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锶同位素分析技术在考古学中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在考古化学这个新领域内,考古学家们经过努力,成功地将锶同位素分析技术运用于考古学领域,通过对遗址中人类骨骼的锶同位素分析来对古代人类的迁移情况进行研究。由于考古材料间存在着差别,各个实验室所采用的方法和实验步骤间也存在一些差异,因此还没有统一的分析方法和步骤,至今仍处于进一步的探索之中。在我国的考古学研究中,这项技术还处于起步阶段,迄今为止还未见到相关的研究成果。本文主要对这项技术在考古学上应用的原理及研究中注意事项进行了较为详细的论述,并且计划今后进行这方面的实验研究,希望能为国内同仁进行这方面的研究时提供些许借鉴。  相似文献   
Attempts were made to detect ancient DNA (aDNA) in samples of 88 human skeletons from eight Neolithic and Bronze Age sites in Greece and Crete. Ancient DNA was absent in specimens from Nea Nikomedia, Lerna, Karaviádena (Zakro), Antron Grave Circle A and Mycenae Grave Circle A. For each of three skeletons from Antron Grave Circle B that were sampled, polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) gave products for nuclear but not mitochondrial DNA, but amplicon yield was low and inconsistent with replicate PCRs failing to give reproducible results. With specimens from Mycenae Grave Circle B, evidence for mitochondrial aDNA was obtained for four of the 22 skeletons that were studied, and at Kouphovouno evidence for mitochondrial and/or nuclear aDNA was obtained with eight of the 20 skeletons that were examined. We conclude that, although aDNA might be present in some Eastern Mediterranean skeletons from later centuries of the Bronze Age, it is not commonly found in material from this period and is likely to be absent from older material.  相似文献   
商代甲骨文、金文中“车”字的几种字形及有关的记载,对我们发掘、研究殷墟出土的车子遗迹很有帮助,如曲衡马车的发现、车试及不同形式车厢的清理、车辙的研究等,都是受到甲骨文、金文中“车”字资料的启发,而使发掘与研究工作取得了更好的效果。  相似文献   
甲骨卜辞中宗工两见:1.…戌卜,[贞],众宗工(图一)。2.庚…[卜],贞,[众]宗工(图二)。宗工在《尚书》中也是两见,均出现在《酒诰》:3.越在外服,侯、甸、男、卫、邦、伯;越在内服,百僚庶尹,惟亚惟服宗工,越百姓里居,罔敢湎于酒。4.汝劼毖殷献臣、侯、甸、男、卫虼笫  相似文献   
殷墟花东H3卜辞中"迟弓、恒弓、疾弓"考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<花东>37版有"迟彝弓、恒弓、疾弓"三种不同的弓,它们分别相当于文献中的王、弧、唐、大、夹、庾之弓.它们使用于H3卜辞主人"子"在学射礼即将结束时.本文对"迟彝弓、恒弓、疾弓"三种不同弓的考证,不仅有助于深化H3卜辞研究,而且对商代、西周、春秋时期的射箭工具的继承和发展也有一定的认识.  相似文献   
通过对四川大邑县高山古城遗址2015、2016年出土动物骨骼遗存做了比较详细的鉴定、测量、统计和分析,可以肯定为家畜的仅有猪和狗。从出土动物骨骼的NISP、MNI统计来看,家猪的比重均占绝对优势,NISP占比达93.78%,MNI占比为86.49%;家猪上、下第三臼齿的长度、宽度较小,均处于家猪第三臼齿的长、宽参数范围内;从猪的年龄结构来看,以月龄10~20个月为主,也与一般农耕聚落家猪的宰杀年龄结构相符。鉴于以上三个方面的观察,可以推断高山古城先民饲养家猪的技术比较成熟且稳定,饲养家猪也是先民肉食资源最主要的获取途径。而狗所占的比重不高,占NISP、MNI的比重分别为3.76%和5.41%,可能多用做狩猎伴侣或其他。结果表明宝墩文化时期的高山古城先民以饲养家猪作为获取肉食资源的主要途径,当时的家畜饲养技术比较成熟稳定,而稻-粟混作的农业体系无疑为家畜的饲养奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   
Prey remains recovered from puma (Puma concolor) scat were analyzed in order to identify taphonomic features produced on them by this predator. Mammal remains are abundant in puma scat, but recognition of bone remains decreases as prey size increases. Modifications produced by digestion are strong. However, micromammal bones show a gradation in preservation that includes well preserved specimens. Data presented here and their interpretation may possibly be extrapolated to zooarchaeological or paleontological assemblage.  相似文献   
Rodent prey remains recovered from Geoffroy's cat (Leopardus geoffroyi) scats were analyzed in order to identify taphonomic features produced by this predator. The analysis includes a year-long sampling discriminated by the seasons. Modifications produced by digestion are heavy. Taphonomic variables in samples discriminated by the seasons did not show major differences with respect to the total sample; thus, scats collected in any season clearly show the modifications on the bones of prey rodents made by Geoffroy's cats. The results presented here and its interpretation could be extrapolated to an analysis of zooarchaeological or paleontological assemblages.  相似文献   
An investigation was made of the fracture risk to buried ceramic pots and bones from the subsurface pressures generated by agricultural operations. A method for generating subsurface pressures at 0.25 m depth in a soil bin was developed and used to explore fracture failure of modern replicates of ceramic pots corresponding to different archaeological periods and aged medieval human bone. Application of conductive traces to the objects’ surfaces allowed detection of fracturing in real‐time without excavation. Predictive models relating fracture of objects to subsurface pressure application were developed by relating the probability of fracture to observed survival statistics at increasing subsurface pressures. Subsurface pressures of above 100 kPa were sufficient to fracture the more fragile pots at a probability level of 90%. The lowest subsurface pressure causing bone fracture was 280 kPa; however, no relationship was observed between subsurface pressure and bone fracture, probably due to variation in bone material. The subsurface pressures generated and applied are within the range reported from field measurements during typical agricultural operations. They indicate that measures to control the generation of subsurface pressures would be necessary to mitigate risk of harm from agriculture to buried archaeology; for example, via low‐pressure tyres, tracks and appropriate tillage.  相似文献   
Radiocarbon and U-series methods (230Th/U and 231Pa/235U) for absolute age determination have been applied to some fossil samples from Grotta Juntu, in North Eastern Sardinia (Italy). The remains belong to the endemic deer species Praemegaceros cazioti, which is here represented by an almost complete skeleton. The three dating methods lead to concordant ages of about 7500 years BP, indicating that the skeleton was maintained as closed system after burial. Taking into consideration these results, Praemegaceros cazioti from Grotta Juntu is now the youngest representative of this species in Sardinia.  相似文献   
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