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水资源短缺一直制约着京津唐地区经济和社会的发展。20世纪70年代,因缺水引发的经济、社会问题逐渐凸显,促使中央和地方政府开始考虑实施跨流域调水工程。引滦工程作为北方最大的跨流域调水工程,其决策经历了曲折的过程。1958年,北京和唐山曾分别提出引滦河水的设想,唐山还实施了引滦入还和引还入陡工程。1972年,海河流域大旱促使中央做出加快实施引滦工程的决定,但由于地质情况复杂等原因,引滦工程设计方案被反复修改。1981年,天津提出了单独引滦济津路线并得到了中央的支持。引滦工程对缓解京津唐用水紧张发挥了重要作用,天津是引滦工程受益最大的地区。  相似文献   
疏解非首都功能背景下,北京市的城乡结合部面临调整经济结构与改善人居环境的机遇和挑战。本文以朝阳区为例,结合定量分析与定性讨论,聚焦人居环境与经济系统的协调性问题,剖析协调水平变化的时空间特征及原因。研究发现:2010—2019年期间,朝阳区城乡结合部人居环境与经济系统的协调水平上升明显,空间均衡性有所提升,协调状态呈现出从人居环境滞后过渡到经济系统滞后的演变过程。疏解非首都功能及相关政策是影响协调状态演变的重要因素,它提高了人居环境质量,引发了经济系统的动态调整,短期内使协调水平发生了较大波动,随着人居环境改善幅度逐渐超过经济系统,协调水平出现了下降趋势。提高城乡结合部的可持续发展能力,应重点关注人居环境与经济系统的协调性问题,兼顾地区人居环境改善与经济发展的需求。  相似文献   
南宁市房地产业经历了由沉寂、复苏、火爆到稳步发展的过程.各公司开发的房屋类型相近,但价格差异却很大,价格分布呈现明显的规律性:一是城市中心价格高,边缘与郊区价格低;二是东部城区价格高,西部城区价格低.主导价格分布规律的三大影响因子是地理位置、交通便捷程度和生态环境质量.南宁今后的房地产开发和城市规划建设一要顺应价格分布规律,优地优用、保障房地产开发的高效益;二要加强交通设施建设和环境保护.促进全市房地产的升值;三要因势利导,发展城市副中心,逐步形成多中心的城市建设格局。  相似文献   
城市空间快速扩张及郊区中心的崛起,带来多中心城市结构的演变及一系列城市问题。已有研究较少针对对郊区就业者的工作与通勤行为,未能全面地反映新职住“空间错位”。本文基于2012年对北京上地就业者的日常活动与出行调查数据得出以下结论:①主动郊区化的侧面通勤者体现出典型的郊区生活方式: “朝九晚六”、加班明显,生活活动空间更加广域化。②在郊区化过程中被动调整的逆通勤者职住距离最长、依赖公共交通通勤、“早出晚归”、错峰出行、生活活动空间呈现以家和工作地为主的“两极化”特征。③郊区中心内部相对职住接近的就地通勤者,在享受工作与通勤便利性(如职住接近、“晚出早归”)的同时活动空间高度隔离集中在郊区中心。  相似文献   
In the contemporary so-called ‘competition state era’, many rural and peripheral regions are in decline. Tourism is increasingly viewed as being able to alleviate and rejuvenate regions that are facing economic difficulties. The European Union has launched several programmes with the goal of stimulating growth and employment in peripheral areas. These programmes are often used to support tourism development projects. In this paper, a longitudinal analysis of spatial changes in Swedish tourism is conducted. The analysis is based on statistics regarding overnight stays in Swedish commercial accommodation facilities. The aim is to investigate if tourism and tourism policy contribute to the reduction in disparities between regions. Although there are exceptions, the main findings indicate that the potential for creating sustainable rural tourism growth through tourism policy seems to be much less than the popular discourse suggests.  相似文献   
《增校清朝进士题名碑录·附引得》进士籍贯刊误述论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章以列表的方式,论述了《增校清朝进士题名碑录.附引得》中存在的6种进士籍贯刊误现象,即:省际进士籍贯刊载互误、省内进士县际籍贯互误、进士籍贯标注字误、以俗名标注进士籍贯、以府名标注进士籍贯及以府、县二级标注进士籍贯。文章并较细致地探讨了该书出现这些刊误的原因。  相似文献   
The judicial system in Qing Beijing integrated both Ming and Manchu institutions. In the Ming judicial system, the first level of courts in Beijing included the Ministry of Justice and the Censorate, and on the second level was the Court of Judicial Review. During the Ming, however, this system became heavily disrupted by the intelligence security apparatuses, like the Eastern Depot. In the Manchu system, on the first level of courts was the banner company captains and on the second level was the Ministry of Justice. After 1644, the Ming’s institutional legacies and lessons remained so important to Manchu rulers that they eventually created an integrated legal system that primarily drew from the Ming system. This integration reflected the Qing dynasty’s endeavor to adopt Ming institutions. Prince Regent Dorgon insisted upon judicial separation on the first level of the courts—Censors of the Five Wards could not settle cases involving banner people, nor could the banner system handle cases involving civilians—while the Shunzhi emperor and his successors wanted judicial unity in Beijing and ordinary banner people and civilians to be adjudicated by the same courts.  相似文献   
清宣统二年庚戌,乐嘉藻北游京城,又南下津沪,日记中留下了交游和对所经之地社会风貌的记录。  相似文献   
清宣统二年庚戌,乐嘉藻北游京城,又南下津沪,日记中留下了交游和对所经之地社会风貌的记录.  相似文献   
1978年9月,谷牧副总理考察了驻避暑山庄单位搬迁和山庄、外八庙整修工程进展情况,在参观考察中和听取承德地市负责人汇报时,作了重要谈话,涉及避暑山庄和外八庙保护、整修、利用、开放、旅游、城市建设等方面,内容十分丰富,含意深刻,至今对文物保护仍有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
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