失蜡铸件,属春秋晚期器,技术已相当复杂。早期的、技术较原始的失蜡铸件并未发现。中国失蜡法的起始年代和原始技术仍是一个学术悬案。近年来发现了一批早至商晚期的中原和长江中下游青铜器,其纹饰或附件的成形无法按陶范法解释。按技术特征分类,计有通体为难于脱范的模纹;模纹内宽外窄;模纹边缘上翘和绳索状附件缺少范线等4种。对4种现象进行了讨论,并作了部份模拟试验,据此提出:中国失蜡法起源于“焚失法”;焚失法最早见于商晚期;这种技术在无范线失蜡法出现之后逐渐消亡;至春秋中晚期,无范线失蜡法已相当成熟。  相似文献   
The present paper is a review of the functional analysis of prehistoric flint tool edges by means of high-power microscopy. The article, which focuses exclusively on West European research, discusses a series of methodological issues and problems related to the development and distinctiveness of the so-called wear polishes, produced by the various materials with which prehistoric stone tools came in contact. A selection of functional observations on tool use from the Upper Paleolithic, the Mesolithic, and the Neolithic periods is presented. The archaeological part of the review is concerned with two trends in functional analysis, namely, (1) controlled site-specific studies with different levels of foci and (2) thematic studies of particular tool types, e.g., endscrapers, burins, and unmodified débitage. Finally, problems concerning the interpretation of hafting and of multiple tool use are discussed.  相似文献   
The fuel used in hearths in the Upper Palaeolithic period and the management of this fuel have long given rise to questions on intentional or opportunistic human comportment. To understand how fuel was managed during the Aurignacian and Gravettian cultures, hearth samples from the French site of Abri Pataud (ca. 34–20 kyr BP) were collected. An image analysis method for the automated quantification of burnt particles from macroscopic-to-microscopic sediment fractions was developed, and the results obtained using this method were compared with the palaeoenvironmental data available close to the site. At Abri Pataud, the use of bones was dominant during the Pleniglacial, suggesting an intentional practice. However, environmental pressures could have influenced the fuel management practices of the hunter-gatherers, even if the dualistic relationship between the availability of firewood and the use of bone in hearths must be considered. Thus, burnt particle quantification provides more than just an observation of burnt macroremains in hearths: it relates to fundamental information on human behavior.  相似文献   
A combination of reconstruction of the former coastline and field survey of previously unrecorded sites provides the basis for the study of the maritime landscape and maritime activities around Portrush on the north coast of Ireland during the Mesolithic period. Movements in relative sea‐level and geological events indicate significant change in environment and availability of resources, particularly flint, for the coastal community. Evidence suggests that most Early Mesolithic material, deposited close to the then shoreline, is presently under water. Remnants of the Late Mesolithic are fast disappearing as coastal erosion continues. © 2010 The Author  相似文献   
The focus of this article is on exploring craft expertise and its potential as a factor in aggrandizer strategies. It is argued that there are elements of natural aptitude which enabled certain individuals to excel at flintknapping, allowing them to create objects of exceptional size and beauty in acts of elaborate knapping. Practice alone will enable an individual to reach a certain level of proficiency, but only practice in combination with ability can result in world-class performance. If, as is argued, native ability in some domain is a rare commodity, then harnessing it and developing it through practice would provide an opportunity for a potential aggrandizer to control prestige goods and accrue social capital. In situations where raw material, knowledge, and know-how are ubiquitous, as may have been true for flint technology in southern Scandinavia during the Late Neolithic, this might be one of few means available for a would-be aggrandizer to control prestigious goods.  相似文献   
中国早期失蜡铸造问题的考察与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
就先秦时期青铜器中四类无法按分块陶范铸造工艺解释的纹饰或附件——器物通体饰难于整体脱范的纹饰,纹饰凹槽内宽外窄,形成倒勾纹饰,纹饰边缘上翘,形成翻边的纹饰以及无范线绞股绳索状附件进行了技术分析或模拟试验,认为中国失蜡铸造技术起源于焚失法;焚失法最早见于商代中晚期:焚失法铸造技术在无范线失蜡法技术出现之后逐渐消亡;至春秋中晚期,无范线失蜡铸造技术已相当成熟。所谓中国青铜时代“没有失蜡法铸造器例”之说实属无稽之谈。  相似文献   
烧土制品作为最早的人工建筑材料,使人类的居住环境得到了根本性的改善。然而,学界关于烧土建筑的成因存在人为烘烤处理、缘自火焚、废弃习俗等多种观点。通过科技手段研究烧土制品的过火温度,有助于科学分析烧土建筑的成因,探讨与之相关的建筑工艺,丰富史前建筑史研究。磁学研究表明,考古遗址中的土壤及其他沉积物在受热后新生成了磁铁矿、磁赤铁矿等强磁性矿物导致磁性显著增强,且矿物成分和磁性几乎不会再发生变化;但当重烧的温度接近或大于原始烧成温度时,样品中原始矿物的破坏或新矿物的生成,会引起矿物磁性的改变。基于这一原理,实验室内分析受热黏土的磁化率随再加热温度的变化特征,可反映烧土制品的过火温度。苏家村遗址是大汶口文化晚期至龙山文化中期早段一处重要的聚落遗址,遗址中第5层为厚约20~40 cm的红烧土层且覆盖整个遗址,推测为房屋倒塌造成的建筑垃圾堆积层或人为堆积层,出土大量烧土块。本研究利用X射线衍射分析法、X射线荧光光谱分析法和磁化率法等对苏家村遗址出土的烧土样品开展了组成及构造特征和样品的过火温度的综合分析。结果表明,苏家村遗址烧土样品中的白灰层中人为地添加了白色陶土原料,土层中有意地添加了植物残骸作...  相似文献   
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